Which rule from FxCop do you deactivate? - code-analysis

I personally don't use FxCop yet. We want to work out the unit testing first before going with code analysis. However, which rules would you permanantly deactivate? Which rules would you deactivate temporarily and in which situation?

I dislike rule CA1021: Avoid out parameters. Out parameters are useful for many different patterns (including the .Net Try* pattern). Out can certainly be overused but really it seems overkill to have an FxCop rule for it.
Rule CA1021

CA2210 Assemblies should have valid strong names is an annoying one.

I don't use the naming convention rule that prohibits underscores in method/event names. I've gotten used to "Button1_Click". Visual Studio automatically inserts the underscores, so you have to manually remove them. I just think it's easier to leave them alone. And, I add the underscore when I create a method/event.

There's a whole list of pedantic crap you'll want to turn off depending on the system you're building.
I'd suggest examining the FxCop output and deciding yourself. One mans pedantry is anothers "must have".

It complains about "ID" and suggests "Id"... even though that follows the "two-character-abbreviations-are-all-capped" rule :O)


What antipattern does this common programming mistake fall under

For a programming project,
let's say the programmer has named similar style functions differently in many places, for example...
int ask_bro_4_data();
and another as
int ask_mom_for_data();
What antipattern does this represent? Essentially, it's the lack of standardization right? As in, one function uses for, the other uses 4.
Similarily the programmer could be naming variables in some fashion that relates to their use but fails to do so in every case, or does so in a non standardized way. This makes searching for these variables in a large code base harder because they may not be following the naming condition that you assume they would be.
Any ideas? Sorry for the ambiguous name, but I was not sure what to label this question as.
This would be considered more a syntax convention than a pattern.
The English language would lead us to prescribe using words in preference to numerals in order to improve maintainability. However, conventions can vary significantly depending on your peer group.
A design pattern would be considered a solution intended to address common problems introduced by a specific context.
For example; I want to ensure my application can only ever access the same instance of a given class. A basic pattern to address this problem would be the Singleton.
If the solution then introduces more problems than it solves; then it becomes an anti-pattern.
In this example; Singletons are hard to unit test; so this is one reason why many consider it an anti-pattern.
Anti-Pattern: Rename later
When the programmer realize that he/she or her collegues are inconsistent in naming and decide to do something about it later, or that is not important to do something about at all.
This can be coped with by:
clear guidelines from the team about what to strive for in respecting naming conventions,
recognizing that refactoring is an ongoing process, parallel to the coding.
simple IDE commands that afford the user after thinking oh we used "4" here and "for" here, that's disturbing *Ctrl+R Ctrl+R* ah that's better *continues coding.*

What is the point of the lower camel case variable casing convention (thisVariable, for example)?

I hope this doesn't get closed due to being too broad. I know it comes down to personal preference, but there is an origin to all casing conventions and I would like to know where this one came from and a logical explanation as to why people use it.
It's where you go all like var empName;. I call that lower camel, although it's probably technically called something else. Personally, I go like var EmpName. I call that proper camel and I like it.
When I first started programming, I began with the lower camel convention. I didn't know why. I just followed the examples set by all the old guys. Variables and functions (VB) got lower camel while subs and properties got proper camel. Then, after I finally acquired a firm grasp on programming itself, I became comfortable enough to question the tactics of my mentors. It didn't make logical sense to me to use lower camel because it wasn't consistent, especially if you have a variable that consists of one word which ends up being in all lowercase. There is also no validation mechanism in place to make sure you are appropriately using lower vs. upper camel, so I asked why not just use proper camel for everything. It's consistent since all variable names are subject to proper camelization.
Having dug deeper into it, it turns out that this is a very sensitive issue to many programmers when it is brought to question. They usually answer with, "Well, it's just personal preference" or "That's just how I learned it". Upon prodding further, it usually invokes a sort of dogmatic reaction with the person as I attempt to find a logical reason behind their use of lower camel.
So anyone want to shed a little history and logic behind casing of the proper camelatory variety?
It's a combination of two things:
The convention of variables starting with lower case, to differentiate from classes or other entities which use a capital. This is also sometimes used to differentiate based on access level (private/public)
CamelCasing as a way to make multi-word names more readable without spaces (of course this is a preference over underscore, which some people use). I would guess the logic is that CamelCasing is easier/faster for some to type than word_underscores.
Whether or not it gets used is of course up to whomever is setting the coding standards that govern the code being written. Underscores vs CamelCase, lowercasevariables vs Uppercasevariables. CamelCase + lowercasevariable = camelCase
In languages like C# or VB, the standard is to start private things with lowercase and start public/protected things with uppercase. This way, just by looking at the first letter you can tell whether the thing you are messing could be used by other classes and thus any changes need more scrutiny. Also, there are tools to enforce naming conventions like this. The one created/used internally at Microsoft is called StyleCop and is available as a free download.
Historically, well named variables in C (a case-sensitive language) consisted of a single word in lower case. UPPERCASE was reserved for macros.
Then came along C++, where classes are usually CapitalizedAndCamelCased, and variables/functions consisting of several words are camelCased. (Note that C people tend to dislike camelCase, and instead write identifiers_this_way.
From there, it spread.
And, yes, probably other case-sensitive languages have had some influence.
lowerCamelCase I think has become popular because of java and javascript.
In java, it is specifically defined why, that the first word should be a verb with small letters where the remaining words start with a capital letter.
The reason why java chose lowerCamelCase I think depends on what they wanted to solve. Java was launched in 1995 as a language that would make programming easy. C/C++ that was often used was often considered difficult and too technical.
This was something java claimed to solve, more people would be able to program and the same code would work on different hardware. The code was the documentation, you didn't need to comment code, just read and everything would be great.
lowerCamelCase makes it harder to write "technical" code because it removes options to use uppercase and lowercase letters to better describe the code from a technical perspective. Java didn't want to be hard, java was the language to use where everyone could learn to program.
javascript in browsers was created in 10 days by Brendan Eich in 1995. Why javascript selected lowerCamelCase I think is because of java. It has nothing to do with java but it has "java" in its name "javascript".

