Trying to combine 2 columns in sql query - sql

SELECT SubscriberKey, COUNT(*) AS TotalSentLast180Days
SELECT s.SubscriberKey
FROM ENT._Sent s
INNER JOIN ENT.AllSubscribershistroyland ROCS
ON ROCS.SubscriberKey = s.SubscriberKey
WHERE ROCS.SLSegment__c = 'S4 - real-love'
AND 'S6 - real-love'
AND s.OYBAccountID = '85208879'
AND s.EventDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -180, GETDATE())
) t
GROUP BY SubscriberKey
So in the " AllSubscribershistroyland " their are 2 columns that are called 'S4 - Dutch real-love' and 'S6 - real-love'. Im trying to run the query to see how many subscribers are in those 2 columns. I cant seem to combine them but when i run the query for example with one column i do get a result back. I tried the ' AND ' to combine the 2 columns but i get an error code of "
Error saving the Query field. An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'AND'.** "
if anyone can help me i would be very grateful

I am not entirely sure what you're trying to do, but if you are just trying to include both of your titles in the where clause for the same column then you could use the IN Clause:
SELECT SubscriberKey, COUNT(*) AS TotalSentLast180Days
SELECT s.SubscriberKey
FROM ENT._Sent s
INNER JOIN ENT.AllSubscribershistroyland ROCS
ON ROCS.SubscriberKey = s.SubscriberKey
WHERE ROCS.SLSegment__c in ('S4 - real-love', 'S6 - real-love')
AND s.OYBAccountID = '85208879'
AND s.EventDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -180, GETDATE())
) t
GROUP BY SubscriberKey


SQL CASE WHEN ELSE not working in AWS Athena

I have the script below setup in AWS Athena, the goal is to replace some budget numbers (total) with 0 if they are within a certain category (costitemid). I'm getting the following error in AWS Athena and could use some advice as to why it isn't working. Is the problem that I need to repeat everything in the FROM and GROUP BY in the WHEN and ELSE? Code below the error. Thank you!
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 6:9: 'projectbudgets.projectid' must be an aggregate expression or appear in GROUP BY clause
This query ran against the "acorn-prod-reports" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum or contact customer support with Query Id: 077f007b-61a0-4f6b-aa1f-dd38bb401218
WHEN projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid IN (462561,462562,462563,462564,462565,462566,478030) THEN (
, projectbudgetyears.year fiscalYear
, projectbudgetyears.status
, "sum"(((0 * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost) * (projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2))) total
, projectbudgetyears.year fiscalYear
, projectbudgetyears.status
, "sum"(((projectbudgetlineitems.quantity * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost) * (projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2))) total
(("acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgets projectbudgets
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetyears projectbudgetyears ON ( = projectbudgetyears.projectbudgetid))
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetlineitems projectbudgetlineitems ON ( = projectbudgetlineitems.projectbudgetyearid))
--WHERE (((projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid <> 478030) AND (projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid < 462561)) OR (projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid > 462566))
GROUP BY projectbudgets.projectid, projectbudgetyears.year, projectbudgetyears.status
Your syntax is wrong (at least according to most SQL dialects.) You can't generally say "SELECT CASE WHEN (condition) THEN (this select clause) ELSE (that select clause) END FROM (tables)"
You can only use CASE to calculate a single value.
But it looks as if the only change between your two inner SELECT clauses is whether you use 0 or the quantity in the final multiplication. And that is perfect for a CASE!
I do not guarantee this will work right off the bat, because I don't have your setup or an idea of your table layout. However, it's a step in the right direction:
, projectbudgetyears.year fiscalYear
, projectbudgetyears.status
, "sum"(
WHEN projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid IN (462561,462562,462563,462564,462565,462566,478030)
ELSE projectbudgetlineitems.quantity
END * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost
) * (
projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2
))) total
(("acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgets projectbudgets
"acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetyears projectbudgetyears
ON ( = projectbudgetyears.projectbudgetid))
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetlineitems projectbudgetlineitems
ON ( = projectbudgetlineitems.projectbudgetyearid))
projectbudgets.projectid, projectbudgetyears.year, projectbudgetyears.status
This could solve your problem if you want to sum the items for each project and year and status except for certain line items. Here, it is correct to use a "where" condition and not "case when" :
"sum"(((projectbudgetlineitems.quantity * projectbudgetlineitems.unitcost) *
(projectbudgetlineitems.costshare * 1E-2))) total
(("acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgets projectbudgets
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetyears
projectbudgetyears ON ( = projectbudgetyears.projectbudgetid))
INNER JOIN "acorn-prod-etl".target_acorn_prod_acorn_projectbudgetlineitems
projectbudgetlineitems ON ( =
WHERE projectbudgetlineitems.costitemid NOT IN
GROUP BY projectbudgets.projectid, projectbudgetyears.year,

