How to show different products in different languages - shopify

I have a Shopify store in 3 languages using Translate & Adapt App and T Lab - AI Language Translate.
I have a product with 3 versions:
Book (in English)
Book (in French)
Book (in Spanish)
I would like to show only "Book (in English)" when English is selected, but hide the books in French & Spanish in the interface. How can I do so?
Each book has its unique ISBN and price, thus it should be three separate products. I use a custom theme based on Shopify's official Dawn theme and am accessible to codes. If theme file modification is needed, may I know which files I should edit? Thanks.
What I can think of is to filter by tags, in which the products add the language name of the product as a tag.


Searchable video library with indexed XMP Dublin Core metadata

my company is producing a large amount of video files which are being tagged using Adobe Premiere during the editing. The tags are stored in the Dublin Core fields of the XMP section of the metadata window (ie : keywords, title, author, etc...).
They would need to have an online library of these videos, with search capability to find the video rushes based on the set tags.
Has anyone already implemented something similar and would be willing to share experience ?
thanks a lot

Odoo10 Chinese(HK) language pack

I have Odoo10 on my Ubuntu 14.04 system. And I want that in my Odoo all content visible in English as well as Chinese(HK). For this I use Odoo basic feature Translations --> Load a Translation, add load Chinese(HK) Language. And also select user preference language to Chinese(HK). But I don't get the desired result, which is I want. So, Is it possible to have the interface display everything in two languages simultaneously? That would be very useful in multi language companies for example (English/Chinese(HK)).
So anyone can help me to solve this problem.

Using the SSML phoneme element

I am using Visual Ultimate, and am developing a TTS application. May I please have some help with the phoneme element.
Here is the text that I wish to speak:
As you release the tension in your shoulders and neck, take another deep breath in... and out.
Currently, the two words "breath in" seem to be running together and sound like "breath thin"
I would like to (via SSML) modify this statement so that the words sound like "breath in."
What would be the best way to do this via SSML? I am thinking that the phoneme element is the best way to do this.
Here is an example I have found to pronounce the word tomato:
<phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="təˈmeɪ.ɾoʊ"> tomato </phoneme>
The text between the ph section of the above code seems to be totally in a different language (:)). How do I use this language to spell out a word?
This "totally different language" is the International Phonetic Alphabet. That's why on the same line it says: alphabet="ipa".
Different TTS systems use different phonetic representations of sounds, the IPA being one that some systems support.
I think for what you are doing a break tag would be more appropriate, as you are not looking to change the systems pronunciation of a word, but instead you wish for it to have a short pause between the two words.
If you specify which TTS engine you are using I can try to help more.

WinRT & XAML - Resource Files but for a language not localization?

Roughly, reading up on localization and Visual Studio 2012 C# and XAML for a windows store app pointed me here:
This shows how to create a resource file for, say, en-US and fr-FR, which are US English and France French. Shows you how to use the the resource loader to load it. That's good and using the UID in Xaml page to load it automatically.
However, my confusion comes with, say, I want to create a Spanish resource file. But I want to have it used for any spanish language localization. If I set it up for mx-ES, what happens if the localization is pe-Es for Peruvian Spanish or es-ES for Spain Spanish. Basically, i am a little confused on how I make 1 resource apply to all English or all French or all Spanish without it being bound by the country and without having to make a seperate resource file for every country/language combination.
I thought this would be an easy question, but I haven't seen where anyone has asked it yet.
Use just the language code for the culture so ES instead of es-ES.

Showing Related Content in other Content in Drupal 7

I am building a website with recipes in Drupal 7. I also have cooking tips on the website and for some of the recipes I want to show related cooking tips on the page of the recipe.
I have two content types, one for the recipes and one for the cooking tips.
What would you consider the best module for this? I already tried the References Module but this only worked in the View with an overview of all recipes, not on the page of a specific recipe.
May be ?