How can we solve this mixed reference in Head First Kotlin? - kotlin

Please explain how you can come up with this solution in the book. I tried but it was not correct. I'd appreciate it if you walk me step by step.
Source: Head First Kotlin book.


Problem in check exercises in atomic kotlin Course Could not find method compile() for arguments [org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.5.20]

I am trying to go ahead with the atomic kotlin book and do the exercises using the Edu Tools plugin. I will get this error after writing the exercise and hitting the check button. I could not solve this problem by searching please help.
Screenshot of settings and errors :
I've found the solution here:
Basically, what you have to do if to replace your buil.gradle with the buil.gradle from the repository.
That's all!

Newbie gotchas in Sarah Mei's "Outside-In BDD: How?!" Cucumber tutorial

I'm trying to learn Cucumber. After poking around a bit on SO I found a link to this tutorial. It was very helpful (and I recommend it highly!), but, for a beginner like myself, a couple of the early steps were opaque. I thought I'd explain these two pitfalls here, to spare future Cucumber students the head-scratching they caused me.
The two problems both came up in this section:
Starting the fail-fix cycle
I run it using cucumber features, and it fails on the first line –
Given I go to the new book page – because cucumber doesn’t know where
the “new book page” is. So I add that to the cucumber paths helper.
when /the new book page/
I had trouble interpreting this section and running her code.
My first question was: where do I find the cucumber paths helper file?
Once I figured it out and ran cucumber features, I got a syntax error.
My second question was how do I debug the syntax error that her code raises? I've tried to answer these two questions below.
First Gotcha: where the heck is the `cucumber paths helper'?
First off, she talks about adding a step to the cucumber paths helper. I struggled for a while to figure out where this file was located. I couldn't find anything with a similar name in my app, and google searches didn't yield any useful results. What was going on?
It turns out that I couldn't find the file because it's not automatically generated -- you need to create it yourself. Furthermore, the name of the file is totally arbitrary: it doesn't need to be called cucumber_paths_helper. That's why my google searches were fruitless.
For her code snippet to be executed it just needs to be in some file living in the features/support folder. All of the code in this directory is executed before any cucumber tests are run. The solution? I put her code into a new file at features/support/manage_books_steps.rb.
Ok, one down...
Second Gotcha: syntax error, unexpected keyword_when
The next problem showed up when I tried to run cucumber features. I got this:
/Users/dB/myApp/features/support/manage_books_steps.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected keyword_when
when /the new book page/
^ (SyntaxError)
For some reason my system couldn't parse this code. I'm not sure why exactly, but I'm guessing that Sarah was using some gem or tool to preprocess her code that I didn't have installed, and she unfortunately didn't go into detail about her gemset in the article. (Maybe she wrote it before cucumber's training wheels came off?) In any case, after consulting some other cucumber tutorials I tried reformatting her snippet like so.
When /^I go to the new book page$/ do
visit new_book_path
This worked.
After getting past those two little obstacles, the rest of the tutorial was a synch.
Anyway, I hope this helps someone somewhere down the line. And thanks, Sarah, for a great tutorial.
Edits/comments/corrections are welcome.

XCode RSS Feed Won't parse properly

I followed a tutorial (which I'll link at the bottom) that I got from an old StackOverflow answer to parse an RSS feed into a UITableView. The tutorial is a bit outdated, but only a few methods were deprecated, and I replaced them with (what I hope are) the appropriate newer methods. However, I'm running into some trouble, not with the replaced methods, but with the parser not starting the parsing process. There are some NSLogs sprinkled throughout to give clues as to what is going on, and my parser isn't calling parseDidStartDocument:, it's just running and returning the last two NSLogs ("All Done!" and "stories array has %d items"). If someone could take a look at the code and tell me why it's not parsing, I would be very grateful. If you need to see some of my code, just let me know which parts you'd like to see, and I'd be happy to edit it in.
oooh that tutorial is way out of date - written in 2008!
Try this tutorial, written for iOS5 instead.

Difference between (plain) Classworlds and Plexus Classworlds?

Can anyone please explain the difference between plexus-classworlds and (plain) classworlds?
These two are confusing and can't see the difference. Plexus classworlds contains almost no description. Apparently, a maven-based Java project uses both, I don't understand why.
Is it possible to replace classworlds with plexus-classworlds without much hassle?
I'm gonna answer that, even though the question is so old...
classworlds was migrated to plexus-classworlds, but the documentation on the site doesn't seem to keep up with that... the best docs I've seen was on classworlds 1.1-SNAPSHOT, although the current is plexus-classworlds 2.4.1-SNAPSHOT, and there is hardly any doc there.
if you look at plexus-classworlds, you can also see the original org.codehaus.classworlds package, with class comments like this:
A compatibility wrapper for org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher provided for legacy code
which means that they thought about migration, but of course nothing replaces a thorough test.

How do I do a callback of the result of this objective-c function?

First of all, I'm fairly new to programming, so bear with me.. though I'm certain I learn quickly from examples.
I have the following code as part of my project:
any help is greatly appreciated, I've already wasted hours on this...
Add a new block parameter to searchPointer:and call this block with an address you found.