Animation with motion layout Android - android-animation

I'm trying to implement below animation with MotionLayout but at the end I'm messing up.
Animation that I want

It is vague making it difficult to create a response for you.
The easy approach is the big flat UI:
Step 1
Start with a layout with ConstraintLayout in the design surface
Recreated the UI as you see at the start. Keeping the UI as flat as possible.
(no children of children)
Name each View with an id.
Views that are on the screen at the end but not the beginning should be created and marked gone.
Step 2
Copy the layout file name it "temp.xml"
Edit the layout to create the look at the end.
Do not delete or create any widgets.
Toggle visibility
Adjust constraints to position it correctly
Adjust elevation
When you think you have both the start and end looking good
Step 3
Take the Starting layout and convert it to MoionLayout
(Right click on ConstraintLayout in design surface)
Select on the "end" box (ConstraintSet)
Select a view in "ConstraintSet (end)" table
Click on edit pen and Select "Create All Constraints"
Open the MotionScene in the xml directory
Edit the <ConstraintSet android:id="#+id/end"> section
Looking at your "temp.xml" and coping all the android:layout... attributes"
If this is done the animation should transition between the two looks.
But the movements will be all wrong!
** Step 4**
Customize the transition
Use keyPosition & KeyAttribute which can be created graphically
by clicking on the timeline.
** Tips about your specific transition **
It would be easier to create two "Earn free coins" one invisible than to move the first one.
Darken the background buy creating a full screen view that goes from Alpha 0 to Alpha 0.3
Look at the MotionTags
series to see various parts. They are set up in small 2-4 min tutorials
If you Google you will find many examples.


How to build below screen in titanium?

below i attached an app help guide screen. I am understanding how to build this screen.
If any body have idea please share here
View with semi transparent background color (backgroundColor:"rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";) and some images on top of it.
So, using images is bad. You'll need images for translations and if you do this as one image you'll need to ensure all devices are covered so your arrows point to the right element.
Minimise images == smaller app.
First thing you'll need to do is a create a blocker view -- so that's a view that will fill the screen and have a black background with opacity.
You can't apply that to the window as everything in it will be semi-transparent so:
Create a transparent Window that fills the screen.
Add to that window a view that fills the window and has opacity say 0.5 and black background
Add to the Window (not the view you just created) the other elements and button -- ideally, these should be individual graphics of the arrows, sized in such a way that you can position them based on the host element (the item they are pointing to / referring to). Use real text so you can handle translations / reduce file size.
So you'll need a way to associate each tip with a control they are anchored too, and that will ensure that regardless of the screen size, the tip will appear in the correct place.
First of all, always give a try before putting questions anywhere because it makes you learn things on your own for long time.
The easiest step for you to do this is to ask your designer to create a complete image just like that & you just have to show it on top.
If you have to show that image in different translations, then you can ask your designer to provide you required translations images.

Adding drag and drop functionality to metro style app buttons with C# and XAML

I'm trying to implement a sort of drag functionality into my app. As a simplistic example imagine I have a 2x2 square of buttons, so four buttons total. Clicking a button will perform some other functionality however I want when they hold and drag one of these buttons for it to do something else (ideally if you drag one button and drop it while in the space of another button the two buttons will swap places, as long as I can get dragging and dropping working the swap should be easy).
I've done some research and followed a few tutorials but seemed to get errors at one step or another with all of those. It seems ListViews and GridViews have some drag and drop functionality in them already , but I had trouble properly arranging my buttons (there are many more than four and they are in very specific positions, like a diagram) inside these views, let alone getting drag and drop working with them.
How would I go about doing this? Ideally I could just tag these buttons as draggable, and then on a drag-drop event check for a drop position, then if the position is valid perform a swap method. I just can't seem to figure out how to make them draggable or how to have an event that checks a drop position.
Easy peasy, create a custom control that looks the way you want it to, set ManipulationMode to TranslateX|TranslateY, handle manipulation delta events to update positioning with something like a Canvas or TranslateTransform and when manipulation completes - either make it click or animate to the new position. From my experience - getting any other manipulations to work with a regular Button class just isn't working and since a button is a really simple control - it is easier to create your own than try to extend the existing one in such cases.

How does the Reeder Mac app animate lists when switching folders?

