Setup old MSYS2 environment - msys2

I need to cross-compile an old application using mingw64 on MSYS2 (on Windows 10). The application compiles only with an old version of gcc (should be 5.2.0) and other packages (the application compiles on ubuntu 16.04).
Can I setup an old MSYS2 environment? How is the MSYS2 installation related to the packages, i.e. can install old packages (assuming I can find them) on a new MSYS2 installation?


How to set the default MSVC compiler version when multiple versions exist for same toolset version

I have multiple versions of MSVC C++ build tools for the same toolset(v142) installed using Visual studio build tools. How can I set the default or preferred version of the MSVC compiler. Is there a registry or environment variable for setting this in Windows or with Cmake?
Cmake picks up the latest version and I want it to use older version for some builds. CMake does seem to have a -T parameter for toolset but in my case both versions are for toolset v142.
Please note that I do not have or intend to use Visual Studio IDE for this since I am dealing with command line builds for CI purposes.
You can pass the required version via CLI:
$ cmake ... -T v142,version=14.24

Use latest Mono 5.4 with MonoDevelop Flatpak installation

I've installed MonoDevelop using the official Flatpak package for Linux. However, version of Mono bundled in that package is 5.2.
Is there a way to use the latest version of Mono (5.4), which I have already installed on the system?

ASP.NET Core 1.1 Development on RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.3

I'm have an an ASP.NET Core application that was created using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10. It works as expected running the following commands
cd src
dotnet restore
dotnet build
cd Hello.Portal
dotnet run
See build.cmd in the repository for more details.
My next objective is to create a for RHEL 7, which would end up with an RPM (but that is outside the scope of this question). To prepare for that I did the following:
Create an RHEL 7.3 virtual machine in VMware Workstation
Followed the instructions to install dotnet core 1.1 in the VM.
I then ran the following commands on Windows 10 to create a self-contained deployment.
dotnet restore --runtime rhel.7-x64
dotnet publish --framework netcoreapp1.1 --runtime rhel.7-x64
I then SFTP the output over to the VM and the application works as expected.
I then cloned the GIT repository to the RHEL VM and then ran the following commands, assuming that it would work the same way it did for Windows.
cd src
dotnet restore
dotnet build
However it failed with the following errors:
[werners#localhost src]$ dotnet restore
warn : The folder '/home/werners/development/hello/src' does not contain a project to restore.
[werners#localhost src]$ dotnet build
Couldn't find 'project.json' in current directory
[werners#localhost src]$
This looks rather suspicious. So I logged out and logged back in and the ran the following commands:
[werners#localhost ~]$ scl enable rh-dotnetcore11 bash
[werners#localhost ~]$ dotnet --version
On Windows, the version returns the following:
S:\hello\src>dotnet --version
So it looks like rh-dotnetcore11 doesn't have the latest released version of .NET core command line.
To validate, I ran the following as root.
[root#localhost ~]# yum install rh-dotnetcore11
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
Package rh-dotnetcore11-1.0-1.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
What instructions does one follow to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 to build, test, run and publish ASP.NET Core application that was created with Visual Studio 2017? .
So it looks like rh-dotnetcore11 doesn't have the latest released version of .NET core command line.
It doesn't. The original release of .NET Core 1.0 had an RC version of CLI (or the SDK, if you will). This was packaged as rh-dotnetcore10 (and later an updated version was rh-dotnetcore11).
Due to compatibility requirements, RHEL packages can not break the command line interface and API.
The 1.0 SDK changed how the command line behaves and the project format; as such it was not suitable for inclusion into RHEL since it would break people's existing workflow and require migration from project.json to csproj.
As such, the RHEL packages contain the latest APIs (corefx and/or coreclr) but the older RC-era SDK.
What instructions does one follow to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 to build, test, run and publish ASP.NET Core application that was created with Visual Studio 2017?
Unfortunately, there's no good path forward right now. Some options include:
Using an upstream install of dotnet, something which won't be supported by Red Hat since it's not the official Red Hat package:
Use the RC version of the SDK on Windows, Visual Studio 2015 (2017 doesn't support project.json) and rh-dotnetcore11 on RHEL.
Wait a bit for 2.0 (hopefully releases soon) which should have the new SDK since Red Hat does not aim for compatibility between 1.0 and 2.0.

cannot prepare bundled jvm to run the installer netbeans

I downloaded the jdk and netbeans am trying to install it
but the error appears to me
cannot prepare bundled jvm to run the installer
How can I fix this issue?
Always check version of downloaded installer. If you have x64 system, and your installer is dedicated for x86 systems you will also see this error.
Cannot prepare bundled JVM to run the installer.
Look here: (you should install ia32-libs, if you have Ubuntu/Debian)

kdevelop 4.0 : No project Templates

I have just installed kdevelop 4.0 on my Ubuntu machine and found that there are very few project templates (all are Qt related). I am not a qt developer and the previous versions of kdevelop had a lot of project templates. I am not sure how to get general C and C++ GTK templates.
A Screenshot from a older version of kdevelop:
If you are using ubuntu, try installing the kapptemplate package. It doesn't contain as many templates as kdevelop 3 but many more than the predefined.
just execute this command and you will have some new templates
sudo apt-get install kapptemplate
At this time there are no general C or C++ GTK templates in KDevelop 4.