What is the best option between ViewPager2 vs RecycleView - android-recyclerview

I am kind of confused, What is the best option one will recommend between ViewPager2 vs RecycleView when working with Fragments in Android


Neumorphism in UWP

Recently I came to know about this trend called Neumorphism. Its normally used in android and webisite but I to achieve same in effect in UWP in Windows App. This effect requires 2 shadows light and dark in opposite directions to make object look like its merged with background. UWP dont have shadow effect so I used Drop Shadow Panel from "Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls" nuget package but it dosent look like its natural.
Can anyone please tell me what would be more better way to achieve this ?

React Native Reanimated animatable properties list

Animated api as documented here can only animate natively non-layout properties.
Reanimated on the other hand does not document this kind of info (at least I could not find it). I can see from a github issue that there is a config file that has UI_THREAD_PROPS_WHITELIST and NATIVE_THREAD_PROPS_WHITELIST. Does anyone know why are they separate and potential performance implications?

Is possible add native floatingbutton in Xamarin.Forms?

I saw two articles that suggest that is possible add native views in a xaml page in Xamarin.Forms. The articles that I saw is https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/platform-features/native-views/xaml/#consuming and https://blog.xamarin.com/embedding-native-controls-into-xamarin-forms/
I'd like to add a FloatingActionButton just for my Android App (I'm developing for iOS too) using xaml. Is it possible? How can I do that?
Yes it is possible. There is some FAB implementation in Nuget and git.
Also you can implement it by your self, for this you need to create you FAB renderer in droid project(ios project)

React Native Lists - RecyclerView & UITableView

I'm curious why React Native doesn't utilize the native platform list components such as RecyclerView for Android and UITableView (CollectionView) for iOS.
This could ideally provide a lot more feature support and improved performance then what is currently available.
Is there a reason the React Native lists are solely backed by ScrollViews instead?
I couldn't personally tell you but quoting the Author.
UITableView API is not well suited for the asynchronous nature of ReactNative, and the resulting code was pretty gross, especially when trying to do smooth animations to grow the heights of rows, which we do in the groups app.
Source: Early discussion on the very point.
For Recycler View in Android. Try this.
Works ! Some gradle setup required though.

Best Side menu option for StoryBoard

I have started to implement a right side menu on storyboard with autolayout, I am searching I am getting many options like:
However I am not sure which is best way to accomplish this. What is the best option for a right side menu in my iOS7 app?
It depends on your use case. The AMSlideMenu looks pretty decent. Other options are:
Alternatively, you could write your own sliding menu. Just depends what you're looking for,
I like the above two options as they also control pan gesture speed - so menu opens / closes at the speed you swipe it.