When I use the Qt Webview example, I want to disbale the navigation bar.
But I don't know how to close it.
Anyone can help me ?
Thank you very much
The Qt Version is : 5.15.8
The Webview Example is Webview Example
I use transparentModal for open a modal in react native.
Stack Group 1: Contains App Screens
Stack Group 2: using transparentModal for handling modal
The modal only occupies 2/3 of screen, and there are some button on the top which should be clickable. However, we cannot press these buttons.
Please take a look at the image below
If you have any idea, please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
Transparent modals are just another screen (s. docs). Meaning that the background's screen is set to transparent, but the underlying screen is not pressable.
A possible solution is to move your buttons in a custom header component for your transparentModal screen (s. docs).
Alternatively (but in your case that's seems not the right way to go), you can set cardOverlayEnabled: true to make the screen close if you tap on the background of your transparent modal screen.
Bad news is that we cannot do it using react-navigation
Please take a look at this link
I use WebView in react native and when clicking input and the keyboard open i get with the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView)
how i can hide this line? or control on this part, like change "done" text?
just referred the issues in react-native-webview and found an ios only props called hideKeyboardAccessoryView which may resolve this issue. following links are the way i find-out it and the source code reference . this feature available version 2.3.0 or greater
I would like to know if it is possible to hide some part of a webView. For example, I'm using youtube and I would like to hide the search bar on top of the webView. Is this possible ?
I tried with putting a view with a height but it's not working..
Thanks for the help in advance.
How can we justify text in react native for both android and iOS without using webView, since webView is not visible in android after placing it inside another view.
The following option only works for iOS.
As it s written here, justify for android is not available... Most of the tricks suggest to use left or then a webview as you said...
Using webView resolved the issue. To show webView inside the ScrollView I just had to add height to webView.
I am trying to update my iPhone app to iOS7.
I am having major issues with the navigation bar. I would like it to have the new navigation bar.
As you can see from my image it has squashed the title to the top near the status bar.
I dont want to remove the status bar.
Surely it cant be that difficult to change.
I also noticed on some apps its changed automatically and on other apps it hasn't?
Did you try to add:
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
in the viewDidLoad method?
You should try and do it the correct way by adding your view controller to a UINavigationController and use its UINavigationBar. This will handle most layout issues for you and will also be backwards compatible. If you post the code where you bring your ViewController on screen, we will gladly help to wrap it in a navigation controller.