Unable to receive account creation/mobile verification texts to Irish numbers - kaizala

Recently I've tried creating a Kaizala account. I used an Irish mobile number. The mobile number began with +35386XXXXXXX. Another mobile I tried was the same but +35383X... Requesting a call to verify the number also does not work. Neither method sends any form of communication to the phone.
I tested a French mobile number to see if it would work and it did & I was able to setup an account.
I tested again after a week from first noticing this issue, and it remained for the Irish mobiles.
Anyone else experiencing this in other countries or know why it's happening?


Using admob again in the application that received the warning "Ad serving is limited"

I started getting a warning saying "Ad serving is limited" in my React Native app and ads are no longer showing. I also use my app on PlayStore and naturally I can see my own ads. When I researched, I found out that this is prohibited and I never thought it would be illegal. I don't want to work with any other ad service other than Admob. I have two questions regarding this situation:
1- Is it okay if I open a new admob account and put ads in the same application again and add my own device as a test device this time? I mean, don't I have the right to do something like this because this practice was penalized before?
2- Where can I find a list of such strict rules in order not to experience a similar situation?
Not problem if you only opening the app to see the ads, but it's forbidden to click the ads.
It's not allowed to have 2 admob account per user, once it found out, your both admob can be banned permanently.
Check again how you serve your ads, I have limited ads before, then I found what the reason and update the apps, limit got removed within one week.

Google Voice number doesn't work with Google Fabric?

I have been trying to create an account on digits with a Google Voice number. Whenever I enter my Google Voice phone number, the digits login screen simply shows an infinite loading icon. When checking the console, I see that a 403 message was generated for "digits (dot) com / sdk / login" and the following error message was returned:
"We cannot send a text message to this phone number because its operator is not supported".
The voice account was created about 12 hours ago.
I am not sure if Google Voice is supported, but now that Digits has been acquired by Google, I think its only logical that it should be supported.
It is important that I get this account to work, because I need it in order have a "developer account" for testers to use in the App Store review process.
I would like to know if there is anything that I can do about this, or if there is any type of help I can get from the team.
"We cannot send a text message to this phone number because its operator is not supported".
Seems pretty cut and dry there. A lot of services don't allow the use of a Google Voice number because it is a VOIP number. It is relatively easy to get a GV number, so some services block/don't whitelist their (and other VOIP's) numbers to prevent bots or mass accounts from abusing their services.
Whatever their reason is, it still doesn't work. As for actually getting it to work, I would contact the team and see if they can do anything, but it doesn't look like there is something you can do.

Google's new reCaptcha doesn't work on Windows Phone

The recaptcha box isn't displaying on WP8 with official IE mobile browser.
Just go with the device (I tried with wp8) to the official demo page:
and you will see that the recaptcha box isn't displaying.
Problem solved: I'm using a Windows Phone without a SIM card to develop with, but when I first configured the phone 1 year ago, I set to automatically synchronize date and time. (like everyone does)
However, without a SIM card and over WiFi, the phone doesn't sync the date and time, and therefore the https certificate from google appeared as expired and the iframe didn't load.
Adjusting the date and the time manually solved the problem.
It should be fixed for now. But if the issue still persists for your service, try to fall back to alternative challenge, as described here, when the user agent string contains IEMobile word.
See related topic at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/recaptcha/2ITB1n8D2II for details.

Error during rate app

In my app
I get an error message when users press submit after rating.
Get error c101a006.
Not sure why this happens, open store but not able to submit review
As far as I can see no rating can be submitted due to error, at least not on Windows 8 machines running more than one account. How can I verify rating works now on machines running one account?
It is ZEST_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, an error that tells you that the Store server suffered a heart-attack when trying to process the submission. The rating page itself is displayed by the Store app on your machine. I had no trouble myself submitting a rating for your app.
So this has nothing to do with your app itself. Web server errors happen, they can take a few days to get resolved. At least from my test it is clear that the server can no longer be the problem. If you still have trouble then there's something wrong with your Microsoft account. Login on this web page and double-check that your birthdate and home country have been entered.
Without any code it's difficult to say.
Anyway searching googling the error code I went to Microsoft support site That says it's a server error, for example when account data are not completed. It's hard to do more with only these informations.
My friend was getting the same error since he was from Siberia and this is how Microsoft responded to him. Its mainly caused when one tries to rate an app while the app marketplace aint supported in that region.
Go to settings > region and language > change the phones region to a supported country > restart the phone (change to UK preferably)
Go to http://support.xbox.com/en-US/billing-and-subscriptions/account-management/change-region and click on Account migration
Sign in with your xbox account (in some cases they will send you verification code on email address which you added before)
Finish account migration to UK (in my case). Please keep in mind that they allow you to do this only ONCE per 3 months
Problem solved. Try to download free apps or games and everything will work.
Solution for application which requires payments:
1. Go to settings > region and language > change the phones region to a supported country > restart the phone
2. Go on store. Find some game or application for payment.
3. Add payment option which you wish
Enjoy and cheers :)
Note 1: I suggest you to complete account migration on Xbox from other device (PC/Mac)
Note 2: Xbox region restriction was cause of this error

From my service how do I listen for when a user clicks on a desktop icon or app from within the application menu?

This question is no longer active - I have been officially notified by the company that we're dropping Android and going with a system that is specifically designed for business use.
In our two sister companies we installed almost 500 android phones assuming they'd have security capabilities similar to Linux that would allow us to provide business phones to our employees but limit their access to apps. Unfortunately we've since found out that we were hugely mistaken. Android has decided that whoever has possession of the phone should have full access to everything. Unfortunately for us this has been a business nightmare, with huge data overages, employees downloading and installing anything and everything they can get their hands on from Play Store, the apps we need to run constantly being stopped by the task manager because too many apps are running at the same time with our employees arguing that the apps are buggy or the phone is broken. Due to our type of operation, the phones are passed from one employee to another often for weeks at a time before a supervisor or technician has access to them.
We absolutely need to either secure the phones or get rid of them. So...
From within a service, how do I capture when an employee clicks on an unauthorized app either from the desktop or from the applications menu? I've spent the last 2 days searching Google for an answer, but have turned up nothing. I know it can be done, because I have a couple of apps on my personal phone that do so.
We're using Android 2.2
Why not uninstall Google play store from the phones? And any other apps which are not needed?
It might be easiest too just install a parental control app. Here's an example, though this particular one may not meet all your needs: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kiddoware.kidsplace
Have a look at the 3CX Mobile Device Manager. The sign up process is free and easy. Then you just need to download the app to each phone from GooglePlay and get it set up. I would be interested in knowing if you proceed with it and if it does everything you need it to.