When using keytool to generate a CSR file, does it have to be generated on the hosting server? - ssl-certificate

I was under the impression that I could run it on any machine, but a guy from our hosting company is saying that the csr has to be generated on the server hosting the site.
Can anyone clear this one up for me?

The bottom line is you do not need to generate CSRs on the server hosting an SSL certificate. A CSR is a CSR and you could actually generate it using something like OpenSSL and then import both the key and certificate once it is created into the keystore. The problem is that they probably don't understand now to get the key into the keychain. See if this KeyTool and OpenSSL tips helps.

It's not entirely accurate. What does need to happen is the chain of key -> csr -> cert all needs to happen within the same keystore file. It is difficult to move key/cert in and out of the original keystore.


How do I install SSL? No Key or CA, Only CRT

I have a VPS with Apache2.
I have installed SSL before in my websites, but always form freeSSL or ZeroSSL, they give me 3 files:
I replace them for the old ones and all is peachy (I configured it once and just replace the files on reactivation).
Now I have issued a year long SSL service from Comodo SSL, and they send me a mail with this information:
"Thank you for placing your order. We are pleased to announce that your PositiveSSL Certificate for * has been issued.
Attached to this email you should find a .zip file containing:
Root CA Certificate - AAACertificateServices.crt
Intermediate CA Certificate - USERTrustRSAAAACA.crt
Intermediate CA Certificate - SectigoRSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt
Your PositiveSSL Certificate - ***.crt
You can also find your PositiveSSL Certificate for ** in text format at the bottom of this email."
And I really have no Idea what to do... I tried Google but can't find any guide, they talk about CSR or other things and I just want to install this and forget about it for a year like I did before for 90 days...
Please help me, I need to have SSL running for my Magento 2 installation to work.
To use a certificate you need the certificate file itself (.crt) AND the key file (.key) ( Extensions may vary but, as you know, on linux it doesn't matter): if you're missing one of these, you're pretty much screwed.
To get a certificate, the following steps are necessary:
a key file needs to be generated
from the key file a CSR is generated
the CSR is signed by a CA (for you it's Comodo) and the result is the certificate file
The key file and the csr can be generate by you (who are requesting the new certificate) or (in this case) by Comodo during the procedure you followed. According to what you wrote, probably, during the procedure you've been asked to provide a key or let them generate one and you picked the 2nd option.
I've never used Comodo so I don't know how their interface works but IMHO you have 2 options: login with your account and look for an area where you can download the certificate and check for the possibility to download the key too OR contact them and ask for support to download the key file.
There is no way to use the certificate file without a key file.
I generated the certificate using an option of my webhosting service (Hostinger) to buy a comodo SSL certificate, as I said the email of Comodo didn't give me the key file BUT, after some hours the comodo ssl service started showing on my webhosting control center and going through some menus I reached a button called "download SSL", that downloaded a ZIP with the same files PLUS the key file. This was very random and nowhere stated, and I found it by coincidence but is solved. Thanks. The other option was to reach Comodo or Hostinger for help.

Is Keytool certificate is for free?

In our application we are creating Client and server that talks with each other using SSL authentication. I done a POC which downloads certificate using following commnand:
keytool -genkey -keystore yourKEYSTORE -keyalg RSA
Need to know if the certificate created by above command is free to use ?
It's free to use but it is self-signed, which makes it basically useless unless you can go through all the steps required to get the peers to trust it.
Failing that, you need to generate a certificate request from this, get it signed, and import the resulting signed certificate into that keystore using the same alias you used here.

Security Certificates

I've currently encountered a unique issue. To help understand the predicament I'll provide some background. Our company hired a third-party to develop an application, apart of this web application package was the purchase of an SSL Certificate.
After they purchased the SSL they exported it into a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx).
The issue now occurs here...
Our company web-server utilizes the Plesk Panel 11. Which complicates matters for two reasons.
The first is that if I directly install the certificate Plesk will
not recgonize the certificate and will eventually overwrite the
contents in our Microsoft Certificate Store within the Windows
Server MMC Certificate Snap-In.
The second issue is sheer bad luck, Plesk doesn't recognize the .pfx extension. It apparently only understands the following:
Private Key (.key)
Certificate (.crt)
CA Certificate (-ca.crt)
So my original thought was to simply convert the file into a valid format, which resulted in an error. The second attempt was to follow a command line control to export the file format to the valid extension. The results are still disappointing:
Error: Invalid Certificate Format
Since the file installed was a .pfx it does not allow me to convert it to anything else. Unfortunately when utilizing Open SSL it only converted to a .pem. Which to my dismay is also unsupported-
Any assistance would be terrific.
I attempted to follow this question on Stack Overflow. Unfortunately Windows Server 2012 doesn't appear to do the conversion as well. It does convert it into a valid format, but then the Private Key can't be found.
In order to solve this issue I followed this blog here.
So I attempted to utilize Open SSL again, with these steps:
// Extract Private Key
openssl pkcs12 -in [yourfile.pfx] -nocerts -out [keyfile-encrypted.key]
// Extract Certificate
openssl pkcs12 -in [yourfile.pfx] -clcerts -nokeys -out [certificate.crt]
// Encrypted Private Key
openssl rsa -in [keyfile-encrypted.key] -out [keyfile-decrypted.key]
Again you need to enter an import password. This time you need to enter the new password that you created in step 1. After that you’re done. You decrypted your private key. In the folder you ran OpenSSL from you’ll find the certifcate (.crt) and the two private keys (encrypted and unencrypted).
That is how I solved my question.

SSL Cert Vendor Change

I am trying to prepare for the switch in the SSL certificate vendors.
For the the SSL validation, Our Tomcat web application uses a JKS file created from a DigiCert certificate ( *.cer files). Our company is now switching to VeriSign next week. Since they have already provided the new *.cer files, can I simply add the new cert ( using keytool) to the existing JKS so that it works for both certificates. I am trying to avoid any downtime during the switch and prepare the server beforehand?
Any helps will be much appreciated.
You must install the certificate onto the same keystore you created the CSR from as the private key resides there. Otherwise it will not work. Please reference the article below on instructions on how to import into a tomcat server:

Import Self Signed Certificates into Netty

I need to set up SSL for my Netty server for which I am planning to use a self signed certificate. I wanted to know what are the steps involved in doing so ?
Use openssl to get a .key & .csr file.
Do I need to convert the .csr file into pem ?
How do I import the the certificate in the keystore? Is that cacerts on a linux machine?
Do I also need to import the keys into the keystore?
This tutorial shows the steps for using a certificate signed by StartSSL:
I think the steps can be modified for using your self-signed certificate (or you could sign it for free using StartSSL.