How do I Compute an Order Line Number in SQL 2000 - sql

I am working with an order system that has two tables Order and OrderLine pretty standard stuff. I want to work out an order line number for the order lines with respect to the order e.g.
Orderid Orderlineid linenumber
1 1 1
2 2 1
2 3 2
3 4 1
4 5 1
4 6 2
The OrderLineId is an identity column. I don't want to store the line number as data in the database for two reasons. First there are already a great many existing orders and lines in the system and retrospectively adding the data is a headache I wish to avoid. Second if the user deletes a line then I would need to recalculate the line numbers for the whole order.
In SQL 2005 I can do this easy peasy using the ROW_NUMBER function.
Select Orderid, OrderLineid, ROW_NUMBER()
OVER(PARTITION BY Orderid ORDER BY Orderlineid) as LineNumber
FROM OrderLine
Is there anyway I can do this in SQL 2000?
The closest I found was a ranking function (see below) but this counts orders not lines.
SELECT x.Ranking, x.OrderId
FROM (SELECT (SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT t1.Orderid) FROM orderline t1 WHERE z.Orderid >= t1.Orderid)AS Ranking, z.orderid
FROM orderline z ) x
ORDER BY x.Ranking

You can use something like this:
count(*) as lineNumber
orderLine ol1
inner join orderLine ol2
on ol1.orderId = ol2.orderId
and ol1.orderLineId >= ol2.orderLineId
group by

IMHO, calculating it every time you need it may end up being more of a headache than it's worth. And while it may be a pain to update the historical line numbers and save it to the database, you'd only be doing that once... and then would just need to write code to automate it later.
To handle the deletes, you'd just need to add code into the existing delete procedure and have it recalculate the line numbers for it.

An alternative would be to insert your data (without line number) into a #temp table where you add a column with identity(1,1) and then selects everything from the #temp table.


How to distinguish rows in a database table on the basis of two or more columns while returning all columns in sql server

I want to distinguish Rows on the basis of two or more columns value of the same table at the same time returns all columns from the table.
Ex: I have this table
DB Table
I want my result to be displayed as: filter on the basis of type and Number only. As in abover table type and Number for first and second Row is same so it should be suppressed in result.
txn item Discrip Category type Number Mode
60 2 Loyalty L 6174 XXXXXXX1390 0
60 4 Visa C 1600 XXXXXXXXXXXX4108 1
I have tried with sub query but yet unsuccessful. Please suggest what to try.
You can do what you want with row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by type, number order by item) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

Filling one table using another table in SQL Server

I have two SQL tables as follows:
As you may note, the first table has a monthly frequency (date column), while the second table has a quarterly frequency. Here is what I would like to do:
For each issueid from table 1, I would like to look at the date, determine what is the previous end of quarter, and go fetch data from table 2 corresponding to that issue for that end of quarter, and insert it in the first table in the last two columns.
For example: take issueid 123456 and date 1/31/2014. The previous end of quarter is 12/31/2013. I would like to go to table 1, copy q_exp and q_act that correspond to that issueid and 12/31/2013, and paste it into the first table.
Of course, I would like to fill the entire first table and minimize manual inserts.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Try the following query
UPDATE issues
SET q_exp=(SELECT TOP 1 q.q_exp
FROM quarterlyTable q
WHERE q.issueid=i.issueid
AND q.[date]<=i.[date]
ORDER BY q.[date] DESC)
,q_act= (SELECT TOP 1 q.q_act
FROM quarterlyTable q
WHERE q.issueid=i.issueid
AND q.[date]<=i.[date]
ORDER BY q.[date] DESC)
FROM issues i

How to index two columns automatically in sql

I have a table in sql having two fields 'JOB_NUMBER' 'SRno', the relation between the two is such that each job number has many SRNO starting from 1,2,3 and so on,every new Job number has to have a SR no starting form 1,
so my ideal table should some what look like this:
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
3 1 and so on.......
What I want to do is to achive this indexing in sql itself ,can I do this ,is so how?
If there is another column on the table that is something like a timestamp (e.g. time submitted), then you can do something like:
select job_number,
row_number() over (partition by job_number order by time_submitted asc) as SRno
from tbl
You could make that into a view and you're good to go. Keep in mind that this will be sensitive to data modifications (i.e. if someone inserts a row between two other rows, the rows after the inserted one will be "renumbered"). Also keep in mind that this won't store the SRno on the table; it has to be calculated dynamically.
You mean auto-numbering (indexing is something different in DBMS's). It can be achieved using a trigger. But that's DBMS-specific issue. Check if your database supports triggers.
Are you looking for something like this..
select JOB_NUMBER,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by JOB_NUMBER order by JOB_NUMBER)
as SRno from table_jobs

