After publishing an app and installing it, I am getting "app not found" error in Android 10 or below [closed] - kotlin

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 days ago.
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I published an app (.AAB) with MinSDK 23 and TargetSDK 32. I had tested the app successfully in my Android 11 mobile. The app is successfully published in google play, and i am able to install it in all devices. But when i try to open it in my Android 7 mobile device, it says "App not found". Similarly I get "App not installed" error while trying to open the same app from Android 10 Lenovo tab. Strangely, when i long press on the app icon on tablet, and select the App Info and then select the option to Open it, the app opens successfully and works fine.
Can you please suggest what am I doing wrong here?
Note: My app location is ""
I tried reinstalling, rebuilding the app, clearing caches etc. However nothing worked. The app doesnt open in Android 7 mobile or Android 10 tab (unless it is opened from app info by long pressing it.
I was expecting the app to work fine in all devices.


Application crash immediately when deploy to iPhone running iOS 12 from Xcode 10

App submitted to store one year ago. It worked fine up to iOS 11 but in iOS 12 the app is immediately crashing even without launching. I tried to debug the issue but I couldn't, because before didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, the app crashes and I did not find any error logs.
It is happening in iOS 12 only, working fine with below iOS 12.
How can I debug this issue?
Have you correctly installed your XCode Update? Sometimes you have to install cli
(that is needed e.g. by mtouch if XCode links your assemblies) or other components by hand.
Are you're credentials (certificate) still valid? or otherwise asked: did you build another app since this happens?
Have you set a breakpoint right in you app delegate and step throw until the app crashes? Can you show logs? If you don't have some, than create them by yourself. Do exception handling and log the exceptions. Or otherwise said: More information please.

I runned a react native app in different devices. But I got a different result

I runned a react native app in different devices.A device is iOS 9 and another is iOS 10. The device iOS 9 will encounter a error that could not connect to development server.The device iOS 10 can run successfully.I use react native 0.4.1. I will show you more informations if you need. I don't know what should I show.And you can tell me some ideas if you know some possible reason
I believe all the devices must be connected to the same Apple Developer account. Check if both of your devices have the same Apple ID and try to run them through Xcode.
Also make sure you follow all the steps in these guides
Running On Device
Launching Your App on Devices
If it doesn't work but you are still able to install the app, try to run the app with Wi-Fi while being on the same network as your mac, here is the guide on how to do that

New Itunes connect : Submitting app for review [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to submit a new version of my existing app in itunes connect but I am having difficulties. So I uploaded my build like usual and upload done. I went into pre-release and saw the status processing. This was 12 hours ago, now though it has changed from processing to inactive. I ignored that and went and chose the build anyways and clicked on "Submit for Review"
I get an error saying You must submit your builds using Xcode 5.1.1 or later, or Application Loader 2.9.1 or later. After you’ve submitted a build, select it in the Builds section below.
But I did submit a build using Xcode 6 seed version. I also tried to upload the build again but I get an error saying that a buid already exists. I figured I will try to delete the build, from the pre-release tab and try to upload a new build but I cant find a way to do this.
Makes me think it has something to do with the inactive status of the build. Is anybody else having this issue?
Okay So I was able to submit my app for review. I guess you cannot wait for too long after you submit your build. I have no proof of this but I think if your build is inactive, you cannot use that build to submit an app. Here is what I did to solve my issue
In xcode I changed the build version, not the app version,
Archive and validate
While the build was still "Processing", I went back to my apps new version page on iTunes Connect
Choose the new build and submit for review.
Dont let the build become inactive.
Good luck
I was having the same issue. I followed the guy above's advice. Here's exactly what I did to get it to work:
In iTunes Connect, remove the current build.
In Xcode, change the build (not version) number to something else. I just picked "3".
In Xcode, go to Product -> Archive
Note: If this is greyed out, ensure that you select "iOS Device" instead of a different simulator or connected hardware for testing
In the Organizer - Archives window, click Validate, then click Distribute
In the Organizer - Archives window, delete your previously submitted archive
Go back to iTunes Connect, refresh, and select the new build with the updated version number

Why the Appstore version of my app is running just fine in iOS7 but newly compiled code doesn't? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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If my friend with iOS 7 download my app from appstore, it would work fine with minor glitches.
Yet, if I compile the new version directly to his iPhone it would mess up due to different layouting, etc.
Is this because the appstore program is compiled with Xcode 4.5?
Because when you submitted your app to the app store you compiled it against iOS 6.1 or whatever was the latest at that time. Now when you compile, its being compiled against iOS 7 by default, which has changes to how things are laid out.
You have a few options
1) fix how your stuff works with the iOS 7 changes. This is the better solution
2) continue to compile against iOS 6. To do this you can either install the iOS 6 SDK into Xcode 5 or just keep using Xcode 4.5.
Eventually you will have to do #1 so if you do #2 now your just buying time.

com.facebook.sdk error 2 in distribution

I already had this working in older versions of my app but our newest update shows this error: com.facebook.sdk error 2 when logging in to facebook.
The app works fine in the simulator and device when built in development mode but the error only shows up when its in the App Store and built in distribution mode. I already found tons of information on the internet but thats not working.
I've checked:
sandbox mode is disabled
bundle id is correct
app store id is correct
facebook logging and deep linking are enabled?
Again our older version worked fine in distribution mode. Our newest version of our app uses facebook sdk 3.5.
I unlinked facebook on my device and found out that it returns the wrong app! When pressing the login button safari opens up ask the user for permissions then returns to another app I made (practically the same app but made for a different company). So I deleted all apps on my device and the error was gone.
Double checked the app id on and the fbid in my code and thats all correct.
Why is my app returning a different app after giving permissions?
For some reason my phone was mixing up my apps. Uninstalled all and reinstalled and everything worked out fine.