How do you handle BLOB and numerical data efficiently in database communication? - sql

SQL databases seem to be the cornerstone of most software. However, it seems optimized for textual data. In fact when doing any queries involving numerical data, integers specifically, it seems inefficient that the numbers are getting converted to text and then back to native formats both ways between the application and the database. This same inefficiency seems to apply to BLOB data as well. My understanding is that even with something like Linq to SQL, this two way conversion is occuring in the background.
Are there general ways to bypass this overhead with SQL? Are there certain database management systems that handle this more efficiently than others (ie, with non-standard extensions/API's)?
Clarification. In the following select statement, the list of numbers after IN could be more easily passed as a raw array of int, but there seems to be no way of achieving that optimization level.
SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz IN (23, 34, 45, 9854004, ...)

Don't suppose. Measure.
Format conversion is not likely to be a measurable cost for database work, unless you are misusing the database as an arithmetic engine.
The IO cost for LOBs, especially for CLOBS with character conversion, can become significant; the remedy here, once you know that the simplest thing that might work actually has a noticeable performance impact, is to minimize the number of times you copy the LOB data. Use whatever SQL parameter binding style allows you to transfer the data directly between its point of creation or use, and the database -- often this is binding the LOB to a stream or I/O channel.
But don't do this until you have a way to measure the impact, and have measurements showing that this is your bottleneck.

Numerical data in a database is not stored as text. I guess it depends on the database, but it certainly doesn't have to be and isn't.
BLOBs are stored exactly how you set them -- by definition, the DB has no way to interpret the information -- I guess it could compress if it found that to be useful. BLOBs are not translated into text.
Here's how Oracle stores numbers:
Internal Numeric Format
Oracle Database stores numeric data in variable-length format. Each value is stored in scientific notation, with 1 byte used to store the exponent and up to 20 bytes to store the mantissa. The resulting value is limited to 38 digits of precision. Oracle Database does not store leading and trailing zeros. For example, the number 412 is stored in a format similar to 4.12 x 102, with 1 byte used to store the exponent(2) and 2 bytes used to store the three significant digits of the mantissa(4,1,2). Negative numbers include the sign in their length.
MySQL info here:
Look at the table -- a TINYINT is represented in 1 byte (range -128 - 127), not possible if stored as text.
EDIT: With the clarification -- I would say use the API in your language that looks something like this (pseudocode)
stmt = conn.Prepare("SELECT * FROM TABLE where x in (?, ?, ?)");
stmt.SetInt(0, x);
stmt.SetInt(1, y);
stmt.SetInt(2, z);
I don't believe that the underlying protocols use text for the transport of parameters.


SQL Query - hexadecimal vs. decimal values

I expected to find the answer to this question fairly quickly, but surprisingly, don't seem to see it anywhere.
I'm guessing that a comparison to a binary constant in an SQL query would be faster than a comparison to a decimal number, as the binary constant is probably a direct lookup while decimal numbers need to be converted, but is the performance difference measurable?
In other words, is the first query better than the second one? If so, how much better?
select *
from Cats
where Cats_Id = 0x0000000000000086
select *
from Cats
where Cats_Id = 134
There absolutely no difference: 0x0000000000000086 is an integer with a decimal value of 134. It's just written in base 16 (hexadecimal).
The two queries are exactly identical and will get exactly the same execution plan.
The one different will be if the column you are comparing to is binary(n) or varbinary(n). There the hex constant is representing a sequence of octets.
Your premise is based on a misunderstanding:
the binary constant is probably a direct lookup while decimal numbers need to be converted
The SQL you enter consists of characters in some text encoding; for simplicity, let's assume ASCII.
In the computer's memory, it's composed of a long string of binary states we normally write as 0 and 1, but could equally write as _ and |.
The binary data for the string 134 in ASCII looks something like __||___|__||__||__||_|__. The binary data for the string 0x0086 looks something like __||_____||||_____||______||______|||_____||_||_
When actually working with the data, e.g. comparing numbers, the computer will use a different representation altogether. The number "one hundred and thirty-four" will look something more like |____||_.
So whichever representation you use, there is a conversion going on.
Nonetheless, one conversion might be more efficient, by some incidental detail of its implementation, but by such a tiny margin that it would be almost impossible to measure amongst the noise of the system you're testing.
The answer is yes. In some cases, the query with the hexadecimal value is substantially better.
I hired a consultant DBA to help us with our system and after reviewing one of our queries, which was running a bit slow, he showed me that changing the value to hexadecimal improved it substantially (by about 95%).
He then showed me that, although I had an index on the field I was searching (binary foreign key), the index wasn't used when executing the query with the decimal value.
If anyone can provide a more detailed answer about the different cases in which these queries are identical or not, performance wise, I would appreciate that.

