Strategy for identifying unused tables in SQL Server 2000? - sql

I'm working with a SQL Server 2000 database that likely has a few dozen tables that are no longer accessed. I'd like to clear out the data that we no longer need to be maintaining, but I'm not sure how to identify which tables to remove.
The database is shared by several different applications, so I can't be 100% confident that reviewing these will give me a complete list of the objects that are used.
What I'd like to do, if it's possible, is to get a list of tables that haven't been accessed at all for some period of time. No reads, no writes. How should I approach this?

MSSQL2000 won't give you that kind of information. But a way you can identify what tables ARE used (and then deduce which ones are not) is to use the SQL Profiler, to save all the queries that go to a certain database. Configure the profiler to record the results to a new table, and then check the queries saved there to find all the tables (and views, sps, etc) that are used by your applications.
Another way I think you might check if there's any "writes" is to add a new timestamp column to every table, and a trigger that updates that column every time there's an update or an insert. But keep in mind that if your apps do queries of the type
select * from ...
then they will receive a new column and that might cause you some problems.

Another suggestion for tracking tables that have been written to is to use Red Gate SQL Log Rescue (free). This tool dives into the log of the database and will show you all inserts, updates and deletes. The list is fully searchable, too.
It doesn't meet your criteria for researching reads into the database, but I think the SQL Profiler technique will get you a fair idea as far as that goes.

If you have lastupdate columns you can check for the writes, there is really no easy way to check for reads. You could run profiler, save the trace to a table and check in there
What I usually do is rename the table by prefixing it with an underscrore, when people start to scream I just rename it back

If by not used, you mean your application has no more references to the tables in question and you are using dynamic sql, you could do a search for the table names in your app, if they don't exist blow them away.
I've also outputted all sprocs, functions, etc. to a text file and done a search for the table names. If not found, or found in procedures that will need to be deleted too, blow them away.

It looks like using the Profiler is going to work. Once I've let it run for a while, I should have a good list of used tables. Anyone who doesn't use their tables every day can probably wait for them to be restored from backup. Thanks, folks.

Probably too late to help mogrify, but for anybody doing a search; I would search for all objects using this object in my code, then in SQL Server by running this :
select distinct '[' + object_name(id) + ']'
from syscomments
where text like '%MY_TABLE_NAME%'


SQL Server Performance Tuning of large table

I have a table of 755 columns and around holding 2 million records as of now and it will grow.There are many procedures accessing it with other tables join, are running slow. Now it's hard to split/normalize them as everything is already built and customer is not ready to spend much on it. Is there any way to make the query access to that table faster? Please advise.
Will column store index help?
How little are they prepared to spend?
It may be possible to split this table into multiple 1 to 1 joined tables (vertical partitioning), then use a view to present it as one single blob to existing code.
With some luck you may get join elimination happening frequently enough to make it worthwhile.
View will probably require INSTEAD OF triggers to fully replicate existing logic. INSTEAD OF triggers have a number of restrictions e.g. no support for OUTPUT clause, which can prove to be to hard to overcome depending on your specific setup.
You can name your view the same as existing table, which will eliminate the need of fixing code everywhere.
IMO this is the simplest you can do short of a full DB re-factoring exercise.
See: and
755 Columns thats a lot. You should try to index the columns that are mostly used in where clause. this might speed up the process
It is fine, dont worry about it, actually how many columns you have it is not important in sql server (But be careful I said 'have'). The main problem is data count and how many column you select in queries. There is a few point firstly you can check.
Do not use * selector and change it if used in everywhere
In the joins, do not use it directly, you can firstly filter it as inner select. (Just try it, I have no idea about your table so I m telling the general rules.)
Try the diminish data count for ex: use history table for old records. This technicque depends on needs of your organization.
Try to use column index and something like that features.
And of course remove dynamic selects in your queries.
I wish one of them will work.

Can select * usage ever be justified?