Initially I was under the impression that it uses the table row slideup/down animations while inserting/deleting new rows but I doubt if it's doing that as it does it so fluidly even with thousands of items in the list (otherwise it would take a lot of time for the deletions/insertions to work).
Am I right in my assumption that it's simply attaching a new instance of the News list at the bottom of the screen, shrinking the above one while the one at the bottom expands to fill up space?
Please see this video of what I mean:
I can not tell you exactly how Silvio Rizzi made this, but as you see in the playback, a list view is added behind the shown list view, and the front list view fades out (.alpha = 0.0;) while the list view behind it expands its height per row.
When you desicate it frame by frame it becomes quite clear what he does, and it is really not that advanced. But I have to admit, with the white "milky" polished interface, it looks quite neat.
In addition, you can see that while animating, the background list view only renders the top 7 entries (hopefully calculated by dividing the view height with the average height of the cells shown) making the list view quick to load. Then afterwards, he can load an extended array of cells once you start scrolling, or in a background thread starting once the animation is complete.

How to create an "Add to reading list" animation effect

I'm trying to make an animation effect similar to the one on Safari(iPhone) when you add an element to the reading list. It's similar to the one that appears when starting to download an item from App Store application: the application item drops to the dock to start downloading.
First it bounces up and then goes to the dock. It's a very nice effect that Apple uses on their OS.
I have an image view on screen that I want to drop with this kind of animation to my toolbar in my application.
If there is someone who did it or know what's the name of the effect, could please tell me how to do it.
Thank you.
"Add to reading list" shows no animation on my phone but of your description it sounds like the "Open in background"-animation in Safari (iPhone). My answer describes that animation.
I wrote a thing like that a few months ago and much of it is doable while some of it is not. Your questions showed me that more people are to know how it is done so I wrote a blog post about it. I will describe the high level approach and challenges here but you can read more about it in that post.
Getting to content to animate
If you choose to animate the view that is on screen down to the (in your case) tool bar then you will only have to access its layer. If you want the original view to remain and animate a visual copy (like the "open in background"-Safari animation) down to the bar item then you should create a new layer and draw the content of your layer into an image and set that image as the content of the layer that you are animating
Calculating the end position
The start position of the animation is simply the frame of the view. The end position is very tricky since bar items (both tool bar items and tab bar items) are not UIView subclasses and doesn't have a public view property. This causes problems when you want to shake the bar item later on.
I decided to make a visual approximation of the end position using some simple heuristics. If you know before hand that you will only animate to a single bar item then the end position can be hard coded to a suitable frame.
Animating along a path
There is nothing special to moving, scaling and rotating the layer from the start to the end position. If you want to read more about how I did it you can look at the post I wrote.
Shaking the bar item
This cannot be done without a lot of custom code or using private API at the moment. Since bar items doesn't have a view or a layer there is no accessible layer for you to animate. I guess that you could have a custom animating image that does the shake and set that during the animation and set the new image afterwards. The approach of drawing into an image and animating that doesn't work that well either since there is no accessible layer who can draw its content into the image (you want this for the special effect of the tool bar item and tab bar item).
...put all this together and tweak it to your special needs and you will have an animation that resembles the animation you are looking for.

How to display indeterminate NSProgressIndicator in the NSOutlineView?

I need to display a progress of loading of item's children. Please advise how to implement a progress indicator like it's done in Mail application:
P. S. Here a source code of using indicator sub-views:
This is harder than it should be, because Apple does not provide an NSProgressIndicatorCell. While table and outline views support the idea of custom cells being displayed within them, they are not set up to easily support custom subviews.
So the trick becomes, how do you get a a complete NSProgressIndicator view to display and animate at the desired spot in your window, without the ability to actually install it in the table view row?
The trick I've used is to literally install the NSProgressIndicator as a subview of the outline or table view itself. To find the location to add the subview, so it looks like it's "in the row", use the frameOfCellAtColumn:row: method. You can then position your progress indicator within that location of the outline view. When you're done spinning the progress indicator, you probably don't want to show it any more, so just remove it from its superview and discard it.
You will want to make sure you set the required autosizing flags on the progress indicator, so that it floats in the correct direction when/if your outline view is resized.
I'm sure there are other hacks like this to achieve the desired end result. I don't think there is any super-clean way to accomplish this trick.
Vienna is an open-source (Apache license) feed reader that has this in its source list. You should look at the Vienna source code to see how they did it.
Viena's implementation is not perfect. Add a feed to a folder then as it is loading and the progress indicator is busy collapse that folder. You will see the progress indicator still running in the same location.