is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 (yii2) - error-handling

I have an website developed with yii2. My full script working fine, but In admin system Create votes not working. That system worked fine before here but now suddenly not working here. The same script working fine on others shared hosting but not working on my hosting. and I check error log of cpanel there no Error Log messages. I never change any script and file. Suddenly it's not working on my hosting. show below my error screen shot.


Apache webserver on ubuntu giving error 500 remotely, works fine on the local machine

I have a small PC that I am using as a web kiosk. Running ubuntu 20.04 with a typical lamp stack. I have installed the lamp stack as I normally do (I have a few machines with apache around here) but for some reason this new PC I just got (with preinstalled ubuntu) is giving me a headache I cannot figure out.
When the system loads it auto logs in and boots to the kiosk, using snap and wpe-webkit-mir-kiosk. That part works fine. The issue is when I try to load the site from another machine, it gives me an Error 500. The website has an admin backend that I need to be able to access. The backend is nothing crazy, just a simple user login system with the ability to post some data to mysql that I made. The site works 100% on my main computer that I developed it on, and it works remotely while on my main machine. I zipped all the files and copied them over to the new PC unzipped and now its giving me the 500 error when trying to access from any other PC.
Small testing php files like a simple echo statement or phpinfo will load just fine locally and remotely. phpmyadmin also loads just fine remotely and locally.
What could be the issue? Why would it load locally and give a 500 error remotely? I am at a loss.
I have tried uninstalling/purging/reinstalling the lamp stack. UFW is disabled, I've cleared cache and tried other browser and other machines. Still won't load remotely.

Testing individual microservices in Jhipster

So I have started work in an app built with jhipster. I have made changes to one microservice and want to run only that on my local machine. But I am not able as it gives me a 401 error. Frustrated I simply deleted the file in app/config and now it keeps hitting me with a login page.
please help.

Program showing fine in browser but fails to load resources in electron window

Currently working on a project and everything was working fine. Then suddenly after rebooting from a power cut whilst working on said project, the electron application has since failed to load any online resources. It works perfectly fine when on a native browser using localhost but will fail to load any online resources on the electron application version.
Initially, I thought it was a firewall issue but changing settings has not changed anything. I've reset router/pc multiple times to no avail.
The error recieved for any online resource is GET [URL] net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
Edit: Here is a screenshot of the error displayed in electron:

JDeveloper deployment "Page can't be displayed" error

For development, I'm using the integrated weblogic feature in JDeveloper. So far, this has worked fine. I was recently put onto a different project, however, and when I try to deploy it, I'm having trouble. Here are the steps I take:
Run->Debug Server Instance (IntegratedWeblogicServer)
In the Projects, I right-click on Web Content->index.html and select Debug.
According to the log, the applicatoin deploys successfully with the target URL of http://localhost:7101/Myapp-Myapp-context-root/index.html and it then attempts to open the page.
However, this gets me a "This page can't be displayed" in Internet Explorer. No error messages in JDeveloper's log or IE's console. I realize this doesn't give a lot of information to work with, but it's all I've got right now.
One other thing, and I don't know how relevant this is, but if I attempt to refresh the page or enter it into a different browser, it redirects to https://localhost:7102/Myapp-Myapp-context-root/index.html
I figured it out. It switching to a secure port was related, as the finalized product is supposed to do that. Development requires the security-constraint fields in the web.xml to be commented out.

Website fails to load in Safari Mobile and Desktop

When opening some web pages in Safari (iOS - CMS website hosted in a Apache server) it shows the following message.
Tried to remove all scripts from the page and it doesn't worked
Checked Apache access log and none on the requests were logged in access log
Checked Apache error log and no errors are logged
Tried lot of methods to figure it out (technically and logically). Anyone experienced the same issue?
If none of your requests are being logged, then your client isn't getting through and you have a problem outside of your application scope (like a network connectivity or firewall issue)