I've always preached to my developers that SELECT * is evil and should be avoided like the plague.
Are there any cases where it can be justified?
I'm not talking about COUNT(*) - which most optimizers can figure out.
I'm talking about production code.
And one great example I saw of this bad practice was a legacy asp application that used select * in a stored procedure, and used ADO to loop through the returned records, but got the columns by index. You can imagine what happened when a new field was added somewhere other than the end of the field list.
I'm quite happy using * in audit triggers.
In that case it can actually prove a benefit because it will ensure that if additional columns are added to the base table it will raise an error so it cannot be forgotten to deal with this in the audit trigger and/or audit table structure.
(Like dotjoe) I am also happy using it in derived tables and column table expressions. Though I habitually do it the other way round.
FROM foo)
I'm mostly familiar with SQL Server and there at least the optimiser has no problem recognising that only columns a,b,c will be required and the use of * in the inner table expression does not cause any unnecessary overhead retrieving and discarding unneeded columns.
In principle SELECT * ought to be fine in a view as well as it is the final SELECT from the view where it ought to be avoided however in SQL Server this can cause problems as it stores column metadata for views which is not automatically updated when the underlying tables change and the use of * can lead to confusing and incorrect results unless sp_refreshview is run to update this metadata.
There are many scenarios where SELECT * is the optimal solution. Running ad-hoc queries in Management Studio just to get a sense of the data you're working with. Querying tables where you don't know the column names yet because it's the first time you've worked with a new schema. Building disposable quick'n'dirty tools to do a one-time migration or data export.
I'd agree that in "proper" development, you should avoid it - but there's lots of scenarios where "proper" development isn't necessarily the optimum solution to a business problem. Rules and best practices are great, as long as you know when to break them. :)
I'll use it in production when working with CTEs. But, in this case it's not really select *, because I already specified the columns in the CTE. I just don't want to respecify in the final select.
with t as (
select a, b, c from foo
select t.* from t;
None that I can think of, if you are talking about live code.
People saying that it makes adding columns easier to develop (so they automatically get returned and can be used without changing the Stored procedure) have no idea about writing optimal code/sql.
I only ever use it when writing ad-hoc queries that will not get reused (finding out the structure of a table, getting some data when I am not sure what the column names are).
I think using select * in an exists clause is appropriate:
select some_field from some_table
where exists
(select * from related_table [join condition...])
Some people like to use select 1 in this case, but it's not elegant, and it doesn't buy any performance improvements (early optimization strikes again).
In production code, I'd tend to agree 100% with you.
However, I think that the * more than justifies its existence when performing ad-hoc queries.
You've gotten a number of answers to your question, but you seem to be dismissing everything that isn't parroting back what you want to hear. Still, here it is for the third (so far) time: sometimes there is no bottleneck. Sometimes performance is way better than fine. Sometimes the tables are in flux, and amending every SELECT query is just one more bit of possible inconsistency to manage. Sometimes you've got to deliver on an impossible schedule and this is the last thing you need to think about.
If you live in bullet time, sure, type in all the column names. But why stop there? Re-write your app in a schema-less dbms. Hell, write your own dbms in assembly. That'd really show 'em.
And remember if you use select * and you have a join at least one field will be sent twice (the join field). This wastes database resources and network resources for no reason.
As a tool I use it to quickly refresh my memory as to what I can possibly get back from a query. As a production level query itself .. no way.
When creating an application that deals with the database, like phpmyadmin, and you are in a page where to display a full table, in that case using SELECT * can be justified, I guess.
About the only thing that I can think of would be when developing a utility or SQL tool application that is being written to run against any database. Even here though, I would tend to query the system tables to get the table structure and then build any necessary query from that.
There was one recent place where my team used SELECT * and I think that it was ok... we have a database that exists as a facade against another database (call it DB_Data), so it is primarily made up of views against the tables in the other database. When we generate the views we actually generate the column lists, but there is one set of views in the DB_Data database that are automatically generated as rows are added to a generic look-up table (this design was in place before I got here). We wrote a DDL trigger so that when a view is created in DB_Data by this process then another view is automatically created in the facade. Since the view is always generated to exactly match the view in DB_Data and is always refreshed and kept in sync, we just used SELECT * for simplicity.
I wouldn't be surprised if most developers went their entire career without having a legitimate use for SELECT * in production code though.
I've used select * to query tables optimized for reading (denormalized, flat data). Very advantageous since the purpose of the tables were simply to support various views in the application.
How else do the developers of phpmyadmin ensure they are displaying all the fields of your DB tables?
It is conceivable you'd want to design your DB and application so that you can add a column to a table without needing to rewrite your application. If your application at least checks column names it can safely use SELECT * and treat additional columns with some appropriate default action. Sure the app could consult system catalogs (or app-specific catalogs) for column information, but in some circumstances SELECT * is syntactic sugar for doing that.
There are obvious risks to this, however, and adding the required logic to the app to make it reliable could well simply mean replicating the DB's query checks in a less suitable medium. I am not going to speculate on how the costs and benefits trade off in real life.
In practice, I stick to SELECT * for 3 cases (some mentioned in other answers:
As an ad-hoc query, entered in a SQL GUI or command line.
As the contents of an EXISTS predicate.
In an application that dealt with generic tables without needing to know what they mean (e.g. a dumper, or differ).
Yes, but only in situations where the intention is to actually get all the columns from a table not because you want all the columns that a table currently has.
For example, in one system that I worked on we had UDFs (User Defined Fields) where the user could pick the fields they wanted on the report, the order as well as filtering. When building a result set it made more sense to simply "select *" from the temporary tables that I was building instead of having to keep track of which columns were active.
I have several times needed to display data from a table whose column names were unknown. So I did SELECT * and got the column names at run time.
I was handed a legacy app where a table had 200 columns and a view had 300. The risk exposure from SELECT * would have been no worse than from listing all 300 columns explicitly.
Depends on the context of the production software.
If you are writing a simple data access layer for a table management tool where the user will be selecting tables and viewing results in a grid, then it would seem *SELECT ** is fine.
In other words, if you choose to handle "selection of fields" through some other means (as in automatic or user-specified filters after retrieving the resultset) then it seems just fine.
If on the other hand we are talking about some sort of enterprise software with business rules, a defined schema, etc. ... then I agree that *SELECT ** is a bad idea.
EDIT: Oh and when the source table is a stored procedure for a trigger or view, "*SELECT **" should be fine because you're managing the resultset through other means (the view's definition or the stored proc's resultset).
Select * in production code is justifiable any time that:
it isn't a performance bottleneck
development time is critical
Why would I want the overhead of going back and having to worry about changing the relevant stored procedures, every time I add a field to the table?
Why would I even want to have to think about whether or not I've selected the right fields, when the vast majority of the time I want most of them anyway, and the vast majority of the few times I don't, something else is the bottleneck?
If I have a specific performance issue then I'll go back and fix that. Otherwise in my environment, it's just premature (and expensive) optimisation that I can do without.
Edit.. following the discussion, I guess I'd add to this:
... and where people haven't done other undesirable things like tried to access columns(i), which could break in other situations anyway :)
I know I'm very late to the party but I'll chip in that I use select * whenever I know that I'll always want all columns regardless of the column names. This may be a rather fringe case but in data warehousing, I might want to stage an entire table from a 3rd party app. My standard process for this is to drop the staging table and run
select *
into staging.aTable
from remotedb.dbo.aTable
Yes, if the schema on the remote table changes, downstream dependencies may throw errors but that's going to happen regardless.
If you want to find all the columns and want order, you can do the following (at least if you use MySQL):
SHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable FROM mydb; (1)
You can see every relevant information about all your fields. You can prevent problems with types and you can know for sure all the column names. This command is very quick, because you just ask for the structure of the table. From the results you will select all the name and will build a string like this:
"select " + fieldNames[0] + ", fieldNames[1]" + ", fieldNames[2] from mytable". (2)
If you don't want to run two separate MySQL commands because a MySQL command is expensive, you can include (1) and (2) into a stored procedure which will have the results as an OUT parameter, that way you will just call a stored procedure and every command and data generation will happen at the database server.


