saving copy of netflix new website - authentication

I am trying to dig into Netflix 's new website. Firebug and such tools are helpful of course, but I'd like to really get in there and play with it. Can anyone suggest a way to get a local copy on my computer? Tried basic wget, but I only get the download page. Tried using a name:pass as part of the URL. Also tried combining a curl command in the terminal with Wget.
Appreciate it!

Try saving the page using keyboard shortcut CTRL + S or click Save page as... from your browsers menu.


CKAN homepage redirection issue

I am having a website developed in CKAN framework. I am struggling with a sporadic issue which is happening on my machine only. When i do some manual changes into CKAN database and tries to click on any menu or a link it is redirecting me to homepage.
After updating the database, i run the command for re-indexing the datasets using production.ini file, so that everything should be updated on the application, but nothing happened.
Temporary Solution
Following steps gives me temporary solution for this issue:
On the website, i need to press F12 button.
Then on the browser, i need to do right click on reload button.
Select the third option ie. "Empty cache and hard reset" will refresh the page and issue get resolved.
This is the temporary solution. If i came back on next day and try to click on other menu then again it redirected me to homepage.
Note: This issue is happening only on Chrome browser.
Please help me get a permanent solution to get rid of this caching issue.
Comments are appreciable.

Automating File Download of a link that looks like this:

I am trying to write an application that will download .csv and .xls files and save them into a folder that will be accessed later by a VBA macro. I am posting this question after the unsuccessful use of the solution in the following link: How do i download a file using VBA (Without internet explorer)
The macro runs successfully, but the downloaded .csv file only contains the html from the login page. I find that strange because when I copy and paste the link directly into the browser without logging in, I am immediately prompted with a save, open, close window for the file.
As much as possible I am trying to avoid using SendKeys, but I can't seem to find another solution that works. I am not opposed to options other than VBA. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Your browser stores cookies which likely allows you to login automatically. Try browsing the page in different tabs in an incognito browser and you'll likely have to login each time.
You'll have to find a way to make the same requests your browser is sending to login, and use the cookies stored to make the requests to download the files.

New to Kimono, having problems editing an API

I'm looking for an easy to use but fast web scraping tool. I recently started experimenting with Kimono after the acquisition of Kimono and transition to a desktp app. I got stuck when I tried to go back and edit and finish my API. I tried to follow the instructions in the help menu. I opened the desktop app, opened my API then clicked on the [Edit] button. It switched to my browser and opened up the target URL. But I got nothing from Kimono - no menu bar. I'm not sure if the extension is supposed to open automatically, but it gave me no hint what I was supposed to do next, so I opened the chrome extension. There are no "properties" (or what I would usually call fields or table columns). I don't know how to open the existing API in chrome. Disclosure: I opened a thread prevviously and got some good advice, but I got stuck again and didn't get any further response. I'd reallly appreciate any advice you all can give me.

Adobe air - download links not working

I'm trying to turn a website of mine into an executable for Windows with Adobe Air.
Everything seems to be in order, but I couldn't quite figure out how to save a file from a download link.
I saw this answer that is suggesting that this is not supported by air, but it is possible to download links via an installed browser (IE for example?)
I also tried to search the official documation and found that there are loading external data possibilites but as I didn't see a way to save the incoming result locally, i couldn't get that to work.
1) How can I accomplish this? Are there working code examples available anywhere?
2) How can I make files download on a web browser from an AIR app?
3) What other options do I have?
Thanks a lot.
I couldn't get a download to work with the HTMLLoader class too.
The only working solution might be to start the download with a browser.
var url:String = "";
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_blank');

Access Web Inspector in Safari with Applescript

I'm trying to create an Applescript script which essentially downloads files from Safari. However, the files are not available for download via the web page, so I usually open up the Web Inspector and then go to Resources and then in a folder called Other, download the file.
I've been searching the web for a method to do this via Applescript, but to no avail. My question is therefore: How can I access the Web Inspector > Resrouces > Other files in my current Safari window? I know that it is possible to bring up the Web Inspect using ⌥⌘I, and then you can change pane inside of the Inspector using ⌘]. But I can't get focus on the list of Resources Files, as shown below:
Is it possible to access this .mp3 file inside of the Other folder without using shortcut commands? And if not/if so, how can I access the Other folder inside of this window pane?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Is it possible that you can access the .mp3 file some other way? Rather than using the Web Inspector, perhaps you can find the link to the .mp3 file within the page source code, and then download it.
If you want to access the "Other" folder, then you will have to copy the web address you need it for, reset safari, go to the web page via the html bar and then open up the web inspector via alt>cmd>I and it should be there.Not sure what Apple Script has to do with anything (But I have never used it :P)
Hope this helps