component not found when deploy on Netlify - vue.js

I'm trying to deploy my test app site build with Vite and Vue 3 on Netlify. It´s a very simple project, with two pages and simple components. Building in my laptop works fine, but not when I try to deploy it.
But in Netlify
I don't really know how to solve this. My source code is here
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance

Thanks to Ifaruki, the solution was easy (a typo change):
I have to change my import in App.vue from this :
import Navbar from '#/components/Navbar.vue'
import Navbar from '#/components/NavBar.vue'


Issues with vue router installed on my vue2 project

When I installed vue router on my vue2 project, all the code on my App.vue file got overriden and the router-link thingy was set-up there instead now I can't find the code anywhere and that code is very important cos its the homepage of the website.
I tried uninstalling vue router cos I thought this would help but the steps for the uninstallation was very confusing. Please anyone with any ideas? I'd appreciate it a lot.

How do I build a Vue app to use it in another app?

I'm pretty new to Vue and to dev in general. I was asked to dev an app in Vue.
So I did it, with multiple components, to make the code as maintainable as possible. I also installed dependencies
But now, this app must be usable in another Vue app... And I can't find how to build it so I can import it in another app. I would really appreciate some help. Thank you.
You can use build targets like library or web-component for this.

How to fix issue where importing TailwindCSS by CDN works fine but installing it as a NPM dependency does not only on

I've built a small notes app using Vue.js with TailwindCSS. To publish it, I've put it on but due to some unknown reasons, styles does not apply. If I use CDN to import TailwindCSS, it works fine. Other configurations are same as my local environment in which it also works as expected.
Thank you! :)

Integrate a stenciljs web component into a stenciljs app

I did build some web components with stencil and published them on npm. Now I want to integrate them into another stencil app but I can't find any suggestions how to do so or the suggestions I found so far are not working.
e.g. there is no collections attribute anymore on the stencil config to include external components and this, which I found on the official documentation to distribute the components is not working:
In a stencil-app-starter app
Run npm install my-name --save
Add an import to the npm packages: import my-component;
Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc.
I know that the components work because I successfully integrated them into an Angular and React App already.
Thanks for your help in advance :)
I had the same problem and just solved it. I'm building a StencilJS app and tried to use my component library #elgervb/stencil-components.
Here is what I did to get it working:
I've added my library with:
yarn add #elgervb/stencil-components
and in tsconfig.json I added typeRoots to the compilerOptions to load my types:
"typeRoots": [
After that I can use all of my components in my app:
<evb-filepicker accept="image/*">
<evb-button>Pick image</evb-button>
Hope this helps :-)

Aurelia bundling and exporting not works properly

It is maybe a trivial question but I am quite lost in topic I don't know.
I am writing my first app n Aurelia using ES2016. I wanted to export my app to server for some testing.
As I learn in Plularsight course that the easiest way to bundle and export is to use Aurelia Skeleton Navigation - by changing all theirs src files to ours and adding all the missing dependencies in package.json, and also adding them to bundle.js and export.js.
When I use
git bundle
git serve
Bundling works fine, and app is running fine.
But when i run
gulp export
The files in export dir not working properly. I have an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" error in almost js file I wrote or added to my App (not in aurelia files :/ I deployed it temporally here so you can check
It looks like I messed it up at all :/ I don't know what files I should show you to help, so please tell me, or give mi a good source where I can learn how to export my app. It is possible to do it without the Aurelia Skeleton Navigation? I think I even don't necessarily need bundling only transpiling (I'm using Babel runtime). I want to check if my app works on server it can work slow at this step.