Setting up a general afterEach test for all test specs - webdriver-io

Is there a way to set up a general afterEach test that will run after each of the tests are running?
(instead of configuring it repeatedly for each test file)

Found it - you need to test the afterTest property to the desired function in the webio configuration file.


Is it possible to run all the tests using mocha even if there are some failures?

I am working on a node.js application and would like to know if there is a way I can run all the unit tests from all the sub modules even if there are some test failures to know how many tests are failing in total to start putting the fixes for them. We use mocha for our tests on the back-end and jest for the ui.
The default behavior for mocha is to run all the tests. If it is exiting after the first test failure, that would suggest that you are using the "bail" option typically enabled on the command line with either --bail or -b.
Relevant docs:
It can also be caused by passing the option { bail: true } to mocha.setup(). Look in your test runner and in your package.json.
Lastly, the least likely of these possibilities is that it could also be caused by using this.bail() somewhere in the Mocha test runner.

Execute TestNG.xml in dry run mode via eclipse

Is there a way to execute TestNG.xml in dry run mode so that I can figure out what methods gets qualified for the test run. I am using Eclipse and intend to run the tests via testng.xml. How to configure Run Configurations for this.
Newbie to Selenium-TestNG and Eclipse
I tried to provide -Dtestng.mode.dryrun=true in Run Configurations -> Arguments tab under both Program argument and VM arguments
The run configurations had no effect on the execution. The tests were executed in normal fashion. I expected the configurations would just list test methods in the console
You are going to see all tests with no failures. That what you expect when you run testNg with the argument.
To check the dryrun argument works, make your test to fail. Then run your test with "-Dtestng.mode.dryrun=true". Add the argument in "VM arguments"
Also, check your version of testNG is 6.14 or higher

Running a single feature file before and after a test run

Was looking for a solution to run a feature file at the end of the suite
My workflow (In parallel Run)
karate.callSingle('Login.feature') so at the beginning i do one
login and then use the cookies/token for the whole suite
Run tests in Parallel
Runs the Logout.feature file
There is no direct support for this currently. By the way no one has ever requested this. If this is so important, kindly open a feature request.
One workaround is to set a singleton / Java static variable from callSingle and then in your JUnit / Java parallel runner, call the feature to logout using the Java API (search the docs for this) and you can pass arguments / access the static variable.
EDIT: just realized that the #AfterClass JUnit annotation may be more than sufficient for your needs.

Empty test suite error when running unit test case in intellij

I check out the source code of Cassandra, and I want to run a unit test case in debug mode to understand how it works
Below is my JUnit run configuration set up. The code can compile correctly using ant. And I tried both targets build and build-test.
IntelliJ can pick up the class in the run configuration, but when I run this profile, I got.
Process finished with exit code 1
Class not found: ""
Empty test suite.
What part do I need to change the configuration so that IntelliJ can run this unit test cases?
Since you're trying to debug Cassandra. You can reference They have already set up a ant target to generate required configurations.

Is it possible to schedule Groovy Script in SOAP UI?

I have Groovy Script in my Test Case in SOAP UI.
There are one big script and a lot of test steps which are run by this script. I know about functionality of TestRunner but it run all steps in test case, but i need to run only my groovy script. How?
I disable all Test steps and left active only groovy script. Then I Launch TestRunner on Test Case, it return exception :
java.lang.Exception: TestCase [Case1] failed without assertions
Just disable the rest of the steps and run the test case. The disabled test steps are not run automatically by soapui, you can call those conditionally :)