How can you load balance an IIS 6 hosted WCF Service? - wcf

We use BigIP to load balance between our two IIS servers. We recently deployed a WCF service hosted on by IIS 6 onto these two Windows Server 2003R2 servers.
Each server is configured with two host headers: one for the load balancer address, and then a second host header that points only to that server. That way we can reference a specific server in the load balanced group for debugging.
So when we run We immediately got the error:
This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection.
Parameter name: item
I did some research and we can implement a filter to tell it to ignore the one of the hosts, but then we cannot access the server from that address.
<add prefix=""/>
What is the best solution in this scenario which would allow us to hit a WCF service via and
If we should create our own ServiceFactory as some sites suggest, does anyone have any sample code on this?
Any help is much appreciated.
EDIT: We will need to be able to access the WCF service from either of the two addresses, if at all possible.
Thank you.

On your bigIP Create 2 new virtual servers
create a pool for each VS with only the specific server in it - so there will be no actual load balancing and access it that way. If you are short on external IP'S you can still use the same IP as your production domain name and just use an irule to direct traffic to the appropriate pool
Hope this helps

The URL it uses is based on the bindings in IIS. Does the website have more than one binding? If it does, or is the WCF service used by multiple sites? If it is, then you are SOL AFAIK. We ran into this issue. Basically, there can be only one IIS binding for HTTP, otherwise it bombs.
Also, here's info on implementing a ServiceHostFactory. That WILL work if it's possible that your WCF service only be accessible through 1 address (unfortunately for us, this was not possible).

When you need to test a specific machine, you could "bypass" the load balancing and ensure the correct host-header is sent to keeep WCF happy by editing the "hosts" file on the machine you're testing from so, for example: through are the six hosts that are in the cluster "cluster.mycompany.local", with a load balanced IP address of When testing you could add a line to the machines hosts file that says " cluster.mycompany.local" to be able to hit the third machine in the cluster directly.


Hosting WCF Service on a local machine - DNS work?

I've a WCF service running just on my laptop. The laptop is connected to the web, IP is static.
What's involved in getting that service consumable by a web user (say I'm in Cyprus and my clients are other in the US), can I restrict users by their IP address?
Please not, I'm aware of WCF support for P2P, but that's not what I'm looking for. The service will be migrated to a proper hosting environment after a while.
I'd let IIS do the heavy work and restrict IPs.
Restrict IP addresses in IIS
Just host the WCF inside a web project and use a dynamic DNS service to pass through to your laptop.

Hosting a WCF service in IIS in a single site using tcp binding and multiple ports

I have a performance issue with WCF services hosted in IIS using net.tcp bindings.
We recently ported our system from COM+ to WCF and tests indicate a performance degradation. I've been looking at performance counters on the server and the CPU utilisation is very low (< 10%), there is plenty of available memory, disk reads are normal etc... I also checked WCF performance counters and the number of outstanding calls is low (at most 1 at any given time), number of calls per second is quite low (16 calls per second for a service that is being used the most by the system). All of our services are configured to be per call and single threaded...
I have already played around with throttling and set all values for all of the settings to 100 (the server is an 8 core machine and my understanding is that the actual throttling values end up being what you set multiplied by the number of CPU). I don't think there is an issue there.
I have also made sure that the client is using it's connections efficiently (not creating new ones where there is an existing tcp connection that can be used)
The current web application hosts about 50 services (yep, that is 50!) and at the moment I am trying to eliminate this as the source of the problem. I am looking into hosting the services in multiple web applications and I'd also like to have them use different ports but I am having some problems with that and I can't find a step by step instructions on the internet anywhere so I am hoping somebody here will be able to help me :)
Here is what I've tried to do so far:
1) I added another binding to Default Web Site in IIS (that is I've got two net.tcp bindings, one is set to use "808:*" binding information and the other one uses "809:*")
2) I've made sure these ports are allowed to go through the firewall
3) Then I've tried to configure each individual web application to filter ports (this is a snippet from web.config where I want to use port 808):
<add prefix="net.tcp//<servername>:808"/>
When I try to connect to this service I get a The service at the endpoint address 'net.tcp://<servername>/SomeService.svc' is unavailable for the protocol of the address
If I remove the <serviceHostingEnvironmentgt; bit. What am I doing wrong here?
Other service, for example the ones that I want to be available on port 809 are not available at all, the error message I get telling me that the endpoint does not exist, it looks like IIS is not listening on that port at all. The firewall, as already mentioned, definitely allows this port through.
Any ideas or perhaps suggestions on what the best setup when having this many services hosted would be are much appreciated!
It is an old post - but...
About the endpoint error - try to set net binding information on the application and not on the site level.

