Why is WSAAddressToString LPSOCKADDR parameter non-const? - winsock2

The documentation for WSAAddressToString does not mention the API modifying the LPSOCKADDR lpsaAddress parameter, yet the parameter is declared as non-const.
If the API doesn't modify the parameter then the parameter should be const.
Any ideas as to why LPSOCKADDR lpsaAddress parameter is non-const?
Perhaps a typo in the API and documentation?


Question mark in callback

static setItem(key: string, value: string, callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void)
This is the declaration of setitem in AsyncStorage. the third parameter is a callback. Could some one explain the use of question marks here. I am familiar with how to use promise but couldn't get a handle of question mark.
AsyncStorage uses flow - Facebook's open-sourced static type checker. You will find #flow at the beginning of the file and it marks flow-enabled source. Flow does a lot of checking on the variable types (including automated type inference) but it also lets you specify the types for variables and parameters. In the example above 'key: string' for example indicates that key should be string type (it's not a valid javascript construct - you cannot specify type in javascript). React has built in transformers that transform it to pure javascript (so all the types are stripped) but before that flow checks if types are passed around properly and find things like passing null or undefined and using it later as object and many other checks. You can read the specs in http://flowtype.org/.
So answering your detailed questionmark question:
'?Error' indicates that error parameter is a "Maybe" type - i.e. it CAN be null and flow will not complain if null or undefined is passed here elsewhere in the code callback (http://flowtype.org/docs/nullable-types.html#type-annotating-null)
'callback?' indicates an optional parameter - so it might be skipped http://flowtype.org/docs/functions.html#function-based-type-annotations
'?(error...)' is another "Maybe" type - it simply indicates that the callback function might take one parameter ('error') or no parameters at all.

How can I return JSONP in RestXQ (using eXist-db)?

I cannot figure out how to return JSONP in RestXQ. After adding
let $x := util:declare-option("exist:serialize", fn:concat("method=json jsonp=",request:get-parameter("callback", "callback")))
to the function, I get the error message:
err:XPTY0004:It is a type error if, during the static analysis phase, an expression is found to have a static type that is not appropriate for the context in which the expression occurs, or during the dynamic evaluation phase, the dynamic type of a value does not match a required type as specified by the matching rules in 2.5.4 SequenceType Matching.
The beginning of the GET function is:
%rest:query-param("email", "{$email}", '')
%rest:query-param("nomail", "{$nomail}", 0)
function contacts:submit($email as xs:string*, $nomail as xs:integer*)
let $x := util:declare-option("exist:serialize", fn:concat("method=json jsonp=",request:get-parameter("callback", "callback")))
As discussed on the eXist-open mailing list (I'd suggest joining!), the request module's get-parameter() function is not available inside a RestXQ function. Instead, you can get your callback parameter via the %rest:query-param annotation. Add %rest:query-param("callback", "{$callback}", '') to your contacts:submit() function, and I think you'll be a step closer.
#joewiz is correct. Your initial problem is related to the use of eXist request module from RESTXQ, which is unsupported.
Also, RESTXQ does not currently support JSONP serialization. If you want to use JSONP serialization, your best bet at the moment is to manage the serialization to JSON yourself, perhaps using the xqjson library or similar and then wrapping the result in a JSON function using concat or similar.

Nest missing CreateIndexRaw

I'm trying to upgrade from Nest .10 to .12, but don't see what call I need to substitute for client.CreateIndexRaw("myIndexName", myJsonSettings).
You can now use
client.Raw.IndicesCreatePost("myIndexName", myJsonSettings, nv=>nv);
myJsonSettings can be a string or anonymous c# object. The last argument is optional but allows you to pass any querystring value you might need.

C++/CLI optional arguments

Why i cannot declare default arguments for member functions of a managed type or generic functions? C# 4.0 introduced Named and Optional Arguments; there is a similar thing for CLI?
I do not understand why is not possible to declare a method like this:
void Optional(int argument = 0);
And then when I call Optional(); the compiler does not translate this call into: Optional(0);.
It looks like the C++/CLI Compiler doesn't emit the correct IL directive for that. It doesn't emit the directive .param [1] = int32(0), which C# uses for recognizing default parameters. If you open the generated assembly in ILDasm, you'll see it.
A way that compiles would be to use the attributes Optional and DefaultParameterValue from the System::Runtime::InteropServices namespace, but C# doesn't use those for default parameters, so currently there's no easy way around creating an overload.
You can find the question asking about those Attributes here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4974528/93652

changing the parameter value in IparameterInspector WCF RESTful

I am trying to change the value of the parameter in IParameterInspector while doing the validation. The parameters that are string, works fine. But I need int as parameters. and if the parameter is not supplied in the RESTful call, I need to default it.
If the url does not contain anything for int parameter, it fails. However, in the same case of string parameter, if its not supplied, it takes the default values.
I use querystring format for passing the parameters. and I am just trying to run it on the browser.
Is there any way for this to work? or do I need to make all the parameters as string.
Thanks in Advance!
You need to make the parameters string. This will be fixed in the next version of the WCF Web APIS http://wcf.codeplex.com