HTTP/MAMP connection between VirtualBox and host system extremely slow - apache

I develop on a Mac with MAMP Pro, and I am running Windows 7 in VirtualBox VM so I can test my WordPress sites in Internet Explorer. The problem is that when I try to load the page in a browser in the VM ( it takes about 30 seconds to load the page.
Most of that time is "Connecting to..." in Firefox and "Waiting for..." in IE, so it seems to be having a long delay finding the host system. If I reload the page and/or browser to another page, it takes just as long for every page.
If I use Safari/Chrome/Firefox on the host system to access localhost:8888 it runs fine. If I access outside sites on the VirtualBox system (including an exact copy of the same website on an outside server) it runs fine. The lengthy delay only occurs when I try to access the host's WordPress site from the VM.
Host: Mac OSX Snow Leopard, MAMP Pro (Apache) on port 8888 running WordPress.
VM: Windows 7 accessing with Firefox 9 and Internet Explorer 9.
Any ideas?

I found the problem, but I thought I ought to leave this here in case others encounter the same thing:
In my case, the problem was a WordPress plugin called "cforms". The plugin has a bug where it tries to load its CSS files without the correct port, so it was trying to load //domain/path/cforms.css instead of //domain:8888/path/cforms.css. The 30 second delay was just the browser timeout for those files.
The problem didn't occur when loading the copy of the site on an outside server because it was just the default port 80. I'm not sure why the site still loaded quickly when loading //localhost:8888, but that's irrelevant.


Apache webserver on ubuntu giving error 500 remotely, works fine on the local machine

I have a small PC that I am using as a web kiosk. Running ubuntu 20.04 with a typical lamp stack. I have installed the lamp stack as I normally do (I have a few machines with apache around here) but for some reason this new PC I just got (with preinstalled ubuntu) is giving me a headache I cannot figure out.
When the system loads it auto logs in and boots to the kiosk, using snap and wpe-webkit-mir-kiosk. That part works fine. The issue is when I try to load the site from another machine, it gives me an Error 500. The website has an admin backend that I need to be able to access. The backend is nothing crazy, just a simple user login system with the ability to post some data to mysql that I made. The site works 100% on my main computer that I developed it on, and it works remotely while on my main machine. I zipped all the files and copied them over to the new PC unzipped and now its giving me the 500 error when trying to access from any other PC.
Small testing php files like a simple echo statement or phpinfo will load just fine locally and remotely. phpmyadmin also loads just fine remotely and locally.
What could be the issue? Why would it load locally and give a 500 error remotely? I am at a loss.
I have tried uninstalling/purging/reinstalling the lamp stack. UFW is disabled, I've cleared cache and tried other browser and other machines. Still won't load remotely.

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED exclusively in browsers

I was working on a website on my local computer (mac OS High Sierra) and had put some redirects in the websites .htaccess file (in order to get images from the remote server instead of downloading them). After this it seemed that I could no longer access the website from my Chrome browser. Chrome would answer to any URL leading to the remote server with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
I tried other browsers on my computer such as Firefox, Chrome Canary, Chromium and Opera. None of them could provide a connection.
Next I checked with a different internet access via TOR-Browser on the same computer whether I could access the website, and it worked.
Next I checked via Terminal whether I could connect to the remote server with ping, nslookup and traceroute. All connecting to the server as expected.
I googled up possible solutions to this problem but could not find one so far. I had read that resetting the DNS cache could help and tried sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder but it did not.
I did not edit the /etc/hosts file; a restart of the computer did not help; a reset of the .htaccess to the previous state did not help; resetting the caches in the browsers did not help.
How can I access the remote website from my browsers normally again?
EDIT1: Related question: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for only selective images from instagram API
EDIT2: After about one day I was able to access the remote website again with no further incidents of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED even after putting the redirects into the .htaccess file. So it seems to me of being some sort of caching on my computer which prevents the browsers from accessing the remote website. However I have no clue what caused the error message in the first place and what kind of cache it might be.
Shortly after EDIT2 when I was able to access the remote website again, the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED appeared again - this time I tested another device with the same internet connection and I had encountered the connection error too. Now I believe it has something to do with the router and/or it's firewall - not the ISP since I could connect to the remote website with shell commands (named above). The image requests to the remote website seem to cause the router to block further access from browsers, probably as a security measure similar to the situation in this article

Vaadin stops responding when I open more than 5 browser tabs in Chrome

I am looking for guidance/ideas on how to debug this problem.
Vaadin 8.1.5 including vaadin push.
During local development, I can open 50 tabs no problem. Windows 10, eclipse, tomcat 8.0.38 (http), jdk 1.8.0_131.
Production: AWS Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, Tomcat 8.5.16 (http) behind Apache 2.4 proxy (https), java 1.8.0_144.
As soon as I open a 6th browser tab (it's always the 6h) to the application, all tabs stop responding. No error happens, just the loading indication when I hit F5. As soon as I close any one tab, all other tabs become responsive again and reload.
I don't even know where to start looking. Any ideas/pointers highly appreciated.
I already investigated memory usage. There is enough free memory available (like 50 used of 500 MB).
Update: The problem only occurs with Chrome. I can open a dozen tabs to the same application with Firefox.


I am currently encountering a very strange error. I am using Google Chrome and Firefox for testing on my local computer. On my root server there's Debian installed and as panel vesta control panel.
I've associated my domain with the panel and everything's being fine except one thing: I randomly can't get to my webserver by entering my domain with https://www.domain.tld/. Sometimes (very rarely) it's working, but it's most likely to be not working.
On my other Windows root server I can access the site easily with the domain (using a Cloudflare SSL certificate), but my home network (at least my computer) isn't able to.
I don't know what to do...
Maybe check if this page is working for you:
(This is a picture of this topic)

apache localhost sites opening in Firefox, but not IE or Safari?

I'm running WAMP on Vista and have Apache virtual hosts and my hosts file all set up to allow me to test sites locally using an address like this:
Only problem is, it only works in Firefox. IE and Safari (currently the only other browsers I've tried, and the two I'm most concerned about) display an an error.
I'm not currently in front of my machine but the error is something along the lines of:
502 Bad Gateway
Problem with DNS Host Lookup
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
I would try changing it from testsitex.localhost to testsite.loc and see if you have the same problem. Alternatively, try pinging it from the command prompt, and see if you're seeing the same problem.
Another thing might be that Firefox ignores the windows proxy, whereas IE and Safari likely use the default windows proxy (settings -> control panel -> internet -> connections -> lan settings). If your proxy doesn't have the hosts file, this would explain it.
Have you put testsitex.localhost into your HOSTS files?