SQL - Join Queries

Here I have two tables as student_information and exmaination_marks.
examination_marks table have 3 columns for three subjects and include their marks.
I want to select the roll_number and name of the student from the student_information table where sum of the three subject's marks in examination_marks table is less than 100.
Both table has roll_number as primary key.
Here is the query I wrote.
student_information as si
left outer join examination_marks as em on
si.roll_number = em.roll_number
sum(em.subject_one + em.subject_two + em.subject_three) < 100;
But I got an error saying "ERROR 1111 (HY000) at line 1: Invalid use of group function"
Can any one help me with this?
sum(em.subject_one + em.subject_two + em.subject_three)< 100
this is the problem . Try these
Where (SELECT subject_one + subject_two + subject_three FROM examination_marks WHERE em.roll_number = si.roll_number) < 100
SUM is an "aggregate function" which can only be used inside a query which has a GROUP BY clause.
To get the sum of values within the same row you need to use the + operator. If the columns are NULL-able then you'll also need to use COALESCE (or ISNULL) to prevent NULL values invalidating your entire expression.
Like so:
COALESCE( em.subject_one, 0 ) + COALESCE( em.subject_two, 0 ) + COALESCE( em.subject_three, 0 ) AS sum_marks
student_information AS si
LEFT OUTER JOIN examination_marks AS em ON
si.roll_number = em.roll_number
COALESCE( em.subject_one, 0 ) + COALESCE( em.subject_two, 0 ) + COALESCE( em.subject_three, 0 ) < 100;
(If you're wondering why the COALESCE( em.subje... expression is repeated in the SELECT and WHERE clauses, that's because SQL is horribly designed by (obscene profanities) is an unnecessarily verbose language).

Group By & Having vs. SubQuery (Where Count is Greater Than 1)

I'm struggling here trying to write a script that finds where an order was returned multiple times by the same associate (count greater than 1). I'm guessing my syntax with the subquery is incorrect. When I run the script, I get a message back that the "SELECT failed.. [3669] More than one value was returned by the subquery."
I'm not tied to the subquery, and have tried using just the group by and having statements, but I get an error regarding a non-aggregate value. What's the best way to proceed here and how do I fix this?
Thank you in advance - code below:
SEL s.saletran
, s.saletran_dt SALE_DATE
, r.saletran_id RET_TRAN
, r.saletran_dt RET_DATE
, ra.user_id RET_ASSOC
FROM salestrans s
JOIN salestrans_refund r
ON r.orig_saletran_id = s.saletran_id
AND r.orig_saletran_dt = s.saletran_dt
AND r.orig_loc_id = s.loc_id
AND r.saletran_dt between s.saletran_dt and s.saletran_dt + 30
JOIN saletran rt
ON rt.saletran_id = r.saletran_id
AND rt.saletran_dt = r.saletran_dt
AND rt.loc_id = r.loc_id
JOIN assoc ra --Return Associate
ON ra.assoc_prty_id = rt.sls_assoc_prty_id
(SELECT count(*)
FROM saletran_refund
) > 1
AND s.saletran_dt between '2015-01-01' and current_date - 1
Based on what you've got so far, I think you want to use this instead:
where r.ORIG_SLTRN_ID in
group by ORIG_SLTRN_ID
having count (*) > 1)
That will give you the ORIG_SLTRN_IDs that have more than one row.
you don't give enough for a full answer but this is a start
group by s.saletran
, s.saletran_dt SALE_DATE
, r.saletran_id RET_TRAN
, r.saletran_dt RET_DATE
, ra.user_id RET_ASSOC
having count(distinct(ORIG_SLTRN_ID)) > 0
this does return more the an one row
run it
SELECT count(*)
FROM saletran_refund

