Apache webserver on ubuntu giving error 500 remotely, works fine on the local machine - apache

I have a small PC that I am using as a web kiosk. Running ubuntu 20.04 with a typical lamp stack. I have installed the lamp stack as I normally do (I have a few machines with apache around here) but for some reason this new PC I just got (with preinstalled ubuntu) is giving me a headache I cannot figure out.
When the system loads it auto logs in and boots to the kiosk, using snap and wpe-webkit-mir-kiosk. That part works fine. The issue is when I try to load the site from another machine, it gives me an Error 500. The website has an admin backend that I need to be able to access. The backend is nothing crazy, just a simple user login system with the ability to post some data to mysql that I made. The site works 100% on my main computer that I developed it on, and it works remotely while on my main machine. I zipped all the files and copied them over to the new PC unzipped and now its giving me the 500 error when trying to access from any other PC.
Small testing php files like a simple echo statement or phpinfo will load just fine locally and remotely. phpmyadmin also loads just fine remotely and locally.
What could be the issue? Why would it load locally and give a 500 error remotely? I am at a loss.
I have tried uninstalling/purging/reinstalling the lamp stack. UFW is disabled, I've cleared cache and tried other browser and other machines. Still won't load remotely.


batch file launched from ssh doesn't display on host

I'm trying to launch a graphic program on a host. The program is launched from a batch file which resides on the host.
My host is Windows 10, my client is Windows Server 2008.
I tried using ssh through PuTTy and and through CygWin, getting the same results.
After launching the program from the client, it is running properly on the host - I can see the CPU usage go up and the output is written to file. However, nothing is displayed on the host's screen.
I have one user on the host, Administrator, and that is the one that I logged into through ssh.
When I launch the batch file directly from the host, everything works fine - I do see the program display properly.
Any idea why this is happening?
From everything I've seen, this is indeed not possible on Windows 10, at least not without some serious hacking. Instead, we're using the Python package xmlrpc, which is great for this sort of thing.

is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 (yii2)

I have an website developed with yii2. My full script working fine, but In admin system Create votes not working. That system worked fine before here but now suddenly not working here. The same script working fine on others shared hosting but not working on my hosting. and I check error log of cpanel there no Error Log messages. I never change any script and file. Suddenly it's not working on my hosting. show below my error screen shot.

Apache Crash Dialog

I'm running XAMPP on my windows machine and experiencing a problem with Apache crashing a couple times a day. When it does, a dialog pops up and I have to manually tell windows to end the program. After I do that, XAMPP automatically starts it back up in a couple of seconds with no issues. When it crashes while I'm not home though, the server is down until I get back. So I have two questions:
Are periodic crashes something that should be expected, or is this indicative of another issue I should be trying to pinpoint?
If this is something I should just learn to deal with, is there a way to automatically restart httpd.exe when these issues occur, so I don't experience down time when I'm away from home?
You'd look into log files, especially the Apache access and error logs, to see what happened, when you are not at home. I've met some similar situation: I have a problematic PHP script hosted on my server, when someone visits the page, it leads to an Apache crash.
I'd suggest you do the investigation as follows:
Search the timestamp of recent Apache restart.
Check the Apache access log to see whether there are some scripts have been accessed.
Manually access these scripts in your browser (to see if Apache will crash again)
You'd better check the PHP error log as well.
If there is really nothing suspicious, you can try WAMP bundle alternatively, which is also a very popular PHP development environment and it is stable.
Although there aren't many cases in which one should "expect" periodic crashes, in this case you are better of reconsidering your setup. From the frontpage of the XAMPP site:
XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment
Sure, you can use it as "production" server, but XAMPP isn't build for hosting websites, it is intended as development server, so you don't have to manually setup Apache, PHP and MySQL on you dev machine. If you actually want to run your website for the public, setup Apache/IIS, MySQL and PHP manually, those products on there own are made for running in production. Or you can consider getting some cheap shared hosting somewhere, so you don't need to setup anything.

My WAMP server can only handle request from localhost

My WAMP server is installed in a virtual machine, and I have developed a simple PHP file and an android file. The android file should be correct and able to send out the HTML request, however the server side PHP program never respond to the request. Therefore I made a simple site in the server and tried to browse it in another desktop, it was not successful. So this seems caused by the configuration of the WAMP server, I myself is only a beginner, that why I choose WAMP server which can allow me to do nearly nothing about the configuration. I have no idea how to fix the problem now, I have already tried to change all the allowance in the httpd.conf file, however it still does not work.

HTTP/MAMP connection between VirtualBox and host system extremely slow

I develop on a Mac with MAMP Pro, and I am running Windows 7 in VirtualBox VM so I can test my WordPress sites in Internet Explorer. The problem is that when I try to load the page in a browser in the VM ( it takes about 30 seconds to load the page.
Most of that time is "Connecting to..." in Firefox and "Waiting for..." in IE, so it seems to be having a long delay finding the host system. If I reload the page and/or browser to another page, it takes just as long for every page.
If I use Safari/Chrome/Firefox on the host system to access localhost:8888 it runs fine. If I access outside sites on the VirtualBox system (including an exact copy of the same website on an outside server) it runs fine. The lengthy delay only occurs when I try to access the host's WordPress site from the VM.
Host: Mac OSX Snow Leopard, MAMP Pro (Apache) on port 8888 running WordPress.
VM: Windows 7 accessing with Firefox 9 and Internet Explorer 9.
Any ideas?
I found the problem, but I thought I ought to leave this here in case others encounter the same thing:
In my case, the problem was a WordPress plugin called "cforms". The plugin has a bug where it tries to load its CSS files without the correct port, so it was trying to load //domain/path/cforms.css instead of //domain:8888/path/cforms.css. The 30 second delay was just the browser timeout for those files.
The problem didn't occur when loading the copy of the site on an outside server because it was just the default port 80. I'm not sure why the site still loaded quickly when loading //localhost:8888, but that's irrelevant.