I need a CMakeLists.txt equivalent to this Makefile line that defines an environment variable - cmake

I have a Makefile containing the following lines, which fish around for the root of the local CUDA tools folder and stuff an environment variable for later consumption. On my system it now yields '/usr/local/cuda-11.4', which is used to find headers and other things.
# Location of the CUDA Toolkit
CUDA_PATH = $(subst /bin/,,$(dir $(shell which nvcc)))
My heart's desire is to replicate this in a CMakeLists.txt file that I am presently building. I want to get the same information in a variable (or something!), and later be able to stuff it into path names, etc.
How can I do this? I have used add_definitions() in simpler ways.

A direct translation of your code would be to use find_program instead of which,
cmake_path with PARENT_PATH instead of dir
and string with REPLACE instead of subst.
However you could instead use CMake's built-in CUDA support:
find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED)


CMake GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES couldn't find dll library when it is linked through lib (import library)?

Build OS: Windows 10, Cmake 3.16.3.
I use target_link_libraries to link 3rd party .lib file to my .dll library.
But when I use GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES to install my dll, there is no dependency found.
It happens only on Windows, installing on Linux is ok.
Is there any clues how to solve this problem, or at least how to debug it?
What exact command uses CMake on Windows to determine dependencies?
Where LIBS contains my dll but no RES no UNRES contains path to 3rd paty dll.
So, there's a serious nastiness to all this runtime-dependency-finding magic in the newer CMakes, and it's not really their fault at all. The problem is that you, I, and roughly 90% of the rest of the CMake user world have been doing find modules wrong #THISWHOLETIME, and now our chickens have come home to roost because, as you've likely discovered, GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES / RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET, $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS> will all completely sh*t the bed if you try to use them with targets that have (what I now know to be) broken IMPORTED dependencies created by Find modules that don't properly set them up. So, last month I posted this screed (my earlier link) over at the CMake Discourse forum:
Windows libraries, Find modules, and TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS
The Windows DLL Question™ has come up numerous times before in one form or another, but it’s cast in a new light by $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS>, so here’s a fresh take on it.
If you’re like me (and roughly 90% of all CMake users/developers out there are like me, from what I’ve been able to observe in public projects’ source trees), your approach to writing Find modules on Windows has probably been something like this:
Use the same code on all three desktop platforms
Let CMake discover .lib / .dll.a import libraries instead of actual DLLs, using find_library().
End up creating your targets as UNKNOWN IMPORTED, because if you try to create SHARED IMPORTED library targets with only an import library it won’t work, but UNKNOWN IMPORTED works just fine so meh.
Set the import library as the target’s IMPORTED_LOCATION since that seems to work fine.
Call it a day, because hey — everything compiles.
That’s served us all for years (decades, really) so we’ve mostly just accepted it as the way CMake works on Windows.
But now along comes $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS>. If you’ve tried to actually use it on Windows, you’ve probably discovered is that while all of your CONFIG-mode package dependencies’ DLLs are captured just fine, the generator expression will cheerfully ignore any targets created from a Find module that’s written like I describe above. …Which is probably most of them. (In my own library build, it was all of them, even the ones I didn’t write.)
For $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS> to work, the IMPORTED target has to be correctly defined as a SHARED library target, and it needs to have its IMPORTED_ properties set correctly: import lib path in IMPORTED_IMPLIB, DLL path in IMPORTED_LOCATION.
So, now I have this new module that uses DLLTOOL.EXE and its handy -I flag to get the name of an import library’s DLL, then looks it up using find_program(). (Simply because find_library() won’t match DLLs, and I wanted to look on the PATH. I could’ve used find_file() but I’m pretty sure I’d have to explicitly give it more paths to search.)
The macro takes one argument, the name of your already-configured variable <prefix>_IMPLIB. (Or <prefix>_IMPLIBS, it’s pluralization agnostic and will follow whichever form your input uses when naming its output variable.)
