Storing time-temperature data in DB - sql

I'm storing time-temperature data in a database, which is really just CSV data. The first column is time in seconds, starting at zero, with the following (one or more) column(s) being temperature:
3,192.0,208.1 ....etc
Each plot represents about 2000 seconds. Currently I'm compressing the data before storing it in a output_profile longtext field.
CREATE TABLE `outputprofiles` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`output_profile` longtext NOT NULL,
This helps quite a bit...I can compress a plot which is 10K of plain text down to about 2.5K. There is no searching or indexing needed on this data since it's just referenced in another table.
My question: Is there any other way to store this data I'm not thinking about which is more efficient in terms of storage space?

Is there any reason to think that storage space will be a limiting constraint on your application? I'd try to be pretty sure that's the case before putting a higher priority on that, compared to ease of access and usage; for which purpose it sounds like what you have is satisfactory.

I actually do not understand quite well what you mean with "compressing the plot". Means that, that you are compressing 2000 measurements or you are compressing each line?
Anyway, space is cheap. I would make it in the traditional way, i.e. two columns, one entry for each measurements.
If for some reason this doesn't work and if you want to save 2000 measurements as one record then you can do it pretty much better.
. Create a csv file with your measurements.
. zip it (gzip -9 gives you the maximal compression)
. save it as a blob (or longblob depending the DB you are using) NOT as a longtext
Then just save it at the DB.
This will give you maximal compression.

PostgreSQL has a big storage space overhead since every tuple (a prepresentation of a row in a table) is 28 byte excluding the data (PostgreSQL 8.3). There are 2, 4 and 8 bytes integers and a timestamp is 8 byte. Floats are 8 bytes I think. So, storing 1,000,000,000 rows in PostgreSQL will require several GiB more storage than MySQL (depending on which storage enginge you use in MySQL). But PostgreSQL is also great at handling huge data compared to MySQL. Try do run some DDL queries to a huge MySQL table and you'll see what I mean. But this simple data you are storing should probably be easy to partition heavily, so maby a simple MySQL can handle the job nicely. But, as I always says, if you're not really really sure you need a specific MySQL feature you should go for PostgreSQL.
I'm limiting this post to only MySQL and PostgreSQL since this question is tagged with only those two databases.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't see that you actually stores the CSV in the DB.


Oracle SQL database In-Memory - compare compressions sizes

I'm playing with in-memory storage in oracle sql. I would like to compare the results of compression, I meant the amount of used space. For example, I'm running these queries:
Is there any easy way to check the size used by these compressions in SQL developer?
I found this article, there is a table containing 'space used' for each type of compression. This exactly what I am trying to do on my own. Thanks for any advices.
Querying v$im_segments after population will show you how many bytes from the table were loaded and how much of the in-memory store was utilised.
Since the column space is part of the In-Memory Compression Units (IMCU), there is no way to see how much space is consumed by individual columns. It is possible to display the individual column level compression setting in the view v$im_column_level though. The closest you could come would be to compare the populated size between the two compression levels. As Connor said, you can do this with v$im_segments or you can display individual IMCU information for an object with the view v$im_header.

Is there any harm choosing a large value for varchar in MySQL?

I'm about to add a new column to my table with 500,000 existing rows. Is there any harm in choosing a large value for the varchar? How exactly are varchars allocated for existing rows? Does it take up a lot of disk space? How about memory effects during run time?
I'm looking for MySQL specific behavior details not general software design advises.
There's no harm in choosing a large value for a varchar field. Only the actual data will be stored, and MySQL doesn't allocate the full specified length for each record. It stores the actual length of the data along with the field, so it doesn't need to store any padding or allocate unused memory.
Depends on what you're doing. See the relevant documentation page for some of the details:
The penalty in disk space isn't really any different than what you have for e.g. TEXT types, and from a performance perspective it MAY actually be faster.
The primary problem is the maximum row size. Note that the exact implications of this differ between storage engines. Consult the MySQL docs for your storage engine of choice for maximum row size information.
I should also add that there can be performance benefits to minimizing row size, but it really depends on your workload, indexing, and just how big the rows are, whether or not it will be meaningful for you.
MySQL VARCHAR fields store the contents, plus 2 bytes for length. So empty VARCHAR fields will use up space to mark their lengths.
Also, if this is the only VARCHAR field in your table, and your storage engine is MyISAM, it would force dynamic row format which may yield a performance hit (testing will confirm).

