Use latest Mono 5.4 with MonoDevelop Flatpak installation - mono

I've installed MonoDevelop using the official Flatpak package for Linux. However, version of Mono bundled in that package is 5.2.
Is there a way to use the latest version of Mono (5.4), which I have already installed on the system?


Setup old MSYS2 environment

I need to cross-compile an old application using mingw64 on MSYS2 (on Windows 10). The application compiles only with an old version of gcc (should be 5.2.0) and other packages (the application compiles on ubuntu 16.04).
Can I setup an old MSYS2 environment? How is the MSYS2 installation related to the packages, i.e. can install old packages (assuming I can find them) on a new MSYS2 installation?

dotnet command not working on centos server, runtime installed

I installed aspnet core runtime (aspnetcore-runtime-3.1.3) on a centOS 7 server.
following this guide from microsoft documentation:
my server doesn't have internet connection.
After installation, when I run any command, e.g.
dotnet --info
it says it can't find any installed dotnet sdk:
$ dotnet --info
It was not possible to find any installed .NET Core SDKs
Did you mean to run .NET Core SDK commands? Install a .NET Core SDK from:
Host (useful for support):
Version: 3.1.3
Commit: 4a9f85e9f8
.NET Core SDKs installed:
No SDKs were found.
.NET Core runtimes installed:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.1.3 [/home/myuser/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.3 [/home/myuser/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
To install additional .NET Core runtimes or SDKs:
Previously, I downloaded the rpm package and installed it with rpm -ivh command, same result
What can I do to fix this?
Note that I don't have internet access in the server
EDIT: The problem: I don't need SDK to run this command or any command I am using.
Anyways I've tried installing SDK, it says it can't find any compatible frameworks
What is the problem? you just installed runtime, and the error says there is no sdk.
You installed the .net runtime but didn't install the any sdk. for you to be able use core you need to install both. you can visit core documentation for the difference between them. but you can just visit to download the appropriate sdk you need.
nb: I assume you are doing this from a gui. i'm sure there are commands for installing the core runtime and SDK from command prompt. but what is important is that YOU ARE MISSING THE SDK!!

Error when installing NUnit 3.9 in Visual Studio 13 with NuGet

I am trying to install NUnit 3.9 in Visual Studio 13 Professional, but I am facing the below mentioned error while installing:
'NUnit' already has a dependency defined for 'NETStandard.Library'.
How do I solve this issue?
This error is often caused by the fact that your version of NuGet is too old. Try updating NuGet.
NUnit's most recent NuGet packages include .NET Standard builds, which mean NuGet client version 2.12 or later is required. From the next version of NUnit, you'll get a more helpful error message for this.
If you cannot upgrade Visual Studio to a newer version that includes newer versions of NuGet, you can install NUnit 3.5.0 which doesn't include .NET Standard. You can select the older versions from a dropdown in the user interface, or install from the Package Manager Console.
Install-Package NUnit -Version 3.5.0

Installing wwWidgets for Qt 5

I recently installed Qt 5.0.2 with MinGW 4.7. Previously I used Qt 4.8 and I used wwWidgets, a useful widget pack for my projects from When I installed this pack to Qt 5.0.2 it installs without errors but its plugins are not installed in the Qt Designer. If anyone successfully installed the package for Qt 5.0.2 please provide me with instructions on how to do it.
I guess you'll have to compile Qt5, QT Creator & Plugins, wwWidgets from source, using the same options for all of them. Qt designer silently flushes plugins that are not compiled in the same manner than designer itsself.

kdevelop 4.0 : No project Templates

I have just installed kdevelop 4.0 on my Ubuntu machine and found that there are very few project templates (all are Qt related). I am not a qt developer and the previous versions of kdevelop had a lot of project templates. I am not sure how to get general C and C++ GTK templates.
A Screenshot from a older version of kdevelop:
If you are using ubuntu, try installing the kapptemplate package. It doesn't contain as many templates as kdevelop 3 but many more than the predefined.
just execute this command and you will have some new templates
sudo apt-get install kapptemplate
At this time there are no general C or C++ GTK templates in KDevelop 4.