The variable whose name you pass to it should already contain a valid path for an import library. Typically that’s set by find_library(), even though we’ve all been treating them like runtime libraries (DLLs) when they are not.
Armed with find_library(<prefix>_IMPLIB ...) output, implib_to_dll(<prefix>_IMPLIB) will attempt to discover and automatically populate the corresponding variable <prefix>_LIBRARY with the path to the import lib’s associated runtime DLL.
With all of the correct variables set to the correct values, it’s now possible to properly configure SHARED IMPORTED library targets on Windows. $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS> can then be used to discover and operate on the set of DLLs defined by those target(s).
Kind of a pain in the Find, and really does sort of feel like something CMake could be doing at-least-semi-automatically. But, at least for now it works.
Now I just have to rewrite all of my find modules to use it. Sigh.
Tools for CMake on WIN32 to associate IMPORTED_IMPLIB paths (as discovered
by the :command:`find_library` command) with their IMPORTED_LOCATION DLLs.
Writing Find modules that create ``SHARED IMPORTED`` targets with the
correct ``IMPORTED_IMPLIB`` and ``IMPORTED_LOCATION`` properties is a
requirement for ``$<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS>`` to work correctly. (Probably
Macros Provided
Currently the only tool here is ``implib_to_dll``. It takes a single
argument, the __name__ (_not_ value!) of a prefixed ``<prefix>_IMPLIB``
variable (containing the path to a ``.lib`` or ``.dll.a`` import library).
``implib_to_dll`` will attempt to locate the corresponding ``.dll`` file
for that import library, and set the variable ``<prefix>_LIBRARY``
to its location.
``implib_to_dll`` relies on the ``dlltool.exe`` utility. The path can
be set by defining ``DLLTOOL_EXECUTABLE`` in the cache prior to
including this module, if it is not set implib_utils will attempt to locate
``dlltool.exe`` using ``find_program()``.
Revision history
2021-11-18 - Updated docs to remove CACHE mentions, fixed formatting
2021-10-14 - Initial version
Author: FeRD (Frank Dana) <ferdnyc#gmail.com>
License: CC0-1.0 (Creative Commons Universal Public Domain Dedication)
if (NOT WIN32)
# Nothing to do here!
NAMES dlltool dlltool.exe
DOC "The path to the DLLTOOL utility"
message(WARNING "DLLTOOL not available, cannot continue")
message(DEBUG "Found dlltool at ${DLLTOOL_EXECUTABLE}")
### Macro: implib_to_dll
# (Win32 only)
# Uses dlltool.exe to find the name of the dll associated with the
# supplied import library.
macro(implib_to_dll _implib_var)
set(_implib ${${_implib_var}})
set(_library_var "${_implib_var}")
# Automatically update the name, assuming it's in the correct format
_library_var "${_library_var}")
_library_var "${_library_var}")
# We can't use the input variable name without blowing away the
# previously-discovered contents, so that's a non-starter
if ("${_implib_var}" STREQUAL "${_library_var}")
message(ERROR "Name collision! You probably didn't pass "
"implib_to_dll() a correctly-formatted variable name. "
"Only <prefix>_IMPLIB or <prefix>_IMPLIBS is supported.")
if(EXISTS "${_implib}")
message(DEBUG "Looking up dll name for import library ${_implib}")
"${DLLTOOL_EXECUTABLE}" -I "${_implib}"
message(DEBUG "DLLTOOL returned ${_dll_name}, finding...")
# Check the directory where the import lib is found
get_filename_component(_implib_dir ".." REALPATH
BASE_DIR "${_implib}")
message(DEBUG "Checking import lib directory ${_implib_dir}")
# Add a check in ../../bin/, relative to the import library
get_filename_component(_bindir "../../bin" REALPATH
BASE_DIR "${_implib}")
message(DEBUG "Also checking ${_bindir}")
NAMES ${_dll_name}
set(${_library_var} "${${_library_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE)
message(DEBUG "Set ${_library_var} to ${${_library_var}}")
GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES isn't aware of your configure-time variables, so will you need to specify them manually. This answer states you can pass-on the variables to the install step, but I haven't been able to make it work so far. Fortunately, it does support generator expressions.
Another problem in your snippet is it must be called at install time. For example in an install(CODE ...) block.
So with all this in mind, this should get you started.
install(CODE [[
EXECUTABLES $<TARGET_FILE:your_executable_target_name>
LIBRARIES $<TARGET_FILE:a_lib_target_name>
message("\n\nFound dependencies :")
foreach(DEP ${RES})
message("\n\nNot found dependencies :")
foreach(DEP ${UNRES})
Build your install target to see the results.
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install

How is cmake finding my llvm cmake configuration?