Getting the last record in SQL in WHERE condition

i have loanTable that contain two field loan_id and status
loan_id status
1 0
2 9
1 6
5 3
4 5
1 4 <-- How do I select this??
4 6
In this Situation i need to show the last Status of loan_id 1 i.e is status 4. Can please help me in this query.
Since the 'last' row for ID 1 is neither the minimum nor the maximum, you are living in a state of mild confusion. Rows in a table have no order. So, you should be providing another column, possibly the date/time when each row is inserted, to provide the sequencing of the data. Another option could be a separate, automatically incremented column which records the sequence in which the rows are inserted. Then the query can be written.
If the extra column is called status_id, then you could write:
FROM LoanTable AS L1
WHERE L1.Status_ID = (SELECT MAX(Status_ID)
FROM LoanTable AS L2
WHERE L2.Loan_ID = 1);
(The table aliases L1 and L2 could be omitted without confusing the DBMS or experienced SQL programmers.)
As it stands, there is no reliable way of knowing which is the last row, so your query is unanswerable.
Does your table happen to have a primary id or a timestamp? If not then what you want is not really possible.
If yes then:
SELECT TOP 1 status
FROM loanTable
WHERE loan_id = 1
-- or
-- ORDER BY yourTimestamp DESC
I assume that with "last status" you mean the record that was inserted most recently? AFAIK there is no way to make such a query unless you add timestamp into your table where you store the date and time when the record was added. RDBMS don't keep any internal order of the records.
But if last = last inserted, that's not possible for current schema, until a PK addition:
select top 1 status, loan_id
from loanTable
where loan_id = 1
order by id desc -- PK
Use a data reader. When it exits the while loop it will be on the last row. As the other posters stated unless you put a sort on the query, the row order could change. Even if there is a clustered index on the table it might not return the rows in that order (without a sort on the clustered index).
SqlDataReader rdr = SQLcmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
string lastVal = rdr[0].ToString()
You could also use a ROW_NUMBER() but that requires a sort and you cannot use ROW_NUMBER() directly in the Where. But you can fool it by creating a derived table. The rdr solution above is faster.
In oracle database this is very simple.
select * from (select * from loanTable order by rownum desc) where rownum=1
Hi if this has not been solved yet.
To get the last record for any field from a table the easiest way would be to add an ID to each record say pID. Also say that in your table you would like to hhet the last record for each 'Name', run the simple query
SELECT Name, MAX(pID) as LastID
INTO [TableName]
FROM [YourTableName]
GROUP BY [Name]/[Any other field you would like your last records to appear by]
You should now have a table containing the Names in one column and the last available ID for that Name.
Now you can use a join to get the other details from your primary table, say this is some price or date then run the following:
SELECT a.*,b.Price/[Whatever other field you want]
FROM [TableName] a LEFT JOIN [YourTableName]
ON a.Name = b.Name and a.LastID = b.pID
This should then give you the last records for each Name, for the first record run the same queries as above just replace the Max by Min above.
This should be easy to follow and should run quicker as well
If you don't have any identifying columns you could use to get the insert order. You can always do it like this. But it's hacky, and not very pretty.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.[count]) AS rownum from (
1 as [count]
from table tab) t
So basically you get the 'natural order' if you can call it that, and add some column with all the same data. This can be used to sort by the 'natural order', giving you an opportunity to place a row number column on the next query.
Personally, if the system you are using hasn't got a time stamp/identity column, and the current users are using the 'natural order', I would quickly add a column and use this query to create some sort of time stamp/incremental key. Rather than risking having some automation mechanism change the 'natural order', breaking the data needed.
I think this code may help you:
WITH cte_Loans
FROM LoanTable
FROM LoanTable L1
FROM LoanTable L2
WHERE L2.LoanID = L1.LoanID)

