Why the Appstore version of my app is running just fine in iOS7 but newly compiled code doesn't? [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If my friend with iOS 7 download my app from appstore, it would work fine with minor glitches.
Yet, if I compile the new version directly to his iPhone it would mess up due to different layouting, etc.
Is this because the appstore program is compiled with Xcode 4.5?

Because when you submitted your app to the app store you compiled it against iOS 6.1 or whatever was the latest at that time. Now when you compile, its being compiled against iOS 7 by default, which has changes to how things are laid out.
You have a few options
1) fix how your stuff works with the iOS 7 changes. This is the better solution
2) continue to compile against iOS 6. To do this you can either install the iOS 6 SDK into Xcode 5 or just keep using Xcode 4.5.
Eventually you will have to do #1 so if you do #2 now your just buying time.


After publishing an app and installing it, I am getting "app not found" error in Android 10 or below [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I published an app (.AAB) with MinSDK 23 and TargetSDK 32. I had tested the app successfully in my Android 11 mobile. The app is successfully published in google play, and i am able to install it in all devices. But when i try to open it in my Android 7 mobile device, it says "App not found". Similarly I get "App not installed" error while trying to open the same app from Android 10 Lenovo tab. Strangely, when i long press on the app icon on tablet, and select the App Info and then select the option to Open it, the app opens successfully and works fine.
Can you please suggest what am I doing wrong here?
Note: My app location is "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appilyyours.kingstonlifestyle"
I tried reinstalling, rebuilding the app, clearing caches etc. However nothing worked. The app doesnt open in Android 7 mobile or Android 10 tab (unless it is opened from app info by long pressing it.
I was expecting the app to work fine in all devices.

Is there react native library which can transfer data between 2 mobile devices in offline mode? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am new to React Native development (for Android and iOS).
I am trying to transfer data between 2 mobile devices in offline mode (WiFi, Bluetooth or something else. QR codes no due to the data size limitations)
I found a good library react-native-wifi-and-hotspot-wizard and react-native-wifi-hotspot but it only supports Android, not iOS.
I am looking for a cross-platform (Android and iOS) data transfer library that can between 2 devices in offline mode.
Can anyone please suggest a library or some code tips?
you can use react-native-wifi-p2p library
yarn add react-native-wifi-p2p
you can use sendFile and receiveFile functions from this library for transfer files/data between 2 mobile devices
for Ios, you can use https://github.com/lwansbrough/react-native-multipeer#senddata-recipients--callbackerr
You can use my open source repo at https://gitlab.com/amir1gorji/gorji
There was a challenge to build such thing using React Native and I wrote the app in this repo.

What is the difference between expo and react native app developing? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am going to develop react native app using Expo but I don't have idea which one is best? Please suggest me any idea?
Actually I am using Expo. Which is best Expo or normal Android or Xcode development?
When you write code in Expo (abbr. XDE), you write React Native code. Expo has two main pieces:
1) XDE: a developer tool for creating projects, viewing logs, opening on your device, publishing, etc.
2) The Expo client: an app on your phone that lets you open your projects while you're working on them, without needing to go through XCode or Android Studio, and also lets other people view them too!
But ...
With most apps in React Native, you end up needing to utilise several
third party native libraries, which Expo doesn’t current support
outside of their built in APIs. There are a lot of things that can be
done in JS only, but I’ve always ended up running into a need for
native libraries with every React Native project I’ve worked on
(several production apps). That being said, Expo does support
“detaching” your app from Expo, which will allow you to carry on with
a standard free standing React Native app.
Expo has some advantages over using normal Xcode/Studio like expo client, but it also has its cons when it comes to large scale applications . You can choose based on your needs.
If you’re just getting started and you need to get off the ground quickly, I’d definitely recommend Expo
Note: This answer is a blend from multiple developers

Twitter integration in iOS 4 & 5 App

I am currently working on app which is supposed to have Twitter integration. The app should also be built so it can be used on iOS 4.3 devices. We'd like to use the built in Twitter Framework on iOS 5 and possibly drop twitter support for iOS 4 devices (not sure about that yet).
The question is: Is this possible? As far as I can tell I can only link statically on iOS builds, which would mean an App built with the Twitter framework can not be run on an iOS 4 device. If this is possible, how would I got about linking the Twitter framework so I can get the app running on iOS 5 with built in Twitter support and ignore the Framework on iOS 4.
It is possible. Apple has introduced weak linking of frameworks that are not supported on older versions. You can get more details regarding weak linking here.
See one more similar question regarding weak linking here.
Hope this solves your problem.

iOS 5 and app store [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Not sure if this has been asked yet, but it is a very important question for our app development company: we are debating the installation of iOS 5 on our devices, but need these devices to develop and test apps for the app store. Would installing iOS 5 disrupt that process? That is, would we still be able to upload and test apps on Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5?
Thank you!
I would keep iOS 4 on some devices and install iOS 5 on the others. You are allowed to test your apps on iOS 5 but that doesn't necessarily mean that the apps will work on iOS 4.
Just installed iOS 5 and everything is working without a hitch. No issues so far uploading anything to apple (just make sure you set your project to use an earlier version of the SDK).
Hope this helps!