Is there a way to enforce case sensitivity of the names of files in a VB.Net project?

Question says it all. Is there a way to enforce case sensitivity in VB.Net file-names? If so, how!
The primary issue that I am trying to solve is the difference in how Windows doesn't care about the case of a file-name, but other tools, like Subversion, do care about the case of a file-name
VB.NET is not designed to support that, no. If case sensitivity is high on your priority list, I would recommend trying a language that does support it. C# comes to mind, and the transition really isn't that bad.
EDIT: Oops, it looks like you changed your question.
I think it's the Windows API that doesn't care about the casing of filenames, not the programming language.
Yes, by writing your own compiler.
New answer for the new question - you're probably better off trying to make your other tools operate in a case-insensitive way in regards to filenames. For example, here's a pre-commit hook for subversion that checks for case-insensitive filename clashes.

Lazy or Sensible to leave empty legacy classes?

We've had a slight change to our system which means what used to be two related business rule are now the exact same rule. Because of this, I've generalised the implementation and I'm wondering what to do with the old specified classes related to them.
Is it lazy to leave the old classes lying around and just inheriting the new generalised version (with no extra content, just empty classes)? Or is it sensible because it saves a good deal of refactoring?
The interface is the same regardless - so I'm curious : epically lazy, or cunningly avoiding unnecessary refactoring?
Get rid of it. That is the point of source control. If you ever need to refer to it, it'll be in the history.
Get rid of the extra class. What's the purpose of keeping it?
Don't your refactoring tools handle this for you?
If the code doesn't do anything, get rid of it. Source control will keep the history for you should you ever need to refer back to it.
imho, clean, readable and concise code should be ever developer's goal aside from meeting the business requirements. That said, I would deprecate the classes, and make a task to refactor when time allows. Deprecating the class will help developers to know what class should be used.
From pure OO design perspective, you should clean up the code.
From software delivery perspective, there are reasons why you may not want to do that:
Minimize amount of unnecessary changes to the code. helps with investigations in production issues.
Save the opportunity cost of re-factoring and use it on something more beneficial.
Even if you don't have something like Resharper, you can use VS.NET's "Find Usages" tool. Then update all usages to the new class.
Alternatively, just delete it and fix the compile errors. A.k.s "poor man's refactoring".

Do you follow the naming convention of the original programmer?