How to speed up table-retrieval with MATLAB and JDBC?

I am accessing a PostGreSQL 8.4 database with JDBC called by MATLAB.
The tables I am interested in basically consist of various columns of different datatypes. They are selected through their time-stamps.
Since I want to retrieve big amounts of data I am looking for a way of making the request faster than it is right now.
What I am doing at the moment is the following:
First I establish a connection to the database and call it DBConn. Next step would be to prepare a Select-Statement and execute it:
QUERY = DBConn.prepareStatement(QUERYSTRING);
RESULTSET = QUERY.executeQuery();
Then I store the columntypes in variable COLTYPE (1 for FLOAT, -1 for BOOLEAN and 0 for the rest - nearly all columns contain FLOAT). Next step is to process every row, column by column, and retrieve the data by the corresponding methods. FNAMES contains the fieldnames of the table.
m=0; % Variable containing rownumber
m = m+1;
for n = 1:length(FNAMES)
if COLTYPE(n)==1 % Columntype is a FLOAT
DATA{1}.(FNAMES{n})(m,1) = RESULTSET.getDouble(n);
elseif COLTYPE(n)==-1 % Columntype is a BOOLEAN
DATA{1}.(FNAMES{n})(m,1) = RESULTSET.getBoolean(n);
DATA{1}.(FNAMES{n}){m,1} = char(RESULTSET.getString(n));
When I am done with my request I close the statement and the connection.
I don´t have the MATLAB database toolbox so I am looking for solutions without it.
I understand that it is very ineffective to request the data of every single field. Still, I failed on finding a way to get more data at once - for example multiple rows of the same column. Is there any way to do so? Do you have other suggestions of speeding the request up?
To speed this up, push the loops, and then your column datatype conversion, down in to the Java layer, using the Database Toolbox or custom Java code. The Matlab-to-Java method call overhead is probably what's killing you, and there's no way of doing block fetches (multiple rows in one call) with plain JDBC. Make sure the knobs on the JDBC driver you're using are set appropriately. And then optimize the transfer of expensive column data types like strings and dates.
(NB: I haven't done this with Postgres, but have with other DBMSes, and this will apply to Postgres too because most of it is about the JDBC and Matlab layers above it.)
Push loops down to Java to get block fetching
The most straightforward way to get this faster is to push the loops over the rows and columns down in to the Java layer, and have it return blocks of data (e.g. 100 or 1000 rows at a time) to the Matlab layer. There is substantial per-call overhead in invoking a Java method from Matlab, and looping over JDBC calls in M-code is going to incur (see Is MATLAB OOP slow or am I doing something wrong? - full disclosure: that's my answer). If you're calling JDBC from M-code like that, you're incurring that overhead on every single column of every row, and that's probably the majority of your execution time right now.
The JDBC API itself does not support "block cursors" like ODBC does, so you need to get that loop down in to the Java layer. Using the Database Toolbox like Oleg suggests is one way to do it, since they implement their lower-level cursor stuff in Java. (Probably for precisely this reason.) But if you can't have a database toolbox dependency, you can just write your own thin Java layer to do so, and call that from your M-code. (Probably through a Matlab class that is coupled to your custom Java code and knows how to interact with it.) Make the Java code and Matlab code share a block size, buffer up the whole block on the Java side, using primitive arrays instead of object arrays for column buffers wherever possible, and have your M-code fetch the result set in batches, buffering those blocks in cell arrays of primitive column arrays, and then concatenate them together.
Pseudocode for the Matlab layer:
colBufs = repmat( {{}}, [1 nCols] );
while (cursor.hasMore())
for iCol = 1:nCols
colBufs{iCol}{end+1} = cursor.getBlock(iCol); % should come back as primitive
for iCol = 1:nCols
colResults{iCol} = cat(2, colBufs{iCol}{:});
Twiddle JDBC DBMS driver knobs
Make sure your code exposes the DBMS-specific JDBC connection parameters to your M-code layer, and use them. Read the doco for your specific DBMS and fiddle with them appropriately. For example, Oracle's JDBC driver defaults to setting the default fetch buffer size (the one inside their JDBC driver, not the one you're building) to about 10 rows, which is way too small for typical data analysis set sizes. (It incurs a network round trip to the db every time the buffer fills.) Simply setting it to 1,000 or 10,000 rows is like turning on the "Go Fast" switch that had shipped set to "off". Benchmark your speed with sample data sets and graph the results to pick appropriate settings.
Optimize column datatype transfer
