I am trying to use findstr for a search in a text file for a variable set by user input
I still get a found ( errorlevel 0 ) reply if only part of what they input matches a line in my file
findstr /R /C:%Password% %file%
echo %errorlevel%
say for example I have 123456 as a working password when the user enters 123 the findstr still thinks its valid as it sees that as the first part of my 123456
am I doing this wrong ? is there another way ? can I read the file in as variables and have the script compare the user input to each variable ( line ) in the txt ? should I use ini instead ?
Any help would be appreciated I have googled this and tried other code strings but still can not get the desired result
thank you
I know similar questions have already been asked, but somehow I am unable to figure out the mistake in my code.
I'm making a .bat file with the following code
echo off
echo %cd%
set curr_directory = "%cd%"
echo $curr_directory
C:\Users\MyDesktop>echo off
Press any key to continue . . .
So what I dont get is why the value of variable curr_directory is not being printed.
What i eventually want to do is use the variable to change the directory something like this: cd $curr_directory
I don't know where to start. EVERYTHING about your code is wrong. This should work:
#echo off
echo %cd%
set curr_directory=%cd%
echo %curr_directory%
In batch you access variables via %var% and not $var. Further, DO NOT PUT SPACES behind =. SET x=123 will store 123 in x but SET x= 123 will store _123 (_ means space) in x.
EDIT: As SomethingDark stated, the first line should be #echo off except you actually want the message echo off to be printed. And yes, SET x = 123 means %x % is 123
use %curr_directory% instead of $curr_directory
Avoid spaces inbetween like the below one
"set curr_directory = %cd%"
below should work
echo off
echo %cd%
set curr_directory=%cd%
echo curr_directory is %curr_directory%
I'm trying to compile a batch file to get the userID of the current user, then use the output to delete a certain registry key.
I found this to get the SID of the current logged in user:
wmic useraccount where name='%username%' get sid
This worked perfectly and gave me:
Now I would like to use the S-1-5-21.... etc. To delete a certain registry key for the current logged in user, so the S-1-5-21 etc. How can I do that? Or is there an easier way, being able to determine current SID and delete a key consequently?
thank you!
Assuming you want to delete the registry key...
...this script should cut it:
:: retrieve user's SID, store in file. NOTE: a user can have more than 1 SID.
wmic useraccount where name='%USERNAME%' get sid | FINDSTR "^S-" > tmp.txt
:: load result into variable. NOTE: this will load the first line only.
SET /P SID_=<tmp.txt
:: remove spaces which turned out to be appended at the end.
:: delete key in the registry (will probably required elevated privileges)
:: the /F causes reg.exe not to ask for confirmation
:: cleanup
DEL tmp.txt
I'm not aware of an easier way to "determine current SID and delete a key".
Try this:
#echo off
wmic useraccount where name='%username%' get sid > temp.txt &more temp.txt > temp2.txt &del temp.txt
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (temp2.txt) do set "userID=%%A"
del temp2.txt
echo %userID%
You can use the %userID% variable after this code.
Note that you need to use the more because of the way wmic parses it's output
Okay, this is kind of complicated so ill try to explain it as best as is can.
I am currently writing a simple program for my own use using notepad.
I am using the language batch and running the program through Command Prompt.
Part of the Program lets you access an account you created with username and password:
set /p USERNAME1= Username?
findstr /n "%USERNAME1%" Usernames.txt
In Usernames.txt are the usernames of each account that has been created, one per line.
If your username is found, it is displayed along with the line number before it in the program.
It then asks for your password:
set /p PASSWORD1= Password?
This is where the problem starts. When the accounts are created, the usernames are stored, one per line, in Usernames.txt , and so are the passwords but in Passwords.txt
I need the program to check if the password you typed is the same as the password on the same line number the username is on, in Passwords.txt
I know this is complicated but if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!
You're using findstr /N to get the line number of usernames.txt, which is a good start. You're getting the entire line, prefixed with the line number and a colon :.
So for /F can be used to extract the number only. The option string "tokens=1 delims=:" defines to divide the found line at the (first) :, so the line number is separated from the user name.
Finally, another for /F can be used to get the line of the passwords.txt files.
Putting all those things together, the following code snippet emerges:
set /P USERNAME1=Username?
set /P PASSWORD1=Password?