Approach to a Bin Packing sql problem

I have a problem in sql where I need to generate a packing list from a list of transactions.
Data Model
The transactions are stored in a table that contains:
transaction id
item id
item quantity
Each transaction can have multiple items (and coincidentally multiple rows with the same transaction id). Each item then has a quantity from 1 to N.
Business Problem
The business requires that we create a packing list, where each line item in the packing list contains the count of each item in the box.
Each box can only contain 160 items (they all happen to be the same size/weight). Based on the total count of the order we need to split items into different boxes (sometimes splitting even the individual item's collection into two boxes)
So the challenge is to take that data schema and come up with the result set that includes how many of each item belong in each box.
I am currently brute forcing this in some not so pretty ways and wondering if anyone has an elegant/simple solution that I've overlooked.
Example In/Out
We really need to isolate how many of each item end up in each box...for example:
Order 1:
100 of item A100 of item B140 of item C
This should result in three rows in the result set:
Box 1: A (100), B (60) Box 2: B(40), C (120) Box 3: C(20)
Ideally the query would be smart enough to put all of C together, but at this point - we're not too concerned with that.
How about something like
SELECT SUM([Item quantity]) as totalItems
, SUM([Item quantity]) / 160 as totalBoxes
, MOD(SUM([Item Quantity), 160) amountInLastBox
FROM [Transactions]
GROUP BY [Transaction Id]
Let me know what fields in the resultset you're looking for and I could come up with a better one
I was looking for something similar and all I could achieve was expanding the rows to the number of item counts in a transaction, and grouping them into bins. Not very elegant though.. Moreover, because string aggregation is still very cumbersome in SQL Server (Oracle, i miss you!), I have to leave the last part out. I mean putting the counts in one single row..
My solution is as follows:
Example transactions table:
INSERT INTO transactions
(trans_id, item, cnt) VALUES
Create a dummy sequence table, which contains numbers from 1 to 1000 (I assume that maximum number allowed for an item in a single transaction is 1000):
Now we can generate a temporary table from transactions table, in which each transaction and item exist "cnt" times in a subquery, and then give numbers to the bins using division, and group by bin number:
SELECT bin_nr, item, count(*) count_in_bin
INTO result
SELECT t.item, ((row_number() over (order by t.item, s.n) - 1) / 160) + 1 as bin_nr
FROM transactions t
INNER JOIN numseq s
ON t.cnt >= s.n -- join conditionally to repeat transaction rows "cnt" times
) a
GROUP BY bin_id, item
ORDER BY bin_id, item
Result is:
bin_id item count_in_bin
1 A 160
2 A 30
2 B 100
2 C 30
3 C 50
In Oracle, the last step would be as simple as that:
SELECT bin_id, WM_CONCAT(CONCAT(item,'(',count_in_bin,')')) contents
FROM result
GROUP BY bin_id
This isn't the prettiest answer but I am using a similar method to keep track of stock items through an order process, and it is easy to understand, and may lead to you developing a better method than I have.
I would create a table called "PackedItem" or something similar. The columns would be:
packed_item_id (int) - Primary Key, Identity column
trans_id (int)
item_id (int)
box_number (int)
Each record in this table represents 1 physical unit you will ship.
Lets say someone adds a line to transaction 4 with 20 of item 12, I would add 20 records to the PackedItem table, all with the transaction ID, the Item ID, and a NULL box number. If a line is updated, you need to add or remove records from the PackedItem table so that there is always a 1:1 correlation.
When the time comes to ship, you can simply
SELECT TOP 160 FROM PackedItem WHERE trans_id = 4 AND box_number IS NULL
and set the box_number on those records to the next available box number, until no records remain where the box_number is NULL. This is possible using one fairly complicated UPDATE statement inside a WHILE loop - which I don't have the time to construct fully.
You can now easily get your desired packing list by querying this table as follows:
SELECT box_number, item_id, COUNT(*) AS Qty
FROM PackedItem
WHERE trans_id = 4
GROUP BY box_number, item_id
Advantages - easy to understand, fairly easy to implement.
Pitfalls - if the table gets out of sync with the lines on the Transaction, the final result can be wrong; This table will get many records in it and will be extra work for the server. Will need each ID field to be indexed to keep performance good.