After Expo eas update app is crashing for managed workflow - react-native

I updated my expo version from 45 to 47 and created a build using eas and tested it on the device, it's working fine.
But the app crashes(iOS and Android both) when doing OTA using eas update.Also not getting any error while releasing via OTA.
Tried this Github solution but didn't work


How can i debug my application using expo

My app is installed on iphone using eas build --profile development --platform ios and i run the development server expo start --dev-client.
It crashes when i open it. However it's work fine on client Expo go.
How can i debug to solve the problems

Building expo app is not updating the app in store

I used to run expo build:android (or ios) to build and publish my react-native application.
The app in the app store automatically updated doing this.
Since I updated my expo version to 38.0.8 it doesn't seem to be working anymore?
Does anyone know what's the problem here?
Generally you have to run
expo build:ios(or android)
to generate an expo build, and then run
expo upload:ios(or android)
to upload to the App Store or Google Play Store

Expo android api target level 28 change to 29

I am using expo version 37. I built an standalone app to be uploaded on play store. When I tried uploading the apk file. I got the error:
expo your app currently targets api level 28 and must target at least api level 29
How can I solve this problem?
Run expo upgrade and then re-build your Android standalone app using expo build:android -t apk
Looks like the Expo team is aware of the issue as stated here and looking to fix this week.
you must upgrade to expo SDK38 , and it works now !
If your SDK is 37.
follow this upgrade expo

Xcode can't load ejected and published expo app

I have run expo publish and gotten the URL for my offline app, and then run expo eject to ExpoKit. However, when I try to run the project in the xcworkspace in Xcode, The simulator reads: "There was a problem loading the requested app", shows a snippet of the URL it was checking, and says that I need to be serving my project on Expo CLI.
Is there some step I’m missing? I have tried doing expo publish and then expo eject several times, and every time it tells me I still need to be serving my project through Expo CLI.
Also, I do not have an Apple Developer Account, which is why I am going through ExpoKit.

React-native app with expokit crash on android release build

Application is created with expo and detached to expokit. I'm using expoKit version 27.
It crashes only on first install, after refreshing app works as expected.
It's probably a late answer, but the correct workaround is here such that you have to run the Javascript packager first with the command expo start, after that you can start building with Android Studio.