How to serve airtable images from server and not airtable with Gridsome? - api

As airtable announced new changes, any attachment URLs obtained via the Airtable Web API and the CSV export functionality will expire after a few hours.
My question is how to serve images locally with Gridsome on build? In other words I would like to download them on build and place them in images folder and not serve them from Airtable.
For my project I am using Netlify, Gridsome and source-airtable


Sitemap.xml not loading in vue3 production site

Added sitemap.xml to the vue3 project. When calling it is showing sitemap. Also showing sitemap after creating build localhost/sitemap.xml. But in production, the site map is not loading.
Any idea why sitemap.xml not working in production. i am using AWS Amplify for production.
I kept the sitemap.xml file in root as well as in the public folder.

Splitting a pdf File after uploading in amplify app with s3 storage

I'm trying to create a webapp for uploading some files, I created an amplify app (react) with a storage hooked up, now I would like to work the files either before being uploaded or after, to split and retrieve only some pages,
I confess that I don't know where to start to get this result, could you advise me where to start without using lambda
I followed the amplify guides to build the app and storage, and I used this component to upload files:
how can i get the result?
where should i start from?

Upload file of Shopware PWA on server(Server Side Rendering)

Hii Can anyone help me to upload the Shopware PWA on the server(Server Side Rendering). I have tried almost all the methods mentioned on the nuxt js official website but I can't upload the PWA on the server. By using yarn generate, it converts the PWA on the static website so when I changed it on the backend it doesn't reflect on the PWA(like category, pages, etc) and also doesn't change the title of the website dynamically. and I have also tried this method but it also doesn't work for me.

Where are PHP files created by BigCommerce Stencil CLI stored?

BigCommerce has a node.js app which allows you to do Stencil development locally. Part of the simulation it gives you is URLs like http://localhost:3000/cart.php for the shopping cart page. I'd like to understand how this is done and where the cart.php file could be found.
The .php files are not available for editing; these URLs are merely proxied from BigCommerce servers when you're using the CLI.
Essentially, stencil-CLI gets the data from the cart page which is then compiled via node into the HTML output (using your local template).
To my knowledge, accessing php portions of BigCommerce to post changes is not really possible. It's the same for checkout.php as well. You'll have to post changes via scss files or via using handlebars and/or js-jquery.
Here's a similar question from BC forum:

Upload static PDF on meteor deploy

I have a PDF in my public folder, and when I run meteor locally I can link to it with iron router. However, when I deploy my site to, I get a server error when trying to access the pdf. The rest of my routes are working fine, it just seems like the PDF does not get uploaded to the server. Any suggestions?