Apache virtualhost config for Vite urls - apache

I've got a remote development server configured with Virtualmin. My current project is reachable via https://mydomain.tld
In my vite (asset building) config i've added the host directive so the asset links are now generated as https://mydomain.tld:5173/resources/css/app.css
I've allowed incoming traffic to port 5173 but my css file is still unreachable.
I guess I have to update my Apache directives but so far I've been unable to get them right :s
Please advise


WebSphere reverse proxy plugin - skipping domains

Hoping someone can give me some advice if possible.
We have a Linux box in our DMZ with the WebSphere plugin. This points to a Windows box running WebSphere Application Server.
httpd config only contains the default virtualhost with no ServerAlias specified. There is a redirect set up in the virtualhost in httpd.conf to forward any requests to service.domain.com to service.domain.com/wascontext1. Plugin-cfg.xml is set up with two uri groups, wascontext1 and wascontext2, but only 1 is actively used.
I want to use the Linux box as a reverse proxy for another application totally separate to WAS. It would have a different domain (i.e. dimsim.domain.com) but point to the same IP.
I was going to add another virtualhost for this but am unsure exactly how the WebSphere plugin will behave with it. From what I understand if I set this up and went to dimsim.domain.com/wascontext1 it would serve the WebSphere content as httpd forwards all requests to the plugin.
Is there a way to tell httpd to not send requests to the WebSphere plugin based on domain name or virtualhost? Or would doing a rewrite on any requests to dimsim.domain.com/wascontext be considered ok?
EDIT: Thanks for the responses! I'll test changing the virtualhost name in plugin-cfg.xml on our second unused context and let you know how it goes.
A solution that doesn't require plugin-cfg.xml changes: If you use an Apache-based HTTP server, you can conditionally set the per-request variable "skipwas" to short-circuit the WAS Plugin processing.
SetEnvIf Host ^dimsim\.domain\.com$ skipwas=1
If you look at the plugin-cfg.xml file, in the first part of the file you will find virtualhostgroup section similar to this:
<VirtualHostGroup Name="default_host">
<VirtualHost Name="*:9080"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:80"/>
just change the Name from * to the required domain name e.g. service.domain.com and then plugin will forward only requests for the service.domain.com hostname.
So something like:
<VirtualHost Name="service.domain.com:80"/>
should work for you.
When a request comes into the web server, it is passed to the WebSphere plugin and then plugin examines the request based on its configuration to determine if it should forward to WebSphere or pass back to the web server for further processing.
The "route" clauses in the plugin-cfg.xml are key to determining what will be forwarded and what will not. A request must match all the values in the route to be forwarded. A route contains virtual hosts, uris and clusters. The request must match one a virtual host from the VirtualHostGroup in the route, a URI from the UriGroup in the route and there must be an available server in the ServerCluster value of the route for the request to be sent to WebSphere.
Note-If you manipulate your plugin-cfg.xml for your setup, be aware that plugin is very sensitive about the format of this configuration and incorrect or invalid entries could cause a crash of the webserver. Be sure to backup the file and test before using in production. Also, if you modify your WebSphere configuration, it could overwrite this file and wipe out your changes.
Sorry for the late response.
covener's answer of setting the following does what I need.
SetEnvIf Host ^dimsim\.domain\.com$ skipwas=1