I am wondering how is cmake finding my llvm cmake configuration if I haven't given it any variable telling it where to find it.
I am an LLVM newcomer. I am building a Hello World LLVM pass. I am on Ubuntu 16.04. My version of LLVM is 8.0.0. My version of CMake is 3.5.1.
This is my /CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
This is the FunctionDebugger/CMakeLists.txt file:
add_library(LLVMFunctionDebugger MODULE
set_target_properties(LLVMFunctionDebugger PROPERTIES
COMPILE_FLAGS "-fno-rtti -std=c++11"
I configure and compile like this:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
It correctly compiles and links a shared library called libLLVMFunctionDebugger.so. What I don't understand is how cmake could find the package requested in:
# <project-root>/CMakeLists.txt
I am not giving it any path nor I have anything defined in the environment but the path to the LLVM binaries.
I read the CMake documentation, but it says that the find_package looks in folders under CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. I print that variable with message(STATUS ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}) and the output is empty.
Your set-up looks correct and clearly CMake is finding LLVMConfig.cmake script (i.e. the script that find_package consumes to propagate the necessary CMake variables with LLVM 8 set-up).
On the Ubuntu 16.04 machine that I have access to, LLVMConfig.cmake is located in /usr/lib/llvm-8/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake, but there's also a symlink in /usr/lib/llvm-8/cmake/. So the natural questions is: does CMake know that it should look there? The answer is yes. In CMake docs you can see that one of the search paths is:
<prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/ (U)
You can verify that usr is on the list of prefixes by printing CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH. On my machine that's set-up to:
Finally, you can print LLVM_DIR in your CMake script to check which version/installation of LLVM was picked by find_package. The variable will be empty on the first execution of CMake, but then find_package finds LLVM-8, the variable is set and saved in CMakeCache.txt.
Hope this helps.
This answer was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 on which LLVM 8 was installed in the default, system-wide location through apt-get. If you install LLVM 8 elsewhere, then there are various ways of pointing CMake to the right location, see the docs for find_package. Editing the PATH variable is one of them:
Search the standard system environment variables. This can be skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed. Path entries ending in /bin or /sbin are automatically converted to their parent directories:
Since cmake 3.17, you can use cmake --debug-find <cmake-options> to ask cmake to output a bunch of debugging information on find_* functions. On my machine, it outputs
Standard system environment variables [CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH].
... outputs omitted...
find_package considered the following locations for LLVM's Config module:
The file was found at
So, the cmake is using Config mode here and the file is located at /home/jiaqi/Documents/LLVM/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake
To figure out how cmake finds the LLVMConfig.cmake, take a look at https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/find_package.html#search-procedure
For step 5, it says the cmake will search the environment variable $PAT, and note that
Path entries ending in /bin or /sbin are automatically converted to their parent directories.
Since I have put the path to llvm executables in $PATH:
$ echo $PATH
The folder /home/jiaqi/Documents/LLVM/llvm-project/build will be used as prefix. According to https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/find_package.html#config-mode-search-procedure, the folder <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/cmake/<name>*/ will be searched.

set PKG_CONFIG_PATH in cmake

I have built opencv locally and installed it to a local directory (not the system default ). opencv.pc is present under a folder pkgconfig in this local folder. How can I find this opencv.pc from cmake, because I want to link and include opencv files from my program.
pkg_search_module(<PREFIX> [REQUIRED] [QUIET] <MODULE> [<MODULE>]*)
does not have any parameter in which I can force the command to use a specific path (similar to HINTS with find_package()) and not the system default.
So basically .cmake works:
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED HINTS "my/path/to/share/OpenCVConfig.cmake")
but I would like to use a opencv.pc located under my/path/to/pkgconfig/opencv.pc.
After doing some research and a hint from the #OlivierM, I found the answer.
Here are the steps:
Method I :
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can be set to find the .pc files
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv-install")
Method II
A second method is to use the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which is a system environment variable to look for .pc files.
set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv-install/lib/pkgconfig")
Irrespective of which method you use,
For old (traditional) CMake:
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(PKG_OPENCV REQUIRED opencv) # this looks for opencv.pc file
Please note that the PKG_OPENCV variable can be named anything. Whatever it is is named, its used as a prefix. For example if you name ABCD, then include directories will be ABCD_INCLUDE_DIRS
The variable PKG_OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIRS and PKG_OPENCV_LIBRARIES contains the header files (compile stage) and libraries (link stage) respectively.
One very important thing I noticed was that the variable PKG_OPENCV_LIBRARIES just provides the libraries and not the library path during the link stage. In order to use the library path as well in one command, one has to use
This variable contains the library path as well as all the libraries listed in the package config file.
for examaple:
target_link_libraries (FINAL_BINARY ${PKG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS})
For modern CMake:
In modern CMake we don't want variables, we want targets.
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
# this looks for opencv.pc file and creates a new target
# IMPORTED_TARGET requires CMake >= 3.6.3
All variables will still be created for backwards compatibility, but IMPORTED_TARGET will create a target you can use in your project which will automatically propagate all of its build and usage requirements:
target_link_libraries(my_proj PRIVATE PkgConfig::PKG_OPENCV)
You could set PKG_CONFIG_PATH with the CMake line:
set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/my/path/to/pkgconfig")
I did this workaround in this file
Interestingly, it seems CMake 3.1 extends PKG_CONFIG_PATH with some CMake variable see: https://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commitdiff;h=3df51470
I would propose you to call cmake with custom PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable, like below:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:my/path/to/pkgconfig cmake <some args>
Or can make PKG_CONFIG_PATH update to be permanent for whole bash session:
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:my/path/to/pkgconfig
$ cmake <some args>

