Upload static PDF on meteor deploy - pdf

I have a PDF in my public folder, and when I run meteor locally I can link to it with iron router. However, when I deploy my site to meteor.com, I get a server error when trying to access the pdf. The rest of my routes are working fine, it just seems like the PDF does not get uploaded to the server. Any suggestions?


How to serve airtable images from server and not airtable with Gridsome?

As airtable announced new changes, any attachment URLs obtained via the Airtable Web API and the CSV export functionality will expire after a few hours.
My question is how to serve images locally with Gridsome on build? In other words I would like to download them on build and place them in images folder and not serve them from Airtable.
For my project I am using Netlify, Gridsome and source-airtable

How to make scribe generated css files use the https protocol of the whole website

I decided to use Scribe to make documentation of my api. So i generated the docs folder offline then i pushed it onto app platform.
Now when i load the page the page loads but the css files do not use the https protocol for the whole website.
I have tried checking on the Github repo to see if their anyother people with the same challenges but i do not seem to see that people are facing this issue.
I will be thankful for the help.
I tried to make changes of the scribe.php file in the config folder in my laravel project but it still refused.
I placed the base_url to be https:localhost before pushing but still getting the same error

An app can't load remote web content in the local context

I m trying to integrate Bing Maps V8 SDK in a Windows Phone JavaScript app.
I m following the current sample: http://www.bing.com/api/maps/sdk/mapcontrol/isdk#loadMapSync+HTML
In the HTML page, when it comes to <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.bing.com/api/maps/mapcontrol'></script>, I get the following error at app runtime: An app can't load remote web content in the local context
I understand what it means but I can't download the JavaScript file locally because this file also refers to other js files, etc. The problem remains the same. For the same reason, I m also unable to make an XHR request.
Here are examples of how to load the Bing Maps control into a mobile app.

Copy web-builder created website to new hosting

I have a website created in a web-building online app (link to the app: http://www.webnode.com). The app doesn't allow me to actually view the folder structure of my web, it's something more like creating a blog using blogspot by google or similar web apps.
The problem is that I want to quit using that web builder and map the whole website to my private hosting. In order to do it I need to get somehow my web created in this app into the folder structure (or any other uploadable structure).
I'll be very grateful for any kind of advice
It can be easily done using winhttrack application, which downloads entire website to your computer.

How to download js file with webclient

I have a javascript -> c# array parser that I would like to feed with some .js files from the internet, so what I'd like is to download those files and have the interpreter run them through. Only problem is that I can't do this since there is no crossdomainpolicy on the sites that I dl from, but I don't get why that should be an obstacle. I Can retrieve the js from just browsing to it in my browser, so why can't I retrieve the exact same text from code for further processing? how can I get to download the js files from the web?
Why don't you just upload copies of those js files to your website?
The cross-domain block is probably a function of the browser to prevent such actions that basically end up as phishing sites or some other kind of nefarious hack. But it should work just fine if you put copies of the js files on your own website.