how to compute a coordinate that forms a square around a GPS point given the max perimeter of square? - gps

So the goal is that, when given a (lat, lng) point, which should form the center of square, and the max perimeter of the square in (in miles, km, etc.), output out:
[ (min_lat, min_lng), (max_lat, max_lng) ]


GLKView GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt description and explanation

For modelviewMatrix I understand how to form translate and scale Matrix. But I am unable to understand how to form viewMatrix using GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt. Can anyone explain how to it works and how to give value to parameters(eye center up X Y Z).
GLK_INLINE GLKMatrix4 GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ,
float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ,
float upX, float upY, float upZ)
GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt creates a viewing matrix (in the same way as gluLookAt does, in case you look at other OpenGL code). As the parameters suggest, it considers the position of the viewer's eye, the point in space they're looking at (e.g., a point on an object), and the up vector, which specifies which direction is "up" (e.g., pointing towards the sky). The viewing matrix generated is the combination of a rotation matrix (composed of a set of orthonormal bases [basis vectors]) and an translation.
Logically, the matrix is basically constructed in a few steps:
compute the line-of-sight vector, which is the normalized vector going from the eye's position to the point you're looking at, the center point.
compute the cross product of the line-of-sight vector with the up vector, and normalize the resulting vector.
compute the cross product of the vector computed in step 2. with the line-of-sight to complete the orthonormal basis.
create a 3x3 rotation matrix by setting the first row to the vector created in step 2., the middle row with the vector from step 3., and the bottom row to the negated, normalized line-of-sight vector.
those three steps produce a rotation matrix that will rotate the world coordinate system into eye coordinates (a coordinate system where the eye is located at the origin, and the line-of-sight is down the -z axis. The final viewing matrix is computed by multiplying a translation to the negated eye position, which moves the "world coordinate positioned eye" to the origin for eye coordinates.
Here's a related question showing the code of GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt, and here's a question with more detail about eye coordinates and related coordinate systems: (What exactly are eye space coordinates?) .

Find out if a point is in the course of CLLocationCourse

I have 2 points, a static map annotation and the user device that moves. For both points i have Lat and Long and for the moving device i have the course which is give in degrees 0 for N, 90 for E and so on. How can i find out if the second point which is static is at N,E,W,S from my position ?
Let's say your device is at point (x,y) and the static point is at (xs,ys).
Consider the right triangle between these two points. It has catheti with length xs-x and ys-y, so the angle between the x-axis and the hypotenuse is arctan((ys-y)/(xs-x)). Note that the hypotenuse points in the direction of (xs,ys), so this angle tells you which direction that point is in.
If the angle is 0, the static point is to the east.
If the angle is pi/2, the static point is to the north.
If the angle is pi, the static point is to the west.
If the angle is 3*pi/2, the static point is to the south.
If you want this angle converted such that 0 degrees is north, 90 degrees is east, etc, it's simply a matter of computing (360 + 90 - angle * 180/pi) % 360

Determine if a latitude/longitude is within a polygon on Earth's surface

I am trying to figure out if a latitude/longitude point is contained within a polygon defined by vertexes that represent points on the earth (also lat/lon's, in clockwise order). This is trivial for polygons that can be mapped to the 2D lat/lon space.
Where this becomes increasingly difficult is circle's (now switching back to 3D) that may go from pole to pole covering half the earth. The translation to lat/lon looks like a sine wave. The 2D point in polygon test no longer applies to this case. Is there an algorithm that exists that solves this problem?
================== Clarifications on comments below: ===================
The polygon is defined as (lon, lat) pairs in degrees, i.e., (60, 90), (60, 110), (-30, 110), (-30, 90).
I do have code that implements the ray casting algorithm, and that works. however, certain polygons on the surface of the earth do not translate to closed polygons in the 2D space.
As stated by denniston.t, if you are only interested in circles, and you have a radius, you can simply check if the Great Circle Distance between the center point and the point is less than the radius. To find the great circle distance you typically use the Haversine Formula. The following is my implementation in python:
from math import radians, sin, cos, asin, sqrt
def haversine(point1, point2):
"""Gives the distance between two points on earth.
The haversine formula, given two sets of latitude and longitude,
returns the distance along the surface of the earth in miles,
ignoring potential changes in elevation. The points must be in
decimal degrees.
earth_radius_miles = 3956
lat1, lon1 = (radians(coord) for coord in point1)
lat2, lon2 = (radians(coord) for coord in point2)
dlat, dlon = (lat2 - lat1, lon2 - lon1)
a = sin(dlat/2.0)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2.0)**2
great_circle_distance = 2 * asin(min(1,sqrt(a)))
d = earth_radius_miles * great_circle_distance
return d
If you have the center point and radius of your circle drawn on the surface of the sphere, calculate the Great-circle distance between the center point and target point. If it's less than the radius of the circle, the target point lies in the circle.
This will not generalize to arbitrary polygons drawn on your sphere, but you only asked about circles, so I don't know if it matters to you.
containsLocation(point:LatLng, polygon:Polygon)

kinect object measuring

I am currently trying to figure out a way to calcute the size of a given object with kinect
since I have the following data
angular field of view of the lens
and width in pixels from a 800*600 resolution
I believe this can be possible to calculate. Does anyone has math skills to give me a little help?
With some trigonometry, it should be possible to approximate.
If you draw a right trangle ABC, with the camera at one of the legs (A), and the object at the far end (edge BC), where the right angle is (C), then the height of the object is going to be the height of leg BC. the distance to the pixel might be the distance of leg AC or AB. The Kinect sensor specifications are going to regulate that. If you get distance to the center of a pixel, then it will be AC. if you have distances to pixel corners then the distance will be AB.
With A representing the angle at the camera that the pixel takes up, d is the distance of the hypotenuse of a right angle and y is the distance of the far leg (edge BC):
sin(A) = y / d
y = d sin(A)
y is the length of the pixel projected into the object plane. You calculate it by multiplying the sin of the angel by the distance to the object.
Here I confess I do not know the API of the kinect, and what level of detail it provides. You say you have the angle of the field of vision. You might assume each pixel of your 800x600 pixel grid takes up an equal angle of your camera's field of vision. If you do, then you can break up that field of vision into equal pieces to measure the linear size of your object in each pixel.
You also mentioned that you have the distance to the object. I was assuming that you have a distance map for each pixel of the 800x600 grid. If this is incorrect, some calculations can be done to approximate a distance grid for the pixels involving the object of interest if you make some assumptions about the object being measured.

How to calculate area which was compose with mulit- Coordinates?

as topic, the Coordinates value (Latitude and Longitude) is known , these Coordinates will compose as polygonal area , my question is how to calculate the area of the polygonal that is base the geography ?
thanks for your help .
First you would need to know whether the curvature of the surface would be significant. If it is a relatively small then you can get a good approximation by projecting the coordinates onto a plane.
Determine units of measure per degree of latitude (eg. meters per degree)
Determine units of meature per degree of longitude at a given latitude (the conversion factor varies as you go North or South)
Convert latitude and longitude pairs to (x,y) pairs in the plane
Use an algorithm to compute area of a polygon. See StackOverflow 451425 or Paul Bourke
If you are calculating a large area then spherical techniques must be used.
If I understand your question correctly - triangulation should help you. Basically you break the polygonal to triangles in such a way that they don't overlap and sum their areas.