TracStatsPlugin there is no code stats - trac

Sorry for my language. I have problem with TracStatsPlugin. I added in trac.ini following lines:
tracstats.* = enabled
root = /home/tracDirectory
Now I have stats for wiki and tickets but no for code. What can be wrong ? I add that I have configured svn repository and I can browse source using trac.
A salvation can be other stats plugin to trac, but I can't find nothing good in google.

What browser are you using? If you are using Internet Explorer, try using Firefox or Chrome and see if the problem persists. I am using the TracStats plugin and I see similar problems. The problems are only seen in Internet Explorer, though. After poking around with the debugger, it looks like there's an IE-specific bug in one of the Javascript libraries that the plugin uses.

Question was aced long time ago, but google show it in first places so I put what I found here.
Once there was ticket on TracStatsPlugin Github about issue: so some workarounds can be found in it comments.


How can I get the outdated expo docs?

As our RN application based on react-native#0.61.5, so we use expo#^0.37.0 to set up local development environment. But it seems that expo doesn't supply outdated docs, could only find recent version docs
Old docs often get lost, but thankfully there are a few ways of finding the old pages.
The first option is using the Wayback Machine from The site seems to go back to late 2020. A problem might be that some pages aren't crawled and might be missing.
And because it seems that their docs are open source with some commits going back three years. So you could in theory pull an old commit and build / run the docs locally.
You can use webarchive and old URL for documentation
In your case it is but not all pages are supported:
Use github online editor to check the outdate markdown docs is an optional solution.
Such as link:

Pptxgenjs appears to not work in IE11 even with jszip#3.1.5

Having read the previous versions of this question from 2020 this issue appears to have reared it's head again. I have tried these demos with my current jszip#3.7.0 and with jszip 3.1.5 using it as my application jszip and overwriting the jszip within pptxgenjs.
When using pptxgenjs in IE11 (Windows 10) it appears to work in that no errors are reported, what does happen is the browser alerts the user that: "You'll need a new app to open this blob link". The only option that is available at this point is then to go to "Look for an app in the Microsoft Store" of which no apps are available.
What this says to me is that pptxgenjs has done its job and has passed the blob link to the browser and the browser has said I have no clue you'll need to find something to open this.
I've attempted to run the demos in the same Windows 10/IE11 setup and they seem to do worse. the live demo doesn't error or offer the ability to download an app to support opening the blob link. The react demo errors to the console: SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'endsWith'. The Basic Demo in the complete library of demos fails like the live demo not returning an error or acknowledging anything.
Is this a known issue? Is there another step to help IE11 with the blob link? Can anyone else get the demos to work and I should be looking at something else? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Apologies if this wasn't clear, but the demos I was referring to were the pptxgenjs demos found here: so focusing on the initial demo named 'Live Demo' the code that is being run is here:
Running this with all other key browsers such as edge, firefox and chrome all 'download' the generated file whereas running the same demo in IE11 fails silently.

Import of new play projects into IDEA via build.sbt hangs

I'm using the current release of the Play framework. After having created a new project via activator new foobar, I tried to import it into IntelliJ IDEA (with installed Scala plugin) by importing the project's build.sbt file.
IDEA/SBT then downloads the dependencies but is always stuck here (even after hours nothing happens):
SBT: [info] downloading
Any help is appreciated.
I have not personally experienced that kind of hanging behavior, but here are a couple of thoughts.
I see that this library is about 1MB. (I'm not sure on the exact version, but I picked a recent one: Are you on an unusually slow connection? Others have reported the hanging when downloads are slowly taking place. See
You can try clearing your ~/.ivy2/cache folder (this has fixed things for me before). If on Windows look for .ivy2/cache near your home folder.
I've noticed that sometimes SBT does not give insight into what it's doing, often because it is suppressing otherwise helpful output. Check out for some options on how to see more details or change the logging level.
Update: See second comment on original question for additional details.

Are there any good tutorials for using ShareKit?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial that is easy to understand for ShareKit? I've looked but found nothing. I'm pretty new to Xcode.
The GitHub wiki for ShareKit v2.0 has a great page titled Installing ShareKit that should help you get up and running with the latest incarnation of this project.
The source tree also has an xcodeproj file which contains sample code showing how to integrate ShareKit into your own project.
You can checkout the documentation given in ...after you downloaded and attached to your project open config file and read the comment lines given before each methods in will direct you to correct way...There is no exact tutorial for it...If u got any specific issue then ask a question here..we are ready to answer...

How to browse Metacello repositories in Pharo Smalltalk?

I have downloaded Pharo 1.2.2 #12353 and wanted to install some packages in a easier way than going through Monticello Browser. I do not want to copy and paste scripts to install packages. After I opened the Menu, Tools, Configuration Browser a new window is shown with 3 ConfigurationOf...
There is no help or description of what's the purpose of the Configuration Browser. What's one supposed to do with that?
there is no way to select a repository of configurations
there is no menu option to add a ConfigurationOf
there is no way to browse the Configurations from that window
Besides, is that the right tool to browse a "Metacello Repository" like ?
There is a custom browser to Metacello? Why isn't included in the release by default?
You can give MetacelloBrowser a try. It is aimed at providing a Metacello-centric interface for managing your project. The browser is still in development, but can be used for many tasks quite nicely.
If you decide to take it for a spin, please submit any issues here. Join the Metacello mailing list if you have any questions or comments.
Please report an issue about the Configuration Browser at and post your difficulties to the Pharo list. I played with the tool too and couldn't understand it either.
and for its origins:
The ideas is that we have an own Squeaksource repo (universe) for a
specific Pharo version where we have a copy all the ConfigurationOfXXX
that are known to work in this specific Pharo version.
Since nobody (yet) mainted the one for Pharo 1.3 the browser is just empty.
I will try to find the time to fill the repo for Pharo 1.3