error with hashcat cuEventElapsedTime(): an illegal memory access was encountered - hashcat

hi all thanks for your time im pretty new to this but getting a error when i run this command
.\hashcat.exe -a 3 -m 11300 wallethash.txt -1 ?d?l?u --increment --increment-min 6 --inc crement-max 11 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
or any high intensity command on hashcat
cuEventElapsedTime(): misaligned address
cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(): an illegal memory access was encountered
Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
cuMemFree(): an illegal memory access was encountered
cuEventDestroy(): an illegal memory access was encountered
it worked fine till the 5th increment but then issues came up i tried adding more ram to the computer but same issue


Valgrind(memcheck) not showing all contexts

My last context/error I see in my valgrind output file is...
==3030== 1075 errors in context 61 of 540:
==3030== Syscall param ioctl(SIOCETHTOOL,ir) points to uninitialised byte(s)
==3030== at 0x7525248: ioctl (syscall-template.S:84)
==3030== by 0x686A2A7: ??? (in /lib/
==3030== Address 0x96cf958 is on thread 16's stack
==3030== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
==3030== at 0x686A20C: ??? (in /lib/
...but I don't see error contexts 62 - 540. My first thought was maybe in closing the program, valgrind crashed, but after this context it printed the ERROR SUMMARY
ERROR SUMMARY: 9733 errors from 540 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
I don't think it's because we came across a frame without debug info because I can see this exact same issue get hit the first time at the very beginning of my output file. Or maybe the printing of error contexts specifically, is halted when a stacktrace has missing debug info?
Any ideas? Need an additional command line argument for valgrind? I know in helgrind it'll quit after seeing 1000000 errors(something like that) but it explicitly tells you what it's doing.
So for my version of valgrind I also executed helgrind and saw all contexts(647) as expected. I think the problem above is simply a result of valgrind coming across a frame with no debug symbols and saying, "If there's no debug info, I'm moving on"
All of my logs I'm producing end with this same libpal frame at various context numbers 100-something, 200-something, etc.

Why do I suddenly get an error message after using gofmt?

For a few days now, after using gofmt ("gofmt -w test.go"), I have received an error message with which I cannot do anything:
Error: size of test.go changed during reading (from 18786 to 18742 bytes)
This message appears, although I did not change the program code, but only added a comment. What am I doing wrong?

In u-boot compile, linker script's sdram start and length are set by CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR and CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE values, why?

I'm trying to build u-boot for our simple test board. (arm64)
After setting in include/configs/ab21m.h (our board),
#define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR 0x4f00000
when I compile it, it gives me error while linking u-boot-spl. The error message is like this.
===================== WARNING ======================
This board does not use CONFIG_DM_ETH (Driver Model
for Ethernet drivers). Please update the board to use
CONFIG_DM_ETH before the v2020.07 release. Failure to
update by the deadline may result in board removal.
See doc/driver-model/migration.rst for more info.
UPD include/generated/timestamp_autogenerated.h
CFGCHK u-boot.cfg
CC cmd/version.o
AR cmd/built-in.o
LD u-boot
CC spl/common/spl/spl.o
OBJCOPY u-boot.srec
OBJCOPY u-boot-nodtb.bin
SYM u-boot.sym
RELOC u-boot-nodtb.bin
COPY u-boot.bin
MKIMAGE u-boot.img
LD u-boot.elf
AR spl/common/spl/built-in.o
LD spl/u-boot-spl
aarch64-none-elf-ld.bfd: invalid length for memory region .sdram
make[1]: *** [scripts/Makefile.spl:509: spl/u-boot-spl] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:1984: spl/u-boot-spl] Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
By the way, the linker script for spl starts like this after the build.
MEMORY { .sram : ORIGIN = 0x4000000,
LENGTH = (14*1024*1024) }
MEMORY { .sdram : ORIGIN = 0x4f00000,
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf64-littleaarch64", "elf64-littleaarch64", "elf64-littleaarch64")
This is strange because this 0x4f00000 and SZ_32K is what I gave for CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR and CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE. I placed this range in the on-chip RAM area some enough space above CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE and below CONFIG_SPL_STACK with enough stack space. (I referenced imx8mm_evk board). What should I correct?
BTW, I found CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE, CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR are all set to 0x40000000in imx8mm_evk, which is the DRAM start addrss. But CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE is set to 0x200000 (2MB) where there is actually 3072MB DDR. Why is this value set to small size?
I asked two qeustions. Any help will be very much appreciated.
So, your first problem is a literal one. You have SZ_32K as the value for CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE but since you're likely lacking #include <linux/sizes.h> in include/configs/ab21m.h you're not getting that constant evaluated.
As for what this is all doing, and why you should likely use something more like 2MB as seen on other platforms and place it in SDRAM rather than much smaller on-chip memory, if you look at arch/arm/cpu/armv8/ you can see we're defining where the BSS should reside and that's likely larger than 32KB (and you'll get an overflow error when linking, if so).

ffmpeg - How to change the filter-paramaters depending on time oder framenumber?

Hallo to all userse and helpers here in this forum! Thank you, i am new and i have found allready a lot of solutions.
Now I want to ask, if someone can help me:
I have a Movie about 30 seconds made of 1 image.
Now I want to pixelate depending on time or framenumber - every time a litlle bit less.
My code so far:
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf scale=iw/n:ih/n,scale=niw:nih:flags=neighbor out.mp4
where n should be the framenumber 1 to 900.
this scould also be t+1 for slower change.
the stars are gone - so i mean n times iw:n times ih:
undefined constant or missing '(' in 'n'
error when evaluating the expression 'ih/n'
maybe the expression for out_w:'w/n' or for out_h:'ih/n' is self-referencing.
failed to configure output pad on paresed_scale_0
error reinitializing filters!
failed to inject frame into filter network: invalid argument
error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0
Do you have some suggestion plaese - Thank you in Advance

How do I get Source Extractor to Analyze an Image?

I'm relatively inexperienced in coding, so right now I'm just familiarizing myself with the basics of how to use SE, which I'll need to use in the near future.
At the moment I'm trying to get it to analyze a FITS file on my computer (which is a Mac). I'm sure this is something obvious, but I haven't been able to get it do that. Following the instructions in Chapters 6 and 7 of Source Extractor for Dummies (linked below), I input the following:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Serl2_.45_.fits.fits -c configuration_file.txt
And got the following error message:
WARNING: configuration_file.txt not found, using internal defaults
----- SExtractor 2.19.5 started on 2020-02-05 at 17:10:59 with 1 thread
Setting catalog parameters
ERROR: can't read default.param
I then tried entering parameters manually:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_.fits.fits -c configuration_file.txt -DETECT_TYPE CCD -MAG_ZEROPOINT 2.5 -PIXEL_SCALE 0 -SATUR_LEVEL 1 -SEEING_FWHM 1
And got the same error message. I tried referencing directly:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_.fits.fits -c
And got the same error message again, substituting "configuration_file.txt not found" with " not found" (I checked that was on my computer, it is). The same thing happened when I tried to use default.param.
Here's the link to SE for Dummies (Chapter 6 begins on page 19):
If you run the command "sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_fits.fits -c" within the config folder (within the sextractor folder), you will be able to run it.
However, I wonder how I can possibly run sextractor command from any folder in my computer?