Comments starting with a straight line in intellij - intellij-idea

Here is the comment style that I want to create but I don't know how.
I was looking the whole net and intellij but I can't find the solution how to create comments like this. Does anybody know how to do comments like this?

It's a rendered view for common comments:


How can I create a gedit plugin using python?

I wanted to create a simple gedit plugin that could save the current file when mouse leaves the text area (just like the <<leave>> event in tkinter) using python3. I went through wiki but I couldn't get much from it (All I could do was to create a plugin that just showed in plugins menu,nothing more). Can anyone help me with this?
According to the Python plugin HOWTO:
The gedit window based on Gtk.Window.
Looking at the documentation for Gtk.Window, it inherits from Gtk.Widget.
Looking at the signals documentation for Gtk.Widget, it looks like leave-notify-event is what you are looking for.

How to update ad description using pre_item_add hook in OsClass?

I am writing a function to change the external links to my redirection link. I use pre_item_add hook, but I don't know how to update the submitted description with the new one. Does anyone know how to do it?
This is my idea:
function link_process($aItem){
$desc = $_POST['description'][$language_code];
Session::newInstance()->_setForm('description' , rewriteExternal($desc));
osc_add_hook('pre_item_add', 'link_process');
I made a similar change described here
Look for point 8. In my solution, but read all the answers to understand. Also there is a link in the solution to where I got this idea.

Change format of generated "noinspection" comments in IDEA?

In IDEA 2016.2, when you suppress an inspection for a statement, the generated comment looks like this:
//noinspection InspectionName
It annoys me that there's no space before noinspection. Can this template be changed?
No, this comment text is built programmatically and cannot be changed by the user.

How to create words construction

I am trying to create some words construction using custom template, for example I need something like this:
and I don't really know best way to doing this, I want to create labels rotate and place it same as image looks like, but I am sure it is bad idea. Thanks for any help.

How to remove the echoChar (TextField)?

I'm using
on an AWT TextField for passwords. However, I can't find a way to undo this. The JavaDoc says I got to set echoChar to 0, but how do I do this?
This should work. Please confirm.