Why project template menue in my intelliJ does not contain Application option? - kotlin

I am quite a beginner in kotlin. The book I am learning from shows that I must create an Application project using IntelliJ IDEA. But In contrast to the book instruction, the Application option does not exist under JVM heading in my project template menu. only Console Application option there exists. what should I do?

The difference does not matter. Console Application includes a main.kt File containing a main function in advance, comparing to Application project. The link of the complete answer is here, thanks.


Can you have multiple projects in the sidebar in IntelliJ?

In eclipse I had all of my projects located in the sidebar by default.
Here's what I have:
Here's what I would like:
I find it hard to believe that you can't have more than one project in your sidebar but I can't find away to add multiple projects.
Try this
a plugin for intellij idea which will allow you to work on multiple projects.
#sai rao gutta has a neat suggestion here, I'll have to look at that plugin.
I recently made the switch from Eclipse to Idea and this was a stumbling block for me as well. The way I came to understand the Idea paradigm was to consider an Idea Project similar to a Workspace in Eclipse, and a Module in Idea similar to a Project in Eclipse.
Some of the projects I work on are libraries (usually sandbox type projects) where I want to see instant use of Project A as a dependency on Project B without having to run builds and whatnot. Or, sometime I just want to use Idea as I did Eclipse and just keep a few random projects available. I created an Empty Project in Idea, then added Modules within. The end result gave me the ability to sandbox a library project and a consuming project in one space in a simple way, as well as give me a space to work with whatever random projects I had in Eclipse.

Which template should I use for theos nic.pl

I am trying to make a tweak that allows a myo to interface with my iDevice.
[1.] iphone/application
[2.] iphone/library
[3.] iphone/preference_bundle
[4.] iphone/tool
[5.] iphone/tweak
I originally picked the 'tweak' option but I am starting to think it might be better to try something else? Ideally, i'd like to write the code that translates the myo data into tangible swipes that will inject the movement into other apps. This is my first attempt at Jailbroken development so any advice would be appreciated!
You want option 5, tweak. I suggest you look at the wiki for some help.
If you want your project to be injected into other applications, then you want a tweak.
Each project type has a specific purpose:
application: A standard application, like you'd install from the App Store, launched from the home screen (but not sandboxed by default)
library: A library which contains some reusable functionality for use in other projects
preference_bundle: A settings bundle which will be loaded into Settings.app
tool: A program run from the command line
tweak: A library to be injected into other software by Substrate

Eclipse Generic File Templates

I've seen this question in various guises around the place, but as yet haven't found a suitable answer. If this is a duplicate, appologies (I'd be surprised if it wasn't a duplicate!)
Basically, I have a project which is using (mostly) shell code and sql. I want to make sure all the files have a similar setup, and that I document things consistently. To this end, I want to have template files / skeleton code within Eclipse.
It seems easy enough with Java, but not other file types. I have checked out ShellEd and it didn't appear to have this feature (correct me if I'm wrong).
It would be great to be able to add this as a new file type, such that I can say File -> New -> sh/sql and have the correct basic template with the right header etc.
Also, if possible I would like to be able to, one click, add a function prototype with the correct documentation to my files...
I thought this would be easy enough, but a few days of Googling and messing about, it seems I need to write a plugin of my own... but I can't beleive that it's not possible, more likely my Google skills aren't up to scratch...
any help?
P.S I'm normally a Vi (not Vim) user, but have had Eclipse forced upon me!
For SQL the Data Tools Platform Extender SDK (DTP) Eclipse project contains a SQL editor with templates (under Database Development in Install New Software).

Creating your own library for use in window store dev (js) in visual studio

I am a javascript/html developer that hasn't ventured into visual studio much, so this might be a trivial question.
I am currently developing a Windows Store app (winJS), that will likely turn into several apps. And it would be highly likely that I will be reusing code, so I have made a js library with the common code.
The question is, how can I develop on this lib in visual studio, so that the apps that I am developing will use the latest version of it (i.e without me having to copy the files in again manually).
Best thing I can think of is, create a new project for the lib, and include it in the applications solutions, but what type of project would it have to be, and how to you expose the files?
Hope that makes sense!
I usually solve this by having the project copy the JS files I want to a common location, and add that file to the target project using a LINK to the file I want to include, rather than just adding it -- this is on the "Add Existing File" dialog, under the little arrow on the "Add" button.
VS 2012 doesn't have a JavaScript library project type. You'll have to manage your library as loose files.
The easiest thing would probably be to create a nuget package. That way it would be easy to pull into other projects and have the tool help keep you up to date. It does have the downside of needing to put your stuff into a nuget feed, which is not something you want for private stuff.

Open source runtime form designer

I'm searching for an open source runtime form designer (for SCADA, not searching for html designer), which is somewhat similar to modern IDE WYSIWYG's. So far, my list is empty.
Requirements are crossplatform and C++.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I'm using wxWidgets as the GUI platform. So the possible solutions are either open-source wxWidgets based form designer, or the wxWidgets component/lib.
Found the wxShapeFramework component which is I was looking for. At the moment this is the only option.
Maybe Qt would satisfy your needs. It is possible to extend it's functionality with new components. It's not out-of-the-box solution, but may fulfill this role.
How about Glade and gtkmm?
Qt allows you to use UI files created with the designer on-the-fly, without compiling them into your applications. You want the QtUiTools module. See: http://www.forum.nokia.com/infocenter/topic/Qt_for_S60_Developers_Library/GUID-ECBE8350-9D54-48D1-B777-264B895B9063/designer-using-a-ui-file.html and http://www.forum.nokia.com/infocenter/topic/Qt_for_S60_Developers_Library/GUID-ECBE8350-9D54-48D1-B777-264B895B9063/qtuitools.html.
I'm going to use wxShapeFramework, which purpose is exactly as described in question (SCADA runtime form designer). Especially because the project is based on wxWidgets.