Does the llvm-bolt instrumentation mode result in less accurate BOLT profiles? [closed] - optimization

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Closed 28 days ago.
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The BOLT binary optimizer recommends using perf to profile binaries for optimization. However, if "perf is not available" they have an llvm-bolt mode which can also profile the application:
If perf record is not available to you, you may collect profile by first instrumenting the binary with BOLT and then running it.
Evidently, this is presented as a "second choice" by the BOLT authors.
What is the downside of this mode in terms of instrumentation quality? Evidently it is slower to collect the instrumentation, but is less accurate or effective at producing as input to the subsequent BOLT optimize call which produces a final optimized binary?


How to start making a game engine in C# [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How would i go about making a game engine from scratch, i know that this is a very hard task and the final engine will not be able to compete with an engine like Unreal or Unity.
I only plan to use this to get better at programming and if it helps i'm using C#.
You may also want to check more interactive tutorials such as those on
Udemy, which cost some money but offer a much more interactive environment. I'm sure you will be able to find a C# game engine guide on there.

How to write SRS for a particular task/enhancement in an application [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to prepare a Software Requirements Specification Document for a small enhancement within an JAVA application.
I have tried goggling for the same but found the samples for whole application whereas I am preparing SRS for a small enhancement within an application.
Can anybody suggest the links or suggestions for preparing the SRS.
As you realized by yourself what you're asked isn't a Requirements Specification, which usually covers the whole set of requirements for a software.
What you've been asked is a Change Request, and it must be merged in the existing SRS. However something tells me that there's no SRS for the software you're dealing with, as your management doesn't know the difference between both...

Non-functional requirement reliability measurement? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is the measurement of the application's reliability as a non-functional requirement?
You cannot measure reliability as it is linked to a bunch of different factors. Uptime can be one of them, for web apps. For other software, it can be something like the prevention of data loss under any circumstances.
You'll have to define it more exactly by breaking it down into your detailed expectations, then you can quantify values to measure against.
It is a core problem with nonfunctional requirements that you cannot measure them easily. You'll have to work around that as described above.

BigQuery, SLAs and support [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am in the process of evaluating whether BigQuery could be a good choice for some data processing we want to run periodically.
I do appreciate that BigQuery is still under heavy development and that improvements and fixes are likely to happen pretty often.
I woud like to know what would be the process should a release break a previously working process. I have read the SLAs, but they seem to be more oriented to downtime, rather than regression issues/bugs. Is there an option for paid support with SLAs?
Like most commercial services, Google applies rigorous build and test processes to ensure quality. If you have specific support requirements, we encourage you to contact Google's Cloud Platform sales team to discuss our premier offering.

While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In software developement project..
While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care?
A very vague question, kind of like "What is the meaning of life?".
Things that occur to me:
Knowing what you will build
the order in which things have to be build,
resources required,
when things have to be finished,
who will have to check the build items,
when are people and resources available.
The WBS 100% rule (see this)
Where relevant, use abstract time units in the chart and scale to meet a fixed release date.
Don't overuse. Use it for what it's good for. For example, avoid showing too many dependencies: Draw out a separate dependency tree
If you have several tasks which are proving difficult to estimate then try to have them run in parallel. That way you reduce the overall risk should one or more of them overrun.