Does varchar result in performance hit due to data fragmentation?

How are varchar columns handled internally by a database engine?
For a column defined as char(100), the DBMS allocates 100 contiguous bytes on the disk. However, for a column defined as varchar(100), that presumably isn't the case, since the whole point of varchar is to not allocate any more space than required to store the actual data value stored in the column. So, when a user updates a database row containing an empty varchar(100) column to a value consisting of 80 characters for instance, where does the space for that 80 characters get allocated from?
It seems that varchar columns must result in a fair amount of fragmentation of the actual database rows, at least in scenarios where column values are initially inserted as blank or NULL, and then updated later with actual values. Does this fragmentation result in degraded performance on database queries, as opposed to using char type values, where the space for the columns stored in the rows is allocated contiguously? Obviously using varchar results in less disk space than using char, but is there a performance hit when optimizing for query performance, especially for columns whose values are frequently updated after the initial insert?
You make a lot of assumptions in your question that aren't necessarily true.
The type of the a column in any DBMS tells you nothing at all about the nature of the storage of that data unless the documentation clearly tells you how the data is stored. IF that's not stated, you don't know how it is stored and the DBMS is free to change the storage mechanism from release to release.
In fact some databases store CHAR fields internally as VARCHAR, while others make a decision about how to the store the column based on the declared size of the column. Some database store VARCHAR with the other columns, some with BLOB data, and some implement other storage, Some databases always rewrite the entire row when a column is updated, others don't. Some pad VARCHARs to allow for limited future updating without relocating the storage.
The DBMS is responsible for figuring out how to store the data and return it to you in a speedy and consistent fashion. It always amazes me how many people to try out think the database, generally in advance of detecting any performance problem.
The data structures used inside a database engine is far more complex than you are giving it credit for! Yes, there are issues of fragmentation and issues where updating a varchar with a large value can cause a performance hit, however its difficult to explain /understand what the implications of those issues are without a fuller understanding of the datastructures involved.
For MS Sql server you might want to start with understanding pages - the fundamental unit of storage (see
In terms of the performance implications of fixes vs variable storage types on performance there are a number of points to consider:
Using variable length columns can improve performance as it allows more rows to fit on a single page, meaning fewer reads
Using variable length columns requires special offset values, and the maintenance of these values requires a slight overhead, however this extra overhead is generally neglible.
Another potential cost is the cost of increasing the size of a column when the page containing that row is nearly full
As you can see, the situation is rather complex - generally speaking however you can trust the database engine to be pretty good at dealing with variable data types and they should be the data type of choice when there may be a significant variance of the length of data held in a column.
At this point I'm also going to recommend the excellent book "Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Internals" for some more insight into how complex things like this really get!
The answer will depend on the specific DBMS. For Oracle, it is certainly possible to end up with fragmentation in the form of "chained rows", and that incurs a performance penalty. However, you can mitigate against that by pre-allocating some empty space in the table blocks to allow for some expansion due to updates. However, CHAR columns will typically make the table much bigger, which has its own impact on performance. CHAR also has other issues such as blank-padded comparisons which mean that, in Oracle, use of the CHAR datatype is almost never a good idea.
Your question is too general because different database engines will have different behavior. If you really need to know this, I suggest that you set up a benchmark to write a large number of records and time it. You would want enough records to take at least an hour to write.
As you suggested, it would be interesting to see what happens if you write insert all the records with an empty string ("") and then update them to have 100 characters that are reasonably random, not just 100 Xs.
If you try this with SQLITE and see no significant difference, then I think it unlikely that the larger database servers, with all the analysis and tuning that goes on, would be worse than SQLITE.
This is going to be completely database specific.
I do know that in Oracle, the database will reserve a certain percentage of each block for future updates (The PCTFREE parameter). For example, if PCTFREE is set to 25%, then a block will only be used for new data until it is 75% full. By doing that, room is left for rows to grow. If the row grows such that the 25% reserved space is completely used up, then you do end up with chained rows and a performance penalty. If you find that a table has a large number of chained rows, you can tune the PCTFREE for that table. If you have a table which will never have any updates at all, a PCTFREE of zero would make sense
In SQL Server varchar (except varchar(MAX)) is generally stored together with the rest of the row's data (on the same page if the row's data is < 8KB and on the same extent if it is < 64KB. Only the large data types such as TEXT, NTEXT, IMAGE, VARHCAR(MAX), NVARHCAR(MAX), XML and VARBINARY(MAX) are stored seperately.