In addition to giving you block fetch functionality, writing custom Java code opens up the possibility of doing optimized type conversion for particular column types. After you've got the per-row and per-cell Java call overhead handled, your bottlenecks are probably going to be in date parsing and passing strings back from Java to Matlab. Push the date parsing down in to Java by having it convert SQL date types to Matlab datenums (as Java doubles, with a column type indicator) as they're being buffered, maybe using a cache to avoid recalculation of repeated dates in the same set. (Watch out for TimeZone issues. Consider Joda-Time.) Convert any BigDecimals to double on the Java side. And cellstrs are a big bottleneck - a single char column could swamp the cost of several float columns. Return narrow CHAR columns as 2-d chars instead of cellstrs if you can (by returning a big Java char[] and then using reshape()), converting to cellstr on the Matlab side if necessary. (Returning a Java String[]converts to cellstr less efficiently.) And you can optimize the retrieval of low-cardinality character columns by passing them back as "symbols" - on the Java side, build up a list of the unique string values and map them to numeric codes, and return the strings as an primitive array of numeric codes along with that map of number -> string; convert the distinct strings to cellstr on the Matlab side and then use indexing to expand it to the full array. This will be faster and save you a lot of memory, too, since the copy-on-write optimization will reuse the same primitive char data for repeated string values. Or convert them to categorical or ordinal objects instead of cellstrs, if appropriate. This symbol optimization could be a big win if you use a lot of character data and have large result sets, because then your string columns transfer at about primitive numeric speed, which is substantially faster, and it reduces cellstr's typical memory fragmentation. (Database Toolbox may support some of this stuff now, too. I haven't actually used it in a couple years.)
After that, depending on your DBMS, you could squeeze out a bit more speed by including mappings for all the numeric column type variants your DBMS supports to appropriate numeric types in Matlab, and experimenting with using them in your schema or doing conversions inside your SQL query. For example, Oracle's BINARY_DOUBLE can be a bit faster than their normal NUMERIC on a full trip through a db/Matlab stack like this. YMMV.
You could consider optimizing your schema for this use case by replacing string and date columns with cheaper numeric identifiers, possibly as foreign keys to separate lookup tables to resolve them to the original strings and dates. Lookups could be cached client-side with enough schema knowledge.
If you want to go crazy, you can use multithreading at the Java level to have it asynchronously prefetch and parse the next block of results on separate Java worker thread(s), possibly parallelizing per-column date and string processing if you have a large cursor block size, while you're doing the M-code level processing for the previous block. This really bumps up the difficulty though, and ideally is a small performance win because you've already pushed the expensive data processing down in to the Java layer. Save this for last. And check the JDBC driver doco; it may already effectively be doing this for you.
If you're not willing to write custom Java code, you can still get some speedup by changing the syntax of the Java method calls from obj.method(...) to method(obj, ...). E.g. getDouble(RESULTSET, n). It's just a weird Matlab OOP quirk. But this won't be much of a win because you're still paying for the Java/Matlab data conversion on each call.
Also, consider changing your code so you can use ? placeholders and bound parameters in your SQL queries, instead of interpolating strings as SQL literals. If you're doing a custom Java layer, defining your own #connection and #preparedstatement M-code classes is a decent way to do this. So it looks like this.
query = conn.prepare(QUERYSTRING);
rslt = query.exec(startTime, endTime);
This will give you better type safety and more readable code, and may also cut down on the server-side overhead of query parsing. This won't give you much speed-up in a scenario with just a few clients, but it'll make coding easier.
Profile and test your code regularly (at both the M-code and Java level) to make sure your bottlenecks are where you think they are, and to see if there are parameters that need to be adjusted based on your data set size, both in terms of row counts and column counts and types. I also like to build in some instrumentation and logging at both the Matlab and Java layer so you can easily get performance measurements (e.g. have it summarize how much time it spent parsing different column types, how much in the Java layer and how much in the Matlab layer, and how much waiting on the server's responses (probably not much due to pipelining, but you never know)). If your DBMS exposes its internal instrumentation, maybe pull that in too, so you can see where you're spending your server-side time.
It occurs to me that to speed up the query to the table, you have to remove if, for that in the JDBC ResulSetMetadata there that give you the information about the data type of the column and the same name, so you save time of if, else if
  ResultSetMetaData RsmD = (ResultSetMetaData) rs.getMetaData ();
        int cols=rsMd.getColumnCount();
  while (
for i=1 to cols
My example is pseudocode becouse i´m not matlab programmer.
I hope you find it useful JDBC, anything let me know!

