Instagram style post(multiple media in single item) implementation using Recyclerview & Exoplayer - android-recyclerview

I want to make a recycler view that can show multiple media in each recycler view item. Like instagram post i want to show video & images in a single recycler view item. I don't know how i can achieve this. Please help me, Your help will be appreciated.


How to make a recyclerview that shows one item and shows another item when it is swiped horizontally?

For example the recyclerview should show one image at the same time and other image should be shown when the recyclerview is swiped horizontally.(
I use Linear Layout as horizontally to show images.
I've found a solution. I wanted to show just one item or image at the same time in a recylerview and when the recyclerview is swiped next item would be shown to the user. That work is just basic as adding that piece of code in the below after making the configuration of your recylerview.

How would a slideable list control like this be achieved with React Native?

The Yelp app for iOS is designed such that after you enter and send a search query, something like this comes up:
The screen consists of a map control in the background, with a screen on top displaying a list view that you can swipe up/down depending on whether you want to see the list/map (respectively).
How would something like this be accomplished using React Native? For example, would the React Navigation or React Native Swiper libraries help me superimpose a list view on top of the map control?
You can use PanResponder.
Here is a good article which ay help you. Click here.

Multiple ImageView's that allow for deletion

I am currently trying to add multiple imageviews like in this picture ( to a view controller. I would also like the option to be able to delete specific images, and also have the whole view controller in a scrollview incase the user wants to add numerous images.
So far I have one imageview that can be set to either a picture from the camera or from the photo library, what I would like is when a user add's a image, another option displays next to it to upload another image such as the picture in the link I provided.
I am currently using the Xcode 5 with storyboards and developing for iOS 7 also.
Any help is appreciated.
Simply use a UICollectionView !
Reference :
It will allow you to add functionalities like delete or add for example (w/ ScrollView ;) )!

How to show image as a Highslide popup in new view?

I am displaying images in xtype:dataview as thumbnail.
I am curious how to show the tapped image as a Highslide popup in a next view.
Can someone guide me in this?
A sample code will be much help full.
Do you mean a highslide gallery, with thumbnails underneath? There are lots of different types of highslides.
The best way would be to create a container with vbox....a carousel on top with a flex setting of 0.8, and a dataview underneath with a flex of 0.2.
Then, you can use the same store for both, load the dataview. Your tap listener for the dataview would do an animateactiveitem [index] of the carousel....the index will be take automatically from the dataview.
I ended up referring to the APOD carousel example by Ed SPencer, which pushes items into a carousel from a store first. The I loaded the store into both dataview and carousel at the same time, with an animateactiveitem showing the correct slide of the carousel on tap of the dataview.
I don't have my laptop here to post some example code, but maybe start by looking at the ed spencer APOD carousel.
Hope this helps....

Using UIImagePickerController on the iPad

I'm developing an iPad app for use in-house. It's basically a SplitView based app, with a list of items. The details view contains a navigation controller. When the user selects an item in the rootview, it displays the definition of that item in the details view.
I want them to be able to drill-down into a gallery of images for that item, and be presented with a UI similar to the iPad photos app. Basically thumbnails with the ability to view it at original size and then go back to the thumbnails.
I was looking at using the UIImagePickerController but it looks like you need to use that in a Popover control, is that the case? It also looks like you can also only use it with pictures stored in the photo area on the iPad.
The images I use are downloaded to the iPad at startup, if it makes the whole thing do-able, can I save them into the users photo's area? As an album for each item?
Failing all of that, is there a nice clean, simple solution that would meet my requirements? I've tried using the Three20 solution but couldn't get it to work with my SplitView. Can the OOTB UIImagePickerController do what I need?
Three20 right now is not iPad ready, for your requirement, you can fine-tune Three20 and use it to display the original size images, and then pop-back to view controller which shows the thumbnail images.
I suggest using Three20 in a modal view controller with a pagesheet or formsheet preeentation style.