WCF DiscoveryClient returns references to localhost from remote machines

I have an app with a self-hosted WCF service.
My WCF service gets published under the URI "net.tcp://localhost:8004/DocumentService". When I run the service on a remote machine and try to discover the service with the new .NET 4 class DiscoveryClient, the found services all have the URI "net.tcp://localhost:8004/DocumentService" too without any information about the actual machine where the service is hosted.
Obviously this is useless if I want to access the service on the remote machine. But I can't find any reference to the actual remote machine (IP address or server name) in the arguments passed to FindProgressChanged.
Is there a way to get the information about the remote machine or do I have to publish my service with the machine name of the remote machine? Or is DiscoveryClient just broken?
I hope this make sense.
I spent a lot of time investigating this problem. Building base addresses in the code was not acceptable for me, as it implies hardcoding transport scheme and port (the latter, of course, can be stored in a separate config section, but then why not just to use the existing section?). I wanted to have an ability to just configure the base address in config as usual. And it turns out that a base address like <add baseAddress="net.tcp://*:8731/"/> will perfectly work. I think the same is true for programmatic configuration.

WCF (hosting service in IIS) - machine name automattically being picked up by WCF rather than IP?

So, I previously posted about my troubles in moving a working WCF service from my local machine to the development server. The problem was that when moving it over all of the references were by machine name rather than ip. Since i was not accessing it on the domain, I couldn't see the machine name and couldn't access the references. Here was my previous post (.NET WCF service references use server name rather than IP address causing issues when consuming).
I found a solution, but wanted to make sure that this is the proper solution to my issue. And also ask if anyone else had any other input? The solution was to change the IIS site binding. I found the solution at ( The only thing is that I may have to do this for every site as the application that i work with is not hosted and is a web-based solution installed at each site. So i'm possibly going to have to include a script in the build for each site.
I would think that I would be able to make this change in the .config file?
The right way to handle this is to set and explicit host-header in IIS for the Web Site instance. Now, assuming you've only got one host-header applied to the Web Site instance that should be all that you need. However, if you have multiple host-headers configured you will also need to explicitly tell WCF which host to expose itself via. This is done with the configuration element under the element to bind the service to that specific domain.

How do I host a wcf service on the internet?

This is probably a basic networking issue, but I am new to this stuff and just do not know the answer.
I have written a wcf service and client. I can use one of the http bindings and get the service to work correctly when I put my machine's network IP address as the endpoint address and run the client and server from the same machine. Now, I want to be able to connect to this service from a different machine over the internet. Clearly it does not work when I use my network IP address in this scenario, but simply putting in my router's broadband IP address does not seem to be doing the trick, either. Am I just missing a firewall port that I need to open up, or am I trying to do something that should not be possible?
If you want users from the internet to be able to connect to your service, you'll have to consider a few points:
binding: the lowest common denominator is the basicHttpBinding which is SOAP 1.1 with basically no additional features available - just like ASMX webservices. Just about anyone can connect to that. For more advanced clients, you might also want to expose a wsHttpBinding endpoint on your service
security: how (if at all) do you want to secure access to your web service? Do you have username/password credentials that callers must supply? Check out the WCF Security Guidance for a whole slew of information bits on the various security scenarios
authenticating your service: typically, you should strive to make your service authenticate itself to the rest of the world - this requires a server certificate and enables secured communication (messages signed + encrypted) on the wire
make sure your service endpoint(s) is reachable from the internet, through all firewalls and proxies and everything :-)
Hope that helps a bit!
You need to set up port forwarding on your router. Perhaps someone on ServerFault or SuperUser would be able to help you. Or even a google search now that you know what it's called. The instructions will be different depending on the router. The port you need to forward will be the port you've picked in the WCF config file.
I host WCF services through IIS, but it took me ages to work out how. At the moment I put the files on the webserver and enable websharing on the root folder. Then you can assign them to an appropriate Application Pool in IIS, and add a service reference to any client projects using the URL of the wsdl.
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it but its the only way I've worked out so far.
Here's the simple solution.
I am assuming that you have made a working WCF application and hosted over the IIS.
The next thing to do is to browse the application from the IIS. It will give you url in the address bar something like:
Next go to this will give you your system's WAN IP (say,
Replace the URL you got in step 2 with:
Now you can use this URL any where in this world to consume your service.
I found a good Article and it is working fine for me, on the following the Main steps:
1-First you should create WCF Service.
2-add application on IIS and give alias for your virtual directory and set path from your local drive.
3-Make sure your default app pool set to .NET CLR V4.0.
4-test your WCF service is running successfully on localhost.
5-To access the same via LAN (Local Area Network) you must disable Firewall for you Private network.
6- try to use, you will get Temp URL to use via internet to access your LocalHost anywhere.
Then Everything will be fine.
For More Information Check the following Link: