PostgreSQL - Optimize subquery by referencing outer query - sql

I have two tables: users and orders. Orders is a massive table (>100k entries) and users is relatively small (around 400 entries).
I want to find the number of orders per user. The column linking both tables is the email column.
I can achieve this with the following query:
SELECT sub_1.num, FROM users AS u,
(SELECT cust_email AS email, COUNT(purchaseid) AS num
FROM orders AS o
WHERE o.status = 'COMPLETED'
GROUP BY cust_email) sub_1
However, as mentioned previously, the order table is very large, so I would ideally want to add another condition to the WHERE clause in the Subquery to only retrieve those emails that exist in the User table.
I can simply add the user table to the subquery like this:
SELECT sub_1.num, FROM users AS u,
(SELECT cust_email AS email, COUNT(purchaseid) AS num
FROM orders AS o, users AS u
WHERE o.status = 'COMPLETED'
and o.cust_email =
GROUP BY cust_email) sub_1
This does speed up the query, but sometimes the outer query is much more complex than just selecting all entries from the user table. Therefore, this solution does not always work. The goal would be to somehow link the outer and the inner query. I've thought of joint queries but cannot figure out how to get it to work.
I noticed that the first query seems to perform faster than I expected, so perhaps PostgreSQL is already smart enough to connect the outer and inner tables. However, I was hoping that someone could shed some light on how this works and what the best way to perform these types of subqueries is.


Best approach to ocurrences of ids on a table and all elements in another table

Well, the query I need is simple, and maybe is in another question, but there is a performance thing in what I need, so:
I have a table of users with 10.000 rows, the table contains id, email and more data.
In another table called orders I have way more rows, maybe 150.000 rows.
In this orders I have the id of the user that made the order, and also a status of the order. The status could be a number from 0 to 9 (or null).
My final requirement is to have every user with the id, email, some other column , and the number of orders with status 3 or 7. it does not care of its 3 or 7, I just need the amount
But I need to do this query in a low-impact way (or a performant way).
What is the best approach?
I need to run this in a redash with postgres 10.
This sounds like a join and group by:
select u.*, count(*)
from users u join
orders o
on o.user_id = u.user_id
where o.status in (3, 7)
group by u.user_id;
Postgres is usually pretty good about optimizing these queries -- and the above assumes that users(user_id) is the primary key -- so this should work pretty well.

Most efficient way to get records from a table for which a record exists in another table for each month

I have two tables as below:
User: User_ID, User_name and some other columns (has approx 1000 rows)
Fee: Created_By_User_ID, Created_Date and many other columns (has 17 million records)
Fee table does not have any index (and I can't create one).
I need a list of users for each month of a year (say 2016) who have created at least one fee record.
I do have a working query below which is taking long time to execute. Can someone help me with a better query? May be using EXIST clause (I tried one but still takes time as it scans Fee table)
SELECT MONTH(f.Created_Date), f.Created_By_User_ID
FROM Fees f
JOIN [User] u ON f.Created_By_User_ID= u.User_ID
WHERE f.Created_Date BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31'
You will require a full scan of the fee table once in the original query you are using. If you use just the join directly, as you have in the original query, you will require multiple scans of the fee table, many of which will go through redundant rows while the join occurs. Same scenario will occur when you use an inner query as suggested by Mansoor.
An optimization could be to decrease the number of rows on which the joins are happening.
Assuming that the user table contains only one record per user and the Fee table has multiple records per person, we can attempt to find distinct months users made a purchase for by using a CTE.
Then we can make a join on top of this CTE, this will reduce the computation performed by the join and should give a slightly better output time when performing over a large data set.
Try this:
WITH CTE_UserMonthwiseFeeRecords AS
SELECT DISTINCT Created_By_User_ID, MONTH(Created_Date) AS FeeMonth
WHERE Created_Date BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31'
SELECT User_name, FeeMonth
FROM CTE_UserMonthwiseFeeRecords f
INNER JOIN [User] u ON f.Created_By_User_ID= u.User_ID
Also, you have not mentioned that you require the user names and all, if only id is required for the purpose of finding distinct users making purchases per month, then you can just use the query within the CTE and not even require the JOIN as:
SELECT DISTINCT Created_By_User_ID, MONTH(Created_Date) AS FeeMonth
WHERE Created_Date BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31'
Try below query :
SELECT MONTH(f.Created_Date), f.Created_By_User_ID
FROM Fees f
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [User] u WHERE f.Created_By_User_ID= u.User_ID
AND DATEDIFF(DAY,f.Created_Date,'2016-01-01') <= 0 AND
DATEDIFF(DAY,f.Created_Date,'2016-12-31') >= 0
You may try this approach to reduce the query run time. however, It does duplicate the huge data and store a instance of table (Temp_Fees), On every DML performed on table Fees/User require truncate and fresh load of table Temp_Fees.
Select * into Temp_Fees from (SELECT MONTH(f.Created_Date) as Created_MONTH, f.Created_By_User_ID
FROM Fees f
WHERE f.Created_Date BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31' )
SELECT f.Created_MONTH, f.Created_By_User_ID
FROM Temp_Fees f
JOIN [User] u ON f.Created_By_User_ID= u.User_ID

