I can use amazon cognito to controll access roles in my application web? - amazon-cognito

Can I control access to specific resources in my web application with amazon Cognito?
I would like when performing a Rest authentication to return the specific permissions of which resource of my web application the user can use as: createClient, updateClient, deleteClient, createUser, updateUser, deleteUser.
Can anyone help me with this question?

Yes you can do. You can use role based access control or AWS Lambda Authorizer for this


Disable User from Amazon Cognito User pool using API

How can I disable the User from Amazon Cognito User Pool using API ?
I tried to check the API from Amazon and couldn't find one.
There is a specific command for disabling user, please see API reference - API_AdminDisableUser
It looks like it is supported here, https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/auth/admin#admin-queries-api

Allow API users to run AWS Lambda using execution role from Cognito identity pool

I'm using AWS amplify to create an app, where users can upload images using either private or public file access levels, as described in the documentation. Besides this, I've implemented a lambda function which upon request through API gateway modifies an image and returns a link to the modified image.
What I want is that a given user should be able to call the API and modify only his own images, but not that of other users; i.e. allow the AWS lambda function to use the execution role from the cognito user. If I allow the lambda function to access all data in the S3 bucket then it works fine - but I don't want users to be able to access other users images.
I've been at it for a while now, trying different things to no avail.
Now I've integrated the API with the user pool as described here:
And then I've tried to follow this guide:
Which does not work since the "cognito:roles" is not present in the event variable of the lambda_handler (presumably because there are not user pool groups?).
What would the right way be to go about this in an AWS Amplify app?
Primarily, I've followed this guide:
Use API Gateway request mapping and check permissions in Lambda itself:
Use API Gateway request mapping to pass context.identity.cognitoIdentityId to Lambda. Just it should be a Lambda integration with mapping (not a Proxy integration). Another limitation is that API request should be POST, for GET it's also possible if you map cognitoIdentityId to query string.
Lambda has access to all files in S3
Implement access control check in Lambda itself. Lambda can read all permissions of the file in S3. And then see if owner is Cognito user.

How to create programmatically an AWS Console enabled user

I'm trying to add programmatically a "working" AWS account via API.
Actually I'm performing this operations:
CreateUser (login)
CreateLoginProfile (password)
When I go on "AWS" console I get an error an if I look to the Accounts linked to the Organization I can't find my new account.
But if I go on https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home#/home the user is there.
Do I'm missing something? Is there any difference between USER and ACCOUNT?
Of course USER and ACCOUNT are different. An account contains users and other resources (S3 bucket, EC2 instance).
If you want to create new AWS account, you need to use Organizations API.
create-account in the AWS CLI
CreateAccount documentation

Setting "domain" permission on google cloud storage bucket/object - UI or API only?

Is it possible to set this permission through the Cloud Console UI for cloud storage? Or is it only settable through the API (for example, following the guidance in this post)
In the documentation for Google's cloud storage, one of the defined permission scopes is "domain". This allows you to specify that the read or write permission is granted to any authenticated user that is part of your Google Apps domain.
When accessing a storage container UI in the cloud console, you can set user or group permissions, but entering a naked domain with either "User" or "Group" selected results in an "Invalid Value" message when the changes are saved.
This setting is now exposed via the Cloud Console UI. You should notice 3 sections in the dropdown: user, group, and domain.
The setting is also available via the API and via the command-line utility, gsutil. To grant read access to the domain my-domain.org from gsutil, you'd do something like this:
gsutil acl ch -g my-domain.org:R gs://bucket

Best Practices in Protecting Amazon S3 Files?

For example, I have a website with User A and B.
Both of them can login to my website using my own login system.
How do I make certain files from S3 accessible only to User A once he login to my website?
Note: I saw "Permission" in AWS Management Console with "Authenticated Users" option but it seems that it's meant for other S3 users only, is it something I can use to achieve my goal?
You need to use Amazon IAM - you can define what part of any S3 bucket A can see, as well as B and each will not have access to do 'anything'. In general you should never use the account ID and secret for anything, always make an IAM user have just whats needed to run your stuff. The admin user likely does not need EC2 or SQS, or SimpleDB, etc.
Federated access is great for allowing arbitrary users to sign into your website and only be granted access for say 12 hours. They get special AWSIDs for that access that will work only on the section of S3 you let them look at.