Is AEM authentication Stateless - authentication

Is AEM Authentication (closed user group) stateless ? What happens if we have multiple publisher, will the authentication handler ensure the user is authenticated in all the instance of the publisher ?
Could not find a document confirming this, So any help is appreciated.

The default AEM Authentication (CRX Login Module) is not stateless , the authentication is confirmed by a login token. When a user logs in the token information is stored under .tokens node of the corresponding user node (/home/users). The value of the token is also stored in the browser as a cookie login-token. Whenever a request comes in , the cookie value and the token in the repository is compared.[
You can test by deleting the .tokens node and refreshing some page that cannot be accessed by anonymous
In a multi publisher environment the token is created only on the instance which logged the user in. Since other instances cannot find the token for the cookie value in their repositories the request will be rejected.
If you enable sticky sessions , all requests by a particular client are always directed to the same instance.
Here's a page on Oak's token module . AEM uses crx token module but how they work is essentially same. Since your credentials are passed to a single instance by a form based authentication handler the token is created only in one instance. The authentication handler page also has some details on the token and the cookie.
With AEM 6.1 , the authentication can now be made stateless as long as the user exists on all the publish instances. This is done by using a encrypted cookie that can be decrypted by all publish instances when they share the same HMAC key. More information can be found here :

i think it´s possible if you activate the clustering on your authors, the .token node will be replicated to all instances and while comparing the users token ressource and the cookie the identification succeeds, this is one of the benefits of the jcr philosophy :all is content

Enable encapsulated token option in OSGI. Then it will authenticate seamlessly. But there are 2 prerequisite or conditions to get it worked. One is to put the same HMAC key on all the instances and secondly the user should exist. if these 2 conditions are met then if you login on one stack and the second stack wont required authentication again.


Duplcated of How to access the original case sensitive username input in custom user storage provider of keycloak?

I developed a service provider interface (SPI) for User Federation in keycloak.
When I try to login with an existing case sensitive user, keycloak converts it to lower case, so at the end, the sent username was not found in my user API.
I am using keycloak 20.0.1 version and it is deploying in a docker container.
I found this post in stackoverflow that share an anwerd relatated for this, buth I do not get solution. I replaced conf/cache-ispn.xml as it metion, buth when keycloak starts it gets the error Cache 'users' has been requested, but no matching cache configuration exists.
I realy apreciate if some one knows if there is an alternative.
I tried to get original input username with case sensitive in keycloak login.

How to use two factor authorization cookie along with single factor authorization cookie

I have a web application with singe factor authorization and now have implemented two-factor authorization. I am using the Microsoft Identity for the log-in. The problem is - so far we have used a cookie to remember the user while providing the username and password. Say that as 'signglefactorcookie'. Now on the authenticator application authorization page(TFA), I have added another cookie for the remember me option. Say that as 'twofactorcookie'. Now how can I make my client request for both cookies when I use the below code?
// Check whether there is a valid session or persistent cookie
// Move to a landing page
Problem scenario
Now the problem is, if I log in to the single-factor authentication page with the correct user name and password and land at the two-factor authentication page.
Open a new tab and try to access the home page getting success since there is a single factor cookie that is recognized which makes the user authorized.
How can I make it in a standard way?

How to track a user is logged in or not using api?

I am creating api using cakePHP. I have created an api for user log in. This log in functionality is working fine.
Here is the log in function -
public function login(){
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$user = $this->Auth->identify();
Now, the I am facing problem is, how I can test from other api that is the user is logged in or not? In web application it can be done by default auth system ($this->Auth->user()). But I am not getting how I can check is this user logged in or not from another api. Do I need to send api parameter to each api request ? or any other suggestion ?
Note : I can't send any token in header. Because in header I am sending jwt token. Because in my application there are two kind of authentication. One is log in or not? and another one is depending some other input from user. That is handling by jwt. So jwt token I am already sending by header. So header is already used.
A couple of things to clarify.
In a regular app, the user logs in with a post request and on successful authentication a session is created. This session is a bit of information that the user supplies in each of the following requests and the server then recognises the user. This accomplished by the Auth component in it's default settings.
In an API you could do the same: the user logs in, receives the session and attaches the session cookie-like object on each following requests. (Example of such a Python client.) However, this is not considered good practice as APIs should be stateless (so without requiring something like cookies). The solution of working with tokens, for instance hashes of some secret token together with a timestamp. The Auth component also supports this pretty well. After setting it up, you can simply call $this->Auth->user(), like you would normally and it returns either false or an array of user information. See link below.
Note that by default this authentication type will block unauthenticated users, so you will never see ->user() return false unless you make pages as public.
See also:
(Cookbook > Authentication > Creating stateless authentication systems)

.net core 2.0 & Identityserver4 : Cookie Not getting expired after logout

I am using identityserver4 for all configured clients with "AccesssTokenType=1" i.e. reference type.
I have one web app hosted for server, and other one for clients.
I used default identityserver settings, which generated two cookie, one for session Id "idsrv.session", and other one for authentication "idsrv".
In logout I do signout
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme);
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityServerConstants.DefaultCookieAuthenticationScheme);
however it gives error when I call with "idsrv.session"
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityServerConstants.DefaultCheckSessionCookieName);
Issue / Steps to reproduce the problem
1st Iteration : Login on my client website which redirects to my identityserver application. I now interceprt the request and response using "Burp Suite". I copy the complete response which has redirect URL's and cookie details.
I signout/logout from client website.
2nd Iteration : I tried login again, and intercepted the request and response using Burp Suite, by passing wrong credential. While Intercepting the response I just copied the cookies from previous request (which was successful in my first iteration), and observe that identityserver has successfully validated the user using the cookie value, ignoring the wrong credentials in this iteration.
Even I tried invalidating and deleting cookies in my signout/logout method, but looks like identityserver still recognises it as the valid ones.
Brock Allen directed me to the corrrect solution. According to him :
This is the real issue you're asking about -- when you signout, you want the cookie to no longer be valid, even in the scenario when it's stolen and replayed. This is not something IdentityServer can address, because we use Microsoft's cookie authentication to achieve signin. You would have to fix this by changing the default usage of their component. You can do it by implementing "server-side cookie" (a term that I dislike) by implementing an ITicketStore:
Details Here

OAuth2 Authorization Code in Cookie, good or bad?

I can not seem to find a SIMPLE answer to the question on how to persist OAuth2 authentication... Let's take Google+ OAuth2 API as an example.
User goes to page
User is not authenticated, and gets redirected to authentication page where he logs in
User logs in successfully and authorises my app
User gets redirect to specified (by me) URI with Authorisation Code
I use authorisation code to obtain a token in order to submit queries in the name of the user
All is good and well. My question is: how do you SECURELY know at step 2 that the user visiting the page is already logged in, without having to go through the whole process of redirecting him to all these pages.
I assume storing the Authorisation Code retrieved at step 4 in a cookie is not an option.
All of this will happen in a server-side (Go - if that matters) application.
Any help is much appreciated... I need a simple solution.
Thank you!
use server-side sessions to store any authentication state or even access tokens if you need them.
one solution is to use a database for session store (an encrypted cookie holds the session id)
and another is to use cookie sessions (encrypted cookies that hold the session data).
using encrypted cookies that only the server is able to decrypt should be safe enough.