How to pass variable to cpack?

I have a cmake project which one of the install targets is a collection of files. This files change depending on the configuration (Release, Debug...).
I would like to be able to install the files like so:
But cmake does not support that. Generator variables do not apply to DIRECTORY. So I was wondering if there is a way to either save the directory somewhere. Either the cache or a file and then load it into cpack.
So I guess the question is how to pass a variable from cmake to cpack?
This is a rather late answer, but I happened upon this question trying to solve a somewhat different problem that could also be summarized as: "How do I pass a variable to CPack?" In my case, I was making this call from a customized version of CPackDeb.cmake copied to my workspace:
find_program(OPKG_CMD NAMES opkg-build HINTS "${OPKG_HINT}")
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# This is what I wanted to pass to CPack
I was setting OPKG_HINT in a file included from my top-level CMakeLists.txt, but it was not getting passed through to cpack; the above find_program() invocation was seeing an empty string for OPKG_HINT.
The solution turned out to be stupid simple: just prepend CPACK_ to the variable name!
If I do this in CMakeLists.txt:
set(CPACK_OPKG_HINT "${_sysroot_top}/aarch64-poky-linux/usr/bin")
then I can put this in my CPackDeb.cmake file and it works fine:
find_program(OPKG_CMD NAMES opkg-build HINTS "${CPACK_OPKG_HINT}")
Anyway, this wound up being a bit of an X-Y problem for the OP, but... if you really need to set a variable at CMake time in such a way that it's accessible to cpack, prefixing the variable name with CPACK_ seems to do the trick nicely...
The following setup work if you use a "single-configuration generators (such as make and Ninja)" and call CMake with
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release <source_dir>
You can define the ${dir} variable in another way if you like.
SET(dir release_dir)
SET(dir debug_dir)
Until now this seems to be the best answer (from someone on the cmake mail list)
install(DIRECTORY path/to/Debug/dir
install(DIRECTORY path/to/Release/dir
CMake 3.5 supports generator expressions for the DIRECTORY arguments. See installing directories.

cmake equivalent of autoconf AC_ARG_WITH

What's the cmake equivalent of autoconf's AC_ARG_WITH? In autoconf I can us AC_ARG_WITH to create a '--with-' command line argument to configure that lets me pass a path to a SDK and under that path are the headers and libraries. How do I do the same thing in cmake? Should I read the path from an env var?
cmake executable accepts variables' definitions in command line in form
(:[<TYPE>] part is noted in cmake documentation, but it can be omitted).
Such variables are automatically added to the CMake cache, and can be used by project's cmake script.
For 3d-party project's installation path common idiom is:
find_library(SDK_LIB sdk PATHS ${SDK_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib)
If SDK_DIR variable is set, its value (with appropriate suffix) will be used for search SDK library (SDK_LIB) and include directory (SDK_INCLUDE_DIR).
If the variable is not set, or search based on it's value has been failed, search will be continued in other places, including system-default ones.
Actually, tuning of package's paths in CMake is much more flexible than one provided with AC_ARG_WITH in autotools. E.g., one can pass common root(s) of all 3d-party packages using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable, or common root(s) for all libraries using CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. See documentation on find_library and other find_* commands for more details.
Many of 3d-party packages provide Find<name>.cmake and/or <name>Config.cmake scripts, so them can be searched simply using find_package command. These scripts (and find_package itself) provide ways for tuning search paths, so your package needn't to bother of path's tuning at all.