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%I in (
'findstr /N /I /X /C:"%USERNAME1%" "\path\to\usernames.txt"'
) do (
if %LINENUMBER% lss 0 (
exit /B
) else if %LINENUMBER% equ 0 (
) else (
for /F "usebackq %SKIPPING% delims=" %%I in (
) do (
if "%%I" equ "%PASSWORD1%" (
exit /B
rem do something...
So the variable USERNAME1 holds the entered user name to search and PASSWORD1 the entered password.
If the user name cannot be found in usernames.txt, or the entered password does not match the found one, the script is terminated using exit /B.
Note that user names are compared in a case-insensitive manner (/I switch), but the password are compared case-sensitively.
I am trying to save a batch variable into a text file. I currently have this code:
#echo off
Set var=6
#echo %var%>txt.txt
For /f "tokens*" %%i in (txt.txt) do #echo %%i
It's supposed to save the 6 into the variable var and then write the variable in a text file. I want to do this to save user input into a text file so that when the batch program is terminated it will hold the variables.
There is a little problem with redirection. You are redirecting a "stream"; they are numbered 0-9. 0 is for "Standard Input" (STDIN), 1 is for "Standard Output" (STDOUT), 2 is for "Error Output" (STDERR).
If you use the redirection symbol > without a stream number, it defaults to "1".
So echo text>txt.txt is just an abreviation for echo text 1>txt.txt
Now it's getting tricky: echo 6>txt.txt won't echo "6" to the file, but tries to redirect "Stream 6" (which is empty) to the file. The Standard Output echo is off goes to the screen, because "Stream1" is not redirected.
If you try to redirect a number or a string which ends with a number, just use a different syntax:
>txt.txt echo 6
Use the set command to get the contents of a file:
set /p var=<filename
Use the echo command to put into a file:
#echo Contents Of File > "FileName"
To append another line to the end of the file, use:
#echo Contents Of File >> "FileName"
Also, put the commands on separate lines or use '&&' between them on the same line.
I am trying to apply multiple SQL scripts to an Ingres database (using a vnode setup). The testing phase will require it done to four databases. Trying to nip this annoyance in the bud I've started a batch file but receive the error above.
Many of the solutions found suggest that the batch file will evaluate everything within a block when it starts but I cannot see the forest for the trees. I have a suspicion that the parts in :1ST and :2ND are causing the problems but they need to be done.
SQL, Batch and command window output are below
UPDATE core SET sysflag='O'
#ECHO off
SET VN1=dave
SET DB1=dbtest1
SET DB2=dbtest2
SET SQL1=open.sql
SET SQL2=open.sql
ECHO 1 - Leave
ECHO 2 - Database1
ECHO 3 - Database2
SET /P M=Choose then press ENTER:
IF "%M%"=="1" GOTO EOF
IF "%M%"=="2" GOTO 1ST
IF "%M%"=="3" GOTO 2ND
ECHO Applying SQLs to %DATABASE%
SQL %DATABASE% < %SQL1% > log_%SQL1%.txt
SQL %DATABASE% < %SQL2% > log_%SQL2%.txt
C:\Users\me\BUILD>IF UPDATE core SET sysflag='O'==1 GOTO EOF
You are expecting the value of %M% to have 1, 2, or 3. But somehow the value is UPDATE core. The IF statement fails because there is a space in the middle of the left value. Token delimiters like space must be escaped, or the entire string on each side should be quoted. You could change your statement to IF "%M%"=="1" GOTO EOF to eliminate the error, but it still will not give the results you want.
The SET /P statement reads the value from stdin. I assume you have not typed the value UPDATE core, but instead your input was either redirected or piped. You are feeding your script the wrong value.
You should add error handling so that the code does not fall through to :1ST if the input is not 1, 2, or 3.
You can explicitly redirect input to the console for your SET /P statement. That way it will ignore the redirected input or piped input that was provided for the batch script.
<con: SET /P "M=Choose then press ENTER: "
But something seems wrong with your whole design. If you are piping or redirecting input for the script, then it doesn't make sense to present an interactive menu of choices in a loop. What happens if the user never presses 1 to quit? Eventually the piped or redirected input will be exhausted, and then you have problems.