MongoDB join by array element value equals to field value - mongodb-query

suppose you have 2 collections as following:
== Device ==
machineId: 'Machine1',
plug:{ plugId: 'CE', active: true }
machineId: 'Machine2',
plug: { plugId: 'T2', active: false }
=== Machine ===
{ _id: 'Machine1',
plugs: [
{'CE':{origin:'Italy', active: true}}
{ _id: 'Machine2',
plugs: [
{'CE': {origin:'France', active: false}}
I need join this two collections by next condition:
Device.machineId = Machine._id,
Device.plug.plugId == Machine.plugs[0] and <> Machine.plugs[0].active
How can I do that, please?


Compare two result sets if employee Id is matches change status flag to true

Can anyone kindly provide the DataWeave logic for the below output structure based on the two Inputs resultSet1 and resultSet2. if the id is matched change the status to true and by default, the status is false?
resultSet1 = [{
id: "12334",
id: "13357",
resultSet2 = [
id: "12334",
status: false
id: "11521",
status: false
id: "13357",
status: false
final output:
id: "12334",
status: true
id: "11521",
status: false
id: "13357",
status: true
Thanks in advance!
this solution iterates resultSet2 and for each item checks if the ID is in the list of IDs of resultSet1
resultSet2 map {
id: $.id,
status: contains $.id

How to get nested documents in FaunaDB with a filter?

The following query:
backyard: Get(Var("f")),
user: Get(Select(["data", "user"], Var("backyard")))
backyard: Var("backyard"),
user: Var("user")
results to:
data: [
backyard: {
ref: Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333719283470172352"),
ts: 1654518359560000,
data: {
user: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
product: "15358",
date: "2022-06-06",
counter: "1"
user: {
ref: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
ts: 1654517707220000,
data: {
email: "<email>",
name: "Paolo"
backyard: {
ref: Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333747850716381384"),
ts: 1654545603400000,
data: {
user: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
product: "15358",
date: "2022-06-08",
counter: "4"
user: {
ref: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
ts: 1654517707220000,
data: {
email: "<email>",
name: "Paolo"
How can I filter backyard by date without losing the nested users?
I tried:
Paginate(Range(Match(Index("backyard_by_date")), "2022-05-08", "2022-06-08")),
backyard: Get(Var("f")),
user: Get(Select(["data", "user"], Var("backyard")))
backyard: Var("backyard"),
user: Var("user")
However, the resultset is an empty array and the following already returns an empty array:
Paginate(Range(Match(Index("backyard_by_date")), "2022-05-08", "2022-06-08"))
My index:
name: "backyard_by_date",
unique: false,
serialized: true,
source: "backyard"
Maybe I have to adjust my index? The following helped me a lot:
How to get nested documents in FaunaDB?
How to Get Data from two collection in faunadb
how to join collections in faunadb?
Your index definition is missing details. Once that gets fixed, everything else you were doing is exactly right.
In your provided index, there are no terms or values specified, which makes the backyard_by_date index a "collection" index: it only records the references of every document in the collection. In this way, it is functionally equivalent to using the Documents function but incurs additional write operations as documents are created or updated within the backyard collection.
To make your query work, you should delete your existing index and (after 60 seconds) redefine it like this:
name: "backyard_by_date",
source: Collection("backyard"),
values: [
{field: ["data", "date"]},
{field: ["ref"]}
That definition configures the index to return the date field and the reference for every document.
Let's confirm that the index returns what we expect:
> Paginate(Match(Index("backyard_by_date")))
data: [
[ '2022-06-06', Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333719283470172352") ],
[ '2022-06-08', Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333747850716381384") ]
Placing the date field's value first means that we can use it effectively in Range:
> Paginate(Range(Match(Index("backyard_by_date")), "2022-05-08", "2022-06-08"))
data: [
[ '2022-06-06', Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333719283470172352") ],
[ '2022-06-08', Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333747850716381384") ]
And to verify that Range is working as expected:
> Paginate(Range(Match(Index("backyard_by_date")), "2022-06-07", "2022-06-08"))
data: [
[ '2022-06-08', Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333747850716381384") ]
Now that we know the index is working correctly, your filter query needs a few adjustments:
> Map(
Range(Match(Index("backyard_by_date")), "2022-05-08", "2022-06-08")
["date", "ref"],
backyard: Get(Var("ref")),
user: Get(Select(["data", "user"], Var("backyard")))
backyard: Var("backyard"),
user: Var("user")
data: [
backyard: {
ref: Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333719283470172352"),
ts: 1657918078190000,
data: {
user: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
product: '15358',
date: '2022-06-06',
counter: '1'
user: {
ref: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
ts: 1657918123870000,
data: { name: 'Paolo', email: '<email>' }
backyard: {
ref: Ref(Collection("backyard"), "333747850716381384"),
ts: 1657918172850000,
data: {
user: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
product: '15358',
date: '2022-06-08',
counter: '4'
user: {
ref: Ref(Collection("user"), "333718599460978887"),
ts: 1657918123870000,
data: { name: 'Paolo', email: '<email>' }
Since the index returns a date string and a reference, the Lambda inside the Map has to accept those values as arguments. Aside from renaming f to ref, the rest of your query is unchanged.