SQL performance & MD5 strings

I've got a DB table where we store a lot of MD5 hashes (and yes I know that they aren't 100% unique...) where we have a lot of comparison queries against those strings.
This table can become quite large with over 5M rows.
My question is this: Is it wise to keep the data as hexadecimal strings or should I convert the hex to binary or decimals for better querying?
Binary is likely to be faster, since with text you're using 8 bits (a full character) to encode 4 bits of data. But I doubt you'll really notice much if any difference.
Where I'm at we have a very similar table. It holds dictation texts from doctors for billing purposes in a text column (still on sql server 2000). We're approaching four million records, and we need to be able to check for duplicates, where the doctor dictated the exact same thing twice for validation and compliance purposes. A dictation can run several pages, so we also have a hash column that's populated on insert via a trigger. The column is a char(32) type.
Binary data is a bummer to work with manually or if you have to dump your data to a text file or whatnot.
Just put an index on the hash column and you should be fine.

How much more inefficient are text (blobs) than varchar/nvarchar's?

We're doing a lot of large, but straightforward forms for a fairly big project (about 600 users using it throughout the day - that's big for me at least ;-) ).
The forms have a lot of question/answer type sections, so it's natural for some people to type a sentence, while others type a novel. How beneficial would it be to put a character limit on some of these fields really?
(Please include references or citations, if necessary/possible - Thanks!)
If you have no limitations on the data size, then why worry. This doesn't sound like a mission critical project, even with 600 users and several thousand records. Use CLOB/BLOB and be done with it. I have doubts as to whether you would see any major gains in limiting sizes and risking data loss. That said, you should layout such boundaries before implementation.
Usually varchar is best for storing values that you wish to use logically and perform "whole value" comparisons against. Text is for unstructured data. If your project is a survey result with unstructured text, use CLOB/BLOB
Semi-Reference: I work with hundreds of thousands of call center records sometimes where we use a CLOB to store the dialog between employees and customers.
I say, focus on the needs of the users and only worry about database performance issues when/if those issues arise. Ask yourself "will my users benefit if I limit the amount of data they can enter".
I keep a great gapingvoid cartoon on my wall that says "it's not what the software does. it's what the user does".
You don't mention which sql server you are using
If you are using MySql there are definite advantages in speed to using fixed length fields to keep the table in static mode, however if you have any variable width fields the table will switch to dynamic and you lose the benefit of specifying the length of the field.
Microsoft SQL Server has similar performance gains when you use fixed length columns. With fixed length columns the server knows exactly what the offset and length of the data in the row is. With variable length columns the server knows the offset but has to store the actual length of the data as a preceding 2byte counter. This has a couple of implications that are discussed in this interesting article that discusses performance as a function of disk space and the advantages of variable length columns.
If you are using SQL Server 2005 or newer you can take advantage of varchar(max). This column type has the same 2GB storage capacity of BLOBs but the data is stored in 8K chunks with the table data pages instead of in a separate store. So you get the large size advantage, only use 8K in your pages at a time, quick access for the DB engine, and the same query semantics that work with other column types work with varchar(max).
In the end specifying a max length on a variable column mainly lets you constrain the growth size of your database. Once you use variable length columns you lose the advantage of fixed size rows and varchar(max) will perform the same as varchar(10) when holding the same amount of data.
blob and text / ntext are stored outside of the row context, and only a reference stored to the object, resulting in a smaller row size, which will improve performance on clustered indexes.
However because text / ntext are not stored with the row data retrival takes longer, and these fields cannot be used in any comparison statements.
There are a few variations of the TEXT and BLOB types which affect size; they are:
Type - Maximum Length -Storage
TINYBLOB, TINYTEXT 255 Length+1 bytes
BLOB, TEXT 65535 Length+2 bytes
MEDIUMBLOB, MEDIUMTEXT 16777215 Length+3 bytes
LONGBLOB, LONGTEXT 4294967295 Length+4 bytes