Pre-allocate varbinary(max) without actually sending null data to the SQL Server?

I'm storing data in a varbinary(max) column and, for client performance reasons, chunking writes through the ".WRITE()" function using SQL Server 2005. This works great but, due to the side effects, I want to avoid the varbinary column dynamically sizing during each append.
What I'd like to do is optimize this by pre-allocating the varbinary column to the size I want. For example if I'm going to drop 2MB into the column I would like to 'allocate' the column first, then .WRITE the real data using offset/length parameters.
Is there anything in SQL that can help me here? Obviously I don't want to send a null byte array to the SQL server, as this would partially defeat the purpose of the .WRITE optimization.
If you're using a (MAX) data type, then anything above 8K goes into row overflow storage, not the in-page storage. So you just need to put in enough data to get it up to the 8K for the row, making that take up the in-page allocation for the row, and the rest goes into row-overflow storage anyway. There's some more here.
If you want to pre-allocate everything, including the row overflow data, you can use something akin to (example does 10000 bytes):
SELECT CONVERT([varbinary](MAX), REPLICATE(CONVERT(varchar(MAX), '0'), 10000))
First of all kudos to the answer provided - this was a great help! However, there is one slight change that you may want to consider. The code above actually allocates the varbinary field with a converted zero character (hex code 0x30). This may not be what you actually want, particularly if you want to perform binary operations on the field later. What I think is more useful is to allocate the field with a NUL value (hex code 0x00) so that all the bits are turned off by default. To do this, simply make the following correction:
SELECT CONVERT([varbinary](MAX), REPLICATE(CONVERT(varchar(MAX), CHAR(0)), 10000))

How best to represent rational numbers in SQL Server?

