I tray to get all topic in specific token(fcm).
that's response an error 502.
But if I not use details=true it work fine.
is that api deprecated?
I'm trying to access twitter's api v1.1 filtered streaming endpoint but it gives me 403 error. I don't understand why. I can access other endpoints but not filtered stream for some reason.
It gives me this error-
Problem accessing '/1.1/statuses/filter.json
Reason: Please use V2 filtered and sample volume stream as alternatives
Is this a brand new developer account and app? v1.1 streams are deprecated and new client apps cannot access statuses/filter as of the end of April 2022, in preparation for future removal of the endpoint. The error message directs you to use the replacement v2 filtered stream API instead.
Youtube API do not work for a few hours regarding videos.
I checked autorization of API and tried to access with my key value regarding address below.
https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&maxResult=25&key=[my key value].
However, output is whether or not error is displayed on console tab. error message is that Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden).
The portion of error is higher than no error for a few hours.
Could you let me know the root cause about this situation?
I was using the free edition of that API for 20 days. There was no problem and status code was 200, I could fetch data . However, suddenly server started to response forbidden.
I have no idea what just happened, I tried to change my api key and nothing has changed. This time, server responses 429, which means 'too many request' with the new api-key. Anyone have an idea what can be the problem is ? I even tried with different accounts , every attempt was a fail for me. My subscription is free edition. Also it says something like this as a response :
Disabled partner with integration ID 27378
Bad news :
Skyscanner decides to stop their API on RapidAPI it won't be available
Skyscanner API endpoint is no longer available to RapidAPI service (as confirmed via email from the RapidAPI team).
You can use some other Flight API available on RapidAPI Hub.
I am creating an app to update my videos through the youtube api v3.
I have set up everything correctly according to the documentation. Have the API key and OAuth credentials. But everytime I try to update (in my app or in the API test page) I get this json response:
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&alt=json returned "Forbidden". Details: "[{'message': 'Forbidden', 'domain': 'youtube.video', 'reason': 'forbidden'}]">
I'm getting so frustrated, this specific error only shows "Forbidden" with no extra info.
Does anyone knows what it could be? Thank you
Api Auto discovery Error 400... when i deploy my api in cloud(anypoint through runtime manager) it got deployed. but, when i tried to get a response from postman, it says "service not available",i am not able to get a response back from postman.
Is it error 503? In that case the explanation is that the API is not correctly paired to the API in API Manager with client credentials and Autodiscovery. See https://support.mulesoft.com/s/article/API-returns-503-Service-Unavailable-error-to-clients