reverse proxy apache to localhost server

I've got a web app running on localhost:3000. I also have an apache server. I would like to reverse proxy the apache server so that requests to /mywebapp get forwarded to the server running on localhost:3000.
I currently have the following config at the bottom of my httpd.conf file, but I'm getting a server error when I try to access it:
ProxyPass /mywebapp http://localhost:3000
ProxyPassReverse /mywebapp http://localhost:3000
Edit - further details:
I'm running a jetty server with java -jar myapp.jar. I'd like to forward requests to an apache server listening on :80 to the jetty server.
I've got mod_proxy_http.so and mod_proxy.so enabled.
I can tell the server is running on localhost - it responds to curl with the appropriate http response. So I'm pretty sure the issue is with my apache setup, but I can't think what the problem would be.
Apache conf file in conf.d for reference: http://pastebin.com/vhXwjbQe
And I've got this in my httpd.conf:
Include conf.d/*.conf
It's hard to give a generic answer because every situation is different so here are some debugging questions to ask yourself:
if the protocol and port correct on the internal service, http and 3000.
Is the service actually listening for connections from localhost? is it running in a docker container etc that would require it to be listening on a different interface? You can check for this by looking at the output from mywebapp's logs and see if the request are making it through the proxy.
Do the paths on the internal service include the prefix that is being passed to Apache or does apache need to strip these off. if for instance mywebapp expects the path "/foo/bar" and apache's reverse proxy is sending it with the context path included "/mywebapp/foo/bar" then it will not match any path in mywebapp.

Does configuring a web server with SSL break regular HTTP

I'm in the process of getting a SSL certificate for my website which i'm running of a VPS. My website also serves as a web service for some ios/android applications to fetch data from. I'm just wondering if installing and configuring a SSL Certificate in Apache will force everyone to contact the web server over HTTPS and refuse regular HTTP calls. Hince will my applications break until I've released an update making all server calls to HTTPS?
Apache can handle both http and https at the same time.
Normally you setup your http site under something like httpd.conf which includes a line (might be commented out) something like:
Include extra/httpd-ssl.conf
which tells apache to load additional configuration for the httpd-ssl.conf file located in the 'extra' directory.
if you did a standard install of apache then the httpd-ssl.conf file is already there with a generic template for the HTTPS site, just modify it as necessary and (if needed) uncomment the Include line above in httpd.conf.

How disable direct call files on web dirrectory?

My server was built on Apache and Nginx.
There are some directories with js scripts Node on root directory web site.
Via url address i can call direct file such like: domen.com/node/notific.js
How as it can be blocked?
I saw apache tutorial and found that it possible set in apache2.conf, to specify here in the Servername part param index-options, but it acts only on the prohibition directories.
And what you advice check me for more security my directories?

Tomcat serving URLs wrong with mod_proxy and apache

I've set up a host with apache to serve static pages and to use Tomcat to serve my web application (See this question). The static pages are server from
and the dynamic (tomcat) pages are server from
The mod_proxy makes sure the "http://myhost.com/myapp" are forwarded to tomcat server running on "http://myhost.com:8080".
The problem is that now you get the standard Tomcat introduction page on "http://myhost.com/myapp" but if you click on a local link (e.g. 'Status') on the left, it generates an URL
"http://myhost.com/manager/status" while it should generate: "http://myhost.com/myapp/manager/status"
(The same is true for webapps installed under tomcat)
What should be changed in my configuration (apache, tomcat?) to redirect my tomcat links to the right place?
Have you set the ProxyPassReverse setting in your httpd.conf. This will overwrite the HTTP Header an you'll get to the correct request on the side of tomcat.
Your URLs are mapped from:
http://myhost.com/myapp -> http://myhost.com:8080
This means that accessing the above URL will be mapped to the ROOT application in Tomcat. The ROOT application will generate pages that contain links from Tomcat's root context.
In other words, if you go to:
you will get a page that contains links to
This link will work. However when that page is given back to a browser that requested it via Apache, the full URL then looks like: http://myhost.com/manager/status
I assume that you intend to deploy an application called 'myapp' to Tomcat? If that is the case the Tomcat URL for this app will be
Which will also work be mapped correctly when accessed via Apache.
If you absolutely must access Tomcats root application in this way you'll have to rewrite the URLs it outputs in the pages it returns.
I've had the most success with mod_proxy_ajp. It requires mod_proxy, but works over ajp. Using it instead, your conf file looks similar
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
See my similar question and also the answer to this question. The only fault in mod_proxy_ajp that I've found is that if I need to restart tomcat I have to force an apache restart too.