I'm working with data that is natively supplied as rational numbers. I have a slick generic C# class which beautifully represents this data in C# and allows conversion to many other forms. Unfortunately, when I turn around and want to store this in SQL, I've got a couple solutions in mind but none of them are very satisfying.
Here is an example. I have the raw value 2/3 which my new Rational<int>(2, 3) easily handles in C#. The options I've thought of for storing this in the database are as follows:
Just as a decimal/floating point, i.e. value = 0.66666667 of various precisions and exactness.
Pros: this allows me to query the data, e.g. find values < 1.
Cons: it has a loss of exactness and it is ugly when I go to display this simple value back in the UI.
Store as two exact integer fields, e.g. numerator = 2, denominator = 3 of various precisions and exactness.
Pros: This allows me to precisely represent the original value and display it in its simplest form later.
Cons: I now have two fields to represent this value and querying is now complicated/less efficient as every query must perform the arithmetic, e.g. find numerator / denominator < 1.
Serialize as string data, i.e. "2/3". I would be able to know the max string length and have a varchar that could hold this.
Pros: I'm back to one field but with an exact representation.
Cons: querying is pretty much busted and pay a serialization cost.
A combination of #1 & #2.
Pros: easily/efficiently query for ranges of values, and have precise values in the UI.
Cons: three fields (!?!) to hold one piece of data, must keep multiple representations in sync which breaks D.R.Y.
A combination of #1 & #3.
Pros: easily/efficiently query for ranges of values, and have precise values in the UI.
Cons: back down to two fields to hold one piece data, must keep multiple representations in sync which breaks D.R.Y., and must pay extra serialization costs.
Does anyone have another out-of-the-box solution which is better than these? Are there other things I'm not considering? Is there a relatively easy way to do this in SQL that I'm just unaware of?
If you're using SQL Server 2005 or 2008, you have the option to define your own CLR data types:
Beginning with SQL Server 2005, you
can use user-defined types (UDTs) to
extend the scalar type system of the
server, enabling storage of CLR
objects in a SQL Server database. UDTs
can contain multiple elements and can
have behaviors, differentiating them
from the traditional alias data types
which consist of a single SQL Server
system data type.
Because UDTs are accessed by the
system as a whole, their use for
complex data types may negatively
impact performance. Complex data is
generally best modeled using
traditional rows and tables. UDTs in
SQL Server are well suited to the
Date, time, currency, and extended numeric types
Geospatial applications
Encoded or encrypted data
If you can live with the limitations, I can't imagine a better way to map data you're already capturing in a custom class.
I would probably go with Option #4, but use a calculated column for the 3rd column to avoid the sync/DRY issue (and also means you actually only store 2 columns, avoiding the "three fields" issue).
In SQL server, calculated column is defined like so:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Whatever(
Numerator INT NOT NULL,
Denominator INT NOT NULL,
Value AS (Numerator / Denominator) PERSISTED
(note you may have to do some type conversion and verification that Denominator is not zero, etc).
Also, SQL 2005 added a PERSISTED calculated column that would get rid of the calculation at query time.
How much precision do you need?
The language, C# or otherwise, will round 2/3rds at a given position in the precision. If it's acceptable for whatever you are working on to use decimal values of say scientific notation of 10, then set the precision accordingly in the db.
If the precision is really a concern, then separate the numerator & denominator. This would ensure you always have access to whatever precision you want, and you can use a computed column to represent the value for quick filtering:
numerator INT,
denominator INT,
result AS CASE WHEN denominator > 0 THEN numerator / denominator ELSE NULL END
I have experimented a little bit with using the geometry data type in SQL Server 2008 to store and manipulate rational numbers. Basically, I assume that the numerator goes in the X slot and the denominator goes in the Y slot of a fictitious geometry point.
This was good for my needs, but it might be useless for yours. That will depend on what your priorities are (performance, code readability, etc.). I personally found that T-SQL for geometry data manipulation is hard to write and read.
how much precision are you looking at ? double/float provide decent precision(in my opinion). Am pretty sure scientific/astronomical data need a lot more precision that that. I do know that libraries like matlab and mathematica are good at these. I found that you can use mathematica with your .net program. Here is the link
Edit: adding more links and quotes
"When Mathematica operates on rational numbers, it gives an exact result no matter how many digits are required" from here
Another good read, but you would have to implement it I guess

[My]SQL VARCHAR Size and Null-Termination

Disclaimer: I'm very new to SQL and databases in general.
I need to create a field that will store a maximum of 32 characters of text data. Does "VARCHAR(32)" mean that I have exactly 32 characters for my data? Do I need to reserve an extra character for null-termination?
I conducted a simple test and it seems that this is a WYSIWYG buffer. However, I wanted to get a concrete answer from people who actually know what they're doing.
I have a C[++] background, so this question is raising alarm bells in my head.
Yes, you have 32 characters at your disposal. SQL does not concern itself with nul terminated strings like some programming languages do.
Your VARCHAR specification size is the max size of your data, so in this case, 32 characters. However, VARCHARS are a dynamic field, so the actual physical storage used is only the size of your data, plus one or two bytes.
If you put a 10-character string into a VARCHAR(32), the physical storage will be 11 or 12 bytes (the manual will tell you the exact formula).
However, when MySQL is dealing with result sets (ie. after a SELECT), 32 bytes will be allocated in memory for that field for every record.