Block screen for selected time - mobile-application

Does anybody know how can I create an app cross-platform or native that locks your phone selected time like in oneplus's "zen mode" app?
It doesn't really matter which programing language or framework it is.
I appreciate every kind of answer
haven't found anything that meet my needs


What software would you recommend for making a simple list-creating app for iOS and Android?

So, my aunt wants me to make an app to help people create lists and be more organized. It would also have pre-made lists and tips that occasionally appear. We both want it to be for iOS and Android. Does anyone have recommendations for what software I could use to create something like that? One other thing to note: I can't use XCode because I'm not a mac user. Thank you for your input.
This question depends a lot in preference and personal opinion...
Unity is my personal favorite tool to deploy in multiple platforms and even if its a game engine I have used it for simple user interface aplications with very little effort and bug count... the withdrawals are that you use a "lot" to make so little... the whole physics engine does nothing and the apk weigths at least 20Mb ... but its a very simple tool that could do the job in a couple of days having little experience and thats what i like about it.... theres also Xamarin C# , Android studio... React.. Depends a lot on your liking...and personal preference.
If I were you, I would go for React Native it is a mobile apps building framework using only Javascript!
Here is a showcase of real-world apps using RN: Who's using React Native?

Disabling Start hardware button on windows 8 Phone

Am creating an application where i need to disable/override the hardware start button on a windows 8 tab.Can anyone write down a small piece of code and list the libraries that i have to refer?
You can't do that. It isn't something you can control from an app.
Also, even if you do manage to find some way to do it, you will almost certainly fail certification and your app won't be available in the store.
First welcome to stack overflow. People here are awesome at helping you in a pinch. That said, if you want someone to just lay down fresh code for you you're better off at
Also, windows phone OS is one of the most secure, consistent OS on the market. Manipulation of the start button destroys this consistency and is prohibited. I would suggest reviewing the MSDN documentation for certification requirements.

Capture mac screen

What is the best way to record the mac screen with cocoa? I know there are many examples at the apple developer reference library. SonOfGrab explain how to capture the screen with quartz but also that it isn't enough fast to use it to grab many frames every second. OpenGLScreenSnapshot has same results but it isn't fast, too. OpenGLScreenCapture seems to be the best way to do it but XCode prompts me many errors because it's made for 10.4 and it requires old Quicktime commands I think they pushed into QTKit but I can't find a way to convert it. Could anyone send me to someone's site that converted the project or tell me if there are some other ways to do it. Thanks in advance.
OpenGL would be the way to go. You should still be able to use the OpenGLScreenCapture sample if your architecture is set to 32-bit. (QuickTime is not available in 64-bit.)

Is it possible to record screen with Titanium / Appcelerator?

We're in process of developing a desktop application which needs to record user's screen once he clicks a button. I read a tutorial about Adobe AIR, which says it is easy to do with AIR:
But our preference is Titanium as we've explored it a little bit. So I want to know is that even possible? If yes, how can we get started with?
There's also an interesting solution which uses Java applet for recording, as demonstrated here:
But again, we're not sure about JAVA and would like to know how can it be done? or if its even possible to run a JAVA applet in Titanium?
When you say "record screen", I'm assuming you mean video. Correct?
The only way to do this in Titanium Desktop right now is to take a bunch of screenshots and string them together (encoding would probably need to be done server-side).
Depending on how long your videos need to be, this probably won't work for you. I'm also not confident in how quickly you could capture screenshots, and if it would have a high enough frame rate to be usable.
Past that, a module could be developed for Desktop to support some native APIs to record video. That's not something I see on the horizon, though.
I hope this helps, albiet a rather dismal answer. -Dawson

Are There Any Good Open-Source Mac Application Templates

I am looking to make a Mac version of one of my iPhone apps and was looking for a good ay to hit the ground running. I know how to code in Objective-c and Cocoa, and I know how to piece something together from scratch if I have to, but I am looking for an easier way.
Are there any open-source templates for coding Mac desktop applications that I might be able to pick up and use to get started off without reinventing the wheel?
I guess what I am looking for is an easy way to get started on an app that has the "iTunes Look and Feel". If there are some bare-bones version of this layout as some sort of template project, that would be great. Also, why has somebody down-voted this question? Have I asked something that is not appropriate for SO?
Apple includes lots of project templates with Xcode (vanilla application, document-based application, Core Data document-based application, etc.). I don't really know how much more you would want in a template. They're generally pretty good for getting you started, I think. If you're looking for something more than these offer out of a "template," maybe you could elaborate.
If you're just looking for a starting point for the interface, then check out BW Toolkit:
He has some nice videos on his site showing how to create a Mail-like interface very quickly.
Besides the project templates included with Xcode, you should browse the application exmples in /Developer/Examples. Most of these examples are "full" applications that demonstrate one or more Cocoa-related concepts. Many could serve as the starting point for a similarly orriented app of your own.