If you take over a project from someone to do simple updates do you follow their naming convention? I just received a project where the previous programmer used Hungarian Notation everywhere. Our core product has a naming standard, but we've had a lot of people do custom reporting over the years and do whatever they felt like.
I do not have time to change all of the variable names already in the code though.
I'm inclined for readablity just to continue with their naming convention.
Yes, I do. It makes it easier to follow by the people who inherit it after you. I do try and clean up the code a little to make it more readable if it's really difficult to understand.
I agree suggest that leaving the code as the author wrote it is fine as long as that code is internally consistent. If the code is difficult to follow because of inconsistency, you have a responsibility to the future maintainer (probably you) to make it clearer.
If you spend 40 hours figuring out what a function does because it uses poorly named variables, etc., you should refactor/rename for clarity/add commentary/do whatever is appropriate for the situation.
That said, if the only issue is that the mostly consistent style that the author used is different from the company standard or what you're used to, I think you're wasting your time renaming everything. Also, you may loose a source of expertise if the original author is still available for questions because he won't recognize the code anymore.
If you're not changing all the existing code to your standard, then I'd say stick with the original conventions as long as you're changing those files. Mixing two styles of code in the same file is destroying any benefit that a consistent code style would have, and the next guy would have to constantly ask himself "who wrote this function, what's it going to be called - FooBar() or fooBar()?"
This kind of thing gets even trickier when you're importing 3rd party libraries - you don't want to rewrite them, but their code style might not match yours. So in the end, you'll end up with several different naming conventions, and it's best to draw clear lines between "our code" and "their code".
Often, making a wholesale change to a codebase just to conform with the style guide is just a way to introduce new bugs with little added value.
This means that either you should:
Update the code you're working on to conform to the guideline as you work on it.
Use the conventions in the code to aide future maintenance efforts.
I'd recommend 2., but Hungarian Notation makes my eyes bleed :p.
If you are maintaining code that others wrote and that other people are going to maintain after you, you owe it to everybody involved not to make gratuitous changes. When they go into the source code control system to see what you changed, they should see what was necessary to fix the problem you were working on, and not a million diffs because you did a bunch of global searches and replaces or reformatted the code to fit your favourite brace matching convention.
Of course, if the original code really sucks, all bets are off.
Generally, yes, I'd go for convention and readability over standards in this scenario. No one likes that answer, but it's the right thing to do to keep the code maintainable long-term.
When a good programmer's reading code, he should be able to parse the variable names and keep track of several in his head -- as long as their consistent, at least within the source file. But if you break that consistency, it will likely force the programmer reading the code to suffer some cognitive dissonance, which would then make it a bit harder to keep track of. It's not a killer -- good programmers will get through it, but they'll curse your name and probably post you on TheDailyWTF.
I certainly would continue to use the same naming convention, as it'll keep the code consistent (even if it is consistently ugly) and more readable than mixing variable naming conventions. Human brains seem to be rather good at pattern recognition and you don't really want to throw the brain a curveball by gratuitously breaking said pattern.
That said, I'm anything but a few of Hungarian Notation but if that's what you've got to work with...
If the file or project is already written using a consistent style then you should try to follow that style, even if it conflicts/contradicts your existing style. One of the main goals of a code style is consistency, so if you introduce a different style in to code that is already consistent (within itself) you loose that consistency.
If the code is poorly written and requires some level of cleanup in order to understand it then cleaning up the style becomes a more relevant option, but you should only do so if absolutely necessary (especially if there are no unit tests) as you run the possiblity of introducing unexpected breaking changes.
Absolutely, yes. The one case where I don't believe it's preferable to follow the original programmer's naming convention is when the original programmer (or subsequent devs who've modified the code since then) failed to follow any consistent naming convention.
Yes. I actually wrote this up in a standards doc. I created at my current company:
Existing code supersedes all other standards and practices (whether they are industry-wide standards or those found in this document). In most cases, you should chameleon your code to match the existing code in the same files, for two reasons:
To avoid having multiple, distinct styles/patterns within a single module/file (which contradict the purpose of standards and hamper maintainability).
The effort of refactoring existing code is prone to being unnecessarily more costly (time-consuming and conducive to introduction of new bugs).
Personally whenever I take over a project that has a different variable naming scheme I tend to keep the same scheme that was being used by the previous programmer. The only thing I do different is for any new variables I add, I put an underscore before the variable name. This way I can quickly see my variables and my code without having to go into the source history and comparing versions. But when it comes to me inheriting simply unreadable code or comments I will usually go through them and clean them up as best I can without re-writing the whole thing (It has come to that). Organization is key to having extensible code!
if I can read the code, I (try) to take the same conventions
if it's not readable anyway I need to refactor and thus changing it (depending on what its like) considerable
Depends. If I'm building a new app and stealing the code from a legacy app with crap variable naming, I'll refactor once I get it into my app.
There is litte that's more frustrating then walking into an application that has two drasticly different styles. One project I reciently worked on had two different ways of manipulating files, two different ways to implement screens, two different fundimental structures. The second coder even went so far as to make the new features part of a dll that gets called from the main code. Maintence was nightmarish and I had to learn both paradigms and hope when I was in one section I was working with the right one.
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
(Except for index variables names, e.g. "iArrayIndex++". Stop condoning that idiocy.)
I think of making a bug fix as a surgical procedure. Get in, disturb as little as possible, fix it, get out, leave as little trace of your being there as possible.
I do, but unfortunately, there where several developers before me that did not live to this rule, so I have several naming conventions to choose from.
But sometimes we get the time to set things straight so in the end, it will be nice and clean.
If the code already has a consistent style, including naming, I try to follow it. If previous programmers were not consistent, then I feel free to apply the company standard, or my personal standards if there is not any company standard.
In either case I try to mark the changes I have made by framing them with comments. I know with todays CVS systems this is often not done, but I still prefer to do it.
Unfortunately, most of the time the answer is yes. Most of the time, the code does not follow good conventions so it's hard to follow the precedent. But for readability, it's sometimes necessary to go with the flow.
However, if it's a small enough of an application that I can refactor a lot of the existing code to "smell" better, then I'll do so. Or, if this is part of a larger re-write, I'll also begin coding with the current coding standards. But this is not usually the case.
If there's a standard in the existing app, I think it's best to follow it. If there is no standard (tabs and spaces mixed, braces everywhere... oh the horror), then I do what I feel is best and generally run the existing code through a formatting tool (like Vim). I'll always keep the capitalization style, etc of the existing code if there is a coherent style.
My one exception to this rule is that I will not use hungarian notation unless someone has a gun to my head. I won't take the time to rename existing stuff, but anything I add new isn't going to have any hungarian warts on it.