A similar question has been asked, but since it always depends, I'm asking for my specific situation separately.
I have a web-site page that shows some data that comes from a database, and to generate the data from that database I have to do some fairly complex multiple joins queries.
The data is being updated once a day (nightly).
I would like to pre-generate the data for the said view to speed up the page access.
For that I am creating a table that contains exact data I need.
Question: for my situation, is it reasonable to do complete table wipe followed by insert? or should I do update,insert?
SQL wise seems like DELETE + INSERT will be easier (INSERT part is a single SQL expression).
EDIT: RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2008 Ent
TRUNCATE will be faster than delete, so if you need to empty a table do that instead
You didn't specify your RDBMS vendor but some of them also have MERGE/UPSERT commands This enables you do update the table if the data exists and insert if it doesn't
It partly depends on how the data is accessed. If you have a period of time with no (or very few) users accessing it, then there won't be much impact on the data disappearing (between the DELETE and the completion of the INSERT) for a short while.
Have you considered using a materialized view (MSSQL calls them indexed views) instead of doing it manually? This could also have other performance benefits as an indexed view gives the query optimizer more choices when its constructing execution plans for other queries that reference the table(s) in the view.
It depends on the size of the table and the recovery model on the database. If you are deleting many hundreds of thousands of records and reinstating them vs updating a small batch of a few hundred and inserting tens of rows, it will add an unnecessary size to your transaction logs. However you could use TRUNCATE to get around this as it won't affect the transaction log.
Do you have the option of a MERGE/UPSERT? If you're using MS-SQL you can use CROSS APPLY to do something similar if you don't.
One approach to handling this type of problem is to insert into new table, then do a table Rename. This will insure that all new data is present at the same time.
What if some data that was present yesterdays is not anymore? Delete may be safer or you could end up deleting some records anyway.
And in the end it doesnt really matter which way you go.
Unless on the case #kevinw mentioned
Although I fully agree with SQLMenace's answer I do would like to point out that MERGE does NOT remove unneeded records ! If you're sure that your new data will be a super-set of the existing data, then MERGE is great, otherwise you'll either need to make sure that you delete any superfluous records later on, or use the TRUNCATE + INSERT method ...
(Personally I'm still a fan of the latter as it usually is quite fast, just make sure to drop all indexes/unique constraints upfront and rebuild them one by one. This has the benefit of the INSERT transaction being smaller and the index-adding being done in (smaller) transactions again later on). (**)
(**: yes, this might be tricky on live system, but then again he already mentioned this was done during some kind of overnight anyway, I'm extrapolating there is no user-access at that time)