Mongodb: get count of multiple values in a field grouped by another field

I have a collection as below
and expecting an output
{ "data": { "US": {"NY": 2,"AL": 1,"MA": 2 },
"IN": {"DL": 3,"KA": 2 }}
Below is the mongodb query I tried, i was able to get to get the count at country level, but not at the state level. please help me in correcting the below query to get data at state level.
{"$group": {
"state": {"$addToSet": "$state"}
{"$project": {
"state": {"$size": "$state"}
} }
// Pipeline
// Stage 1
$group: {
_id: {
city: '$city'
total: {
$sum: 1
country: {
$addToSet: '$country'
// Stage 2
$project: {
total: 1,
country: {
$arrayElemAt: ['$country', 0]
city: '$',
_id: 0
// Stage 3
$group: {
_id: '$country',
data: {
$addToSet: {
city: '$city',
total: '$total'

How do I query for tag names with :find in SnapshotStore store config

I am trying to setup a filter that is similar to a defect view within a Trend chart. The filter in the defect view is:
(State < Closed) AND (Severity <= Major) AND (Tags !contains Not a Stop Ship)
I cannot seem to get the Tags find to work correctly. Any suggestions?
this.myTrendChart = Ext.create('Rally.ui.chart.Chart', {
storeType: '',
storeConfig: {
find: {
_TypeHierarchy: "Defect",
State: {
$lt: "Closed"
Severity: {
$lte: "Major"
Tags: {
$ne: "Not a Stop Ship"
_ProjectHierarchy: ProjectOid
hydrate: ["Priority"],
fetch: ["_ValidFrom", "_ValidTo", "ObjectID", "Priority"]
calculatorType: 'My.TrendCalc',
calculatorConfig: {},
chartConfig: {
chart: {
zoomType: 'x',
type: 'line'
title: {
text: 'Defects over Time'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
minTickInterval: 3
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Number of Defects'
Based on reviewing the JSON messages, I figured out the tag needed to be the ObjectId. Once I found this, I replaced "Not a Stop Ship" with the ObjectId value and the filter worked correctly.

Datatables sort images on title tag

I have a question about using a custom sorting option for datatables.
I have a table with only images in the last column. The images use the title tag, where I want to sort them on.
So, I use this code to set the sorting:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
"title-string-pre": function ( a ) {
return a.match(/title="(.*?)"/)[1].toLowerCase();
"title-string-asc": function ( a, b ) {
return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0));
"title-string-desc": function ( a, b ) {
return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0));
} );
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#customertable').dataTable( {
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0,1 ] },
{ "sType": "title-string-asc", "aTargets": [ 4 ] }
"bPaginate": false,
"bLengthChange": false,
"bFilter": false,
"bInfo": false,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bSortCellsTop": true
} );
} );
However, when I click on the header of column 4, it does not work and Chrome reports errors "Property 'title-string-asc-desc' of object # is not a function"
"Property 'title-string-asc-asc' of object # is not a function"
What am I doing wrong?
Found the answer, but don't understand it.
{ "sType": "title-string-asc", "aTargets": [ 4 ] }
{ "sType": "title-string", "aTargets": [ 4 ] }
Now it works. But why? "title-string" is defined nowhere. How can javascript link that string to the content of a title tag?