SQL subquery in the AND statement

A couple problems.
Solved valid_from_tsp <> max(valid_from_tsp) - how can I get my query to filter based on not being the max date? This idea doesn't work The error being returned is: "Improper use of an aggregate function in a WHERE clause"
My second issue is when I run it without the date, I am returned a syntax error: Syntax error, expected something like 'IN' keyword or 'CONTAINS' keyword between ')' and ')'
What do you see that I don't? Thanks in advance
Edited Query
b.coverage_typ_cde as stg_ctc
inner join (select distinct etl_partition_id, coverage_typ_cde from
P_FAR_STG_VW.V_CLAIM_60_POLICY_STG where row_Create_tsp > '2013-11-30 23:23:59')b
on (a.etl_partition_id = b.etl_partition_id)
where a.valid_from_tsp > '2013-11-30 23:23:59'
and a.coverage_typ_cde = ' '
and (select * from P_FAR_SBXD.T_CLAIM_SERVICE_TYP_DIM where service_type_id = 136548255
and CAST(valid_from_tsp AS DATE) <> '2014-03-14')
Trouble part: and (select * from P_FAR_SBXD.T_CLAIM_SERVICE_TYP_DIM where service_type_id = 136548255
and CAST(valid_from_tsp AS DATE) <> '2014-03-14')
I am trying to filter by the date on the service_type_id, and I am getting the error in question 2
As for sample data: This is kinda tricky, This query returns many thousands of rows of data. Currently when I do the inner join, I get a secondary unique index violation error. So I am trying to filter out everything but the more recent which could be under that violation (service_type_id is the secondary index)
If I bring back three rows with the service_type_id with three different valid_from_tsp timestamps, I only want to keep the newest one, and in the query, not return the other two.
I don't know about your second question, but your first error is due to using an aggregate function max in a where clause. I'm not really sure what you want to do here, but a quick fix is to replace max(valid_from_tsp) with a subquery that only returns the maximum value.
This is your query:
select a.*, b.coverage_typ_cde as stg_ctc
(select distinct etl_partition_id, coverage_typ_cde
where row_Create_tsp > '2013-11-30 23:23:59'
) b
on (a.etl_partition_id = b.etl_partition_id)
where a.valid_from_tsp > '2013-11-30 23:23:59' and
a.coverage_typ_cde = ' ' and
(select *
where service_type_id = 136548255 and
CAST(valid_from_tsp AS DATE) <> '2014-03-14'
In general, you cannot have a subquery just there in the where clause with no condition. Some databases might allow a scalar subquery in this context (one that returns one row and one column), but this isn't a scalar subquery. You can fix the syntax by using exists:
where a.valid_from_tsp > '2013-11-30 23:23:59' and
a.coverage_typ_cde = ' ' and
exists (select 1
where service_type_id = 136548255 and
CAST(valid_from_tsp AS DATE) <> '2014-03-14'

Need COUNT from a more complex query

I usually use COUNT within a subquery to grab the desired number, but in this case I need a little help as the query contains too many arguments.
SELECT a.[QueueID]
,#passedUserID as User_ID
FROM CouponQueue a
JOIN Coupon b
on a.CouponID = b.CouponID
JOIN Listing c
on b.ListingID = c.ListingID
WHERE (a.[User_ID] = #passedUserID)
AND (b.[CouponActive] = 1)
AND (b.[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (b.[CouponExpire] > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()) OR b.[CouponExpire] IS NULL)
So lets say this query returns a result of 7 rows. All I need is this number for my VIEW. So I want to limit the ultimate result to a single row so that in the end I get:
[TotalCount] <-- Field name
[7] <-- Result
But not 7 rows of data.. I just need the count from the above query. Still plugging away and trying to learn. I looked at a few other examples but I haven't found one with all the conditions... which is what's messing me up. Please help!
Thank you so much!
Would this work for you?
select count(*) as TotalCOunt from (
SELECT a.[QueueID] /*
,#passedUserID as User_ID */
FROM CouponQueue a
JOIN Coupon b
on a.CouponID = b.CouponID
JOIN Listing c
on b.ListingID = c.ListingID
WHERE (a.[User_ID] = #passedUserID)
AND (b.[CouponActive] = 1)
AND (b.[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (b.[CouponExpire] > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()) OR b.[CouponExpire] IS NULL)
) t
You can remove the columns for the count. They are not actually necessary.
Should be able to just add COUNT(*):
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalCount
FROM CouponQueue a
JOIN Coupon b
on a.CouponID = b.CouponID
JOIN Listing c
on b.ListingID = c.ListingID
WHERE (a.[User_ID] = #passedUserID)
AND (b.[CouponActive] = 1)
AND (b.[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (b.[CouponExpire] > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()) OR b.[CouponExpire] IS NULL)
Good luck.
You can put the below sample on your SQL Developer to run for the count:
SELECT count(*) as totalCount (*-open a parentheses - your original query -close the parentheses*)