SQL Server 2005: Audit random record deletion

This may seem like a dumb question, but I'm in a head-> wall situation right now.
I work on a massive ERP application in which the SQL Server 2005 database is updated by multiple disparate applications. I'm trying to figure out where the deletes in a particular table are originating from.
I tried using the Profiler but I'm not able to filter the event types enough to be able to identify the errant SP because there are so many hits to the database every second from various quarters. Also the Profiler seems more directed to finding DDL changes or Object DROP type actions.
I'm simply trying to answer the question: What Stored Proc. or SQL query caused a record to be deleted from Table X?
What tool should I use? I was hoping to avoid something like Trigger based Auditing. Or is the Profiler the best tool for this sort of investigation? Or are third-party tools the only resort?
Please provide any helpful links you can because I'm relatively unfamiliar with this topic.
Finding the culprit with profiler could be like finding a needle in a haystack, especially on a busy system; if you can't find it with filters like edosoft suggests, try to minimize the noise by eliminating statments with writes=0, filter by application name, filter by textdata not like '%select%'; you should be able to get it narrowed down.
If you're really desperate, you could deny delete permission to all users on the table and wait for the phone to ring.
You could also run occassional SELECT COUNT(*) on the table into a work table with timestamps and try to correlate any drops in record counts to other activity.
You could use SQL Profiler for this, but you need to filter the results. To monitor DELETE statements select "RPC:Starting" and "SP:Starting" events and apply a filter on the TextData column: "TextData LIKE '%DELETE%FROM%'".

Date ranges in views - is this normal?