Combining table information

I have a simple database with three tables:
Whereby contributes is a relationship table between the two user and payment tables. My problem is that when executing an SQL statement to retrieve relationship properties - such as the 'paid' value - and thus include the contributes table in the statement, the results from the query seem to be returned twice. For example, SELECT * FROM user, payment, contributes; produces:
Whereas SELECT * FROM user, payment; produces:
My only guess is that the SELECT statement is simply combining EVERY row of users with EVERY row of payments with EVERY row of contributes, much like a power set?
Forgive me if I'm missing anything obvious, any help would be much appreciated. Also, apologies for the weird table name formatting in the images, that's just how phpMyAdmin exported them!
SELECT,, u.first_name, u.last_name,, c.paid,,, p.portion
FROM user u
INNER JOIN contributes c
ON = c.user_id
INNER JOIN payment p
ON c.payment_id =

Perform SQL query and then join

Lets say I have two tables:
ticket with columns [id,date, userid] userid is a foreign key that references
user with columns [id,name]
Owing to really large tables I would like to first filter the tickets table by date
SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE date >= 'some date'
then I would like to do a left join with the user table. Is there a way to do it. I tried the follwoing but it doesnt work.
select, from ticket where >= '2015-05-18' left join user on;
Apologies if its a stupid question. I have searched on google but most answers involve subqueries after the join instead of what I want which is to perfrom the query first and then do the join for the items returned
To make things a little more clear, the problem I am facing is that I have large tables and join takes time. I am joining 3 tables and the query takes almost 3 seconds. Whats the best way to reduce time. Instead of joining and then doing the where clause, I figured I should first select a small subset and then join.
Simply put everything in the right order:
select - from - where - group by - having - order by
from ticket left join user on
where >= '2015-05-18'
Or put it in a Derived Table:
select * from ticket
where >= '2015-05-18'
) as ticket
left join user on


I have two tables, one stores the users, the other stores the users' email addresses.
table users: (userId, username, etc)
table userEmail: (emailId, userId, email)
I would like to do a query that allows me to fetch the latest email address along with the user record.
I'm basically looking for a query that says
FIRST ORDER BY userEmail.emailId DESC
THEN GROUP BY userEmail.userId
This can be done with:
, users.username
, (
FROM userEmail
WHERE userEmail.userId = users.userId
ORDER BY userEmail.emailId DESC
) AS email
FROM users
ORDER BY users.username;
But this does a subquery for every row and is very inefficient. (It is faster to do 2 separate queries and 'join' them together in my program logic).
The intuitive query to write for what I want would be:
, users.username
FROM users
LEFT JOIN userEmail USING(userId)
GROUP BY users.userId
, users.username;
But, this does not function as I would like. (The GROUP BY is performed before the sorting, so the ORDER BY userEmail.emailId has nothing to do).
So my question is:
Is it possible to write the first query without making use of the subqueries?
I've searched and read the other questions on stackoverflow, but none seems to answer the question about this query pattern.
But this does a subquery for every row and is very inefficient
Firstly, do you have a query plan / timings that demonstrate this? The way you've done it (with the subselect) is pretty much the 'intuitive' way to do it. Many DBMS (though I'm not sure about MySQL) have optimisations for this case, and will have a way to execute the query only once.
Alternatively, you should be able to create a subtable with ONLY (user id, latest email id) tuples and JOIN onto that:
, users.username
FROM users
(SELECT userId, MAX(emailId) AS latestEmailId
FROM userEmail GROUP BY userId)
AS latestEmails
ON (users.userId = latestEmails.userId)
(latestEmails.latestEmailId = userEmail.emailId)
ORDER BY users.username;
If this is a query you do often, I recommend optimizing your tables to handle this.
I suggest adding an emailId column to the users table. When a user changes their email address, or sets an older email address as the primary email address, update the user's row in the users table to indicate the current emailId
Once you modify your code to do this update, you can go back and update your older data to set emailId for all users.
Alternatively, you can add an email column to the users table, so you don't have to do a join to get a user's current email address.