I recently started working at a company with an enormous "enterprisey" application. At my last job, I designed the database, but here we have a whole Database Architecture department that I'm not part of.
One of the stranger things in their database is that they have a bunch of views which, instead of having the user provide the date ranges they want to see, join with a (global temporary) table "TMP_PARM_RANG" with a start and end date. Every time the main app starts processing a request, the first thing it does it "DELETE FROM TMP_PARM_RANG;" then an insert into it.
This seems like a bizarre way of doing things, and not very safe, but everybody else here seems ok with it. Is this normal, or is my uneasiness valid?
Update I should mention that they use transactions and per-client locks, so it is guarded against most concurrency problems. Also, there are literally dozens if not hundreds of views that all depend on TMP_PARM_RANG.
Do I understand this correctly?
There is a view like this:
SELECT * FROM some_table, tmp_parm_rang
WHERE some_table.date_column BETWEEN tmp_parm_rang.start_date AND tmp_parm_rang.end_date;
Then in some frontend a user inputs a date range, and the application does the following:
Deletes all existing rows from
Inserts a new row into
TMP_PARM_RANG with the user's values
Selects all rows from the view
I wonder if the changes to TMP_PARM_RANG are committed or rolled back, and if so when? Is it a temporary table or a normal table? Basically, depending on the answers to these questions, the process may not be safe for multiple users to execute in parallel. One hopes that if this were the case they would have already discovered that and addressed it, but who knows?
Even if it is done in a thread-safe way, making changes to the database for simple query operations doesn't make a lot of sense. These DELETEs and INSERTs are generating redo/undo (or whatever the equivalent is in a non-Oracle database) which is completely unnecessary.
A simple and more normal way of accomplishing the same goal would be to execute this query, binding the user's inputs to the query parameters:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_table.date_column BETWEEN ? AND ?;
If the database is oracle, it's possibly a global temporary table; every session sees its own version of the table and inserts/deletes won't affect other users.
There must be some business reason for this table. I've seen views with dates hardcoded that were actually a partioned view and they were using dates as the partioning field. I've also seen joining on a table like when dealing with daylights saving times imagine a view that returned all activity which occured during DST. And none of these things would ever delete and insert into the table...that's just odd
So either there is a deeper reason for this that needs to be dug out, or it's just something that at the time seemed like a good idea but why it was done that way has been lost as tribal knowledge.
Personally, I'm guessing that it would be a pretty strange occurance. And from what you are saying two methods calling the process at the same time could be very interesting.
Typically date ranges are done as filters on a view, and not driven by outside values stored in other tables.
The only justification I could see for this is if there was a multi-step process, that was only executed once at a time and the dates are needed for multiple operations, across multiple stored procedures.
I suppose it would let them support multiple ranges. For example, they can return all dates between 1/1/2008 and 1/1/2009 AND 1/1/2006 and 1/1/2007 to compare 2006 data to 2008 data. You couldn't do that with a single pair of bound parameters. Also, I don't know how Oracle does it's query plan caching for views, but perhaps it has something to do with that? With the date columns being checked as part of the view the server could cache a plan that always assumes the dates will be checked.
Just throwing out some guesses here :)
Also, you wrote:
I should mention that they use
transactions and per-client locks, so
it is guarded against most concurrency
While that may guard against data consistency problems due to concurrency, it hurts when it comes to performance problems due to concurrency.
Do they also add one -in the application- to generate the next unique value for the primary key?
It seems that the concept of shared state eludes these folks, or the reason for the shared state eludes us.
That sounds like a pretty weird algorithm to me. I wonder how it handles concurrency - is it wrapped in a transaction?
Sounds to me like someone just wasn't sure how to write their WHERE clause.
The views are probably used as temp tables. In SQL Server we can use a table variable or a temp table (# / ##) for this purpose. Although creating views are not recommended by experts, I have created lots of them for my SSRS projects because the tables I am working on do not reference one another (NO FK's, seriously!). I have to workaround deficiencies in the database design; that's why I am using views a lot.
With the global temporary table GTT approach that you comment is being used here, the method is certainly safe with regard to a multiuser system, so no problem there. If this is Oracle then I'd want to check that the system either is using an appropriate level of dynamic sampling so that the GTT is joined appropriately, or that a call to DBMS_STATS is made to supply statistics on the GTT.