Vue Router's next(false) clears path on global Navigation Guards - vue.js

I found the reason behind my "path flashes", it's ensureURL method in the HTML5History class (vue-router v3.6.5).
// next(false) -> abort navigation, ensure current URL
If we take a look at this method (that's code from vue-router source)
ensureURL (push?: boolean) {
if (getLocation(this.base) !== this.current.fullPath) {
const current = cleanPath(this.base + this.current.fullPath)
push ? pushState(current) : replaceState(current)
if I try to go straight to the restricted path, at some point, in my app I have next(false), that causes half-second absolutely clear URL.
When I logged vars in this method I noticed that it pushes to to url WITH aborting navigation.
When I commented that ensureURL(true) app worked as expected without annoying flashes.
When you try to land on the site with already some sub-path (in my case it was localhost:8080/broker/login), you expect url path to stay the same, or redirect you if path is restricted.
Instead once I try to land on the localhost:8080/broker/login, after awhile it pushed to localhost:8080/ then again localhost:8080/broker/login.
In my case, there is some logic and async operations on the first website load, that where I have next(false).
After some digging in the vue-router's source code I found ensureURL methods that does all that...
If you take a look at this method, you'll see that condition is satisfied
getLocation(this.base) !== this.current.fullPath
getLocation(this.base) becomes /broker/login
this.current.fullPath becomes /
so it tries to push to undefined 🤯
Could you please explain why we need it and how we can fix it?


Is there anyway to ignore the *failure: Avoided redundant navigation to current location* error using Vue Router and just refresh the page?

I see this question has been asked a few times on here, but none of the answers have really helped me in this current situation.
I have an app I'm working on with a sidebar with tabs that link to different dashboards. Each of the SidebarLinks are a router-link with the to key being fed the route prop from the main component.
Inside one of these dashboards, the Analysis dashboard, there is another router that routes you to child routes for specific Analyses with their own ids (EX: /analysis/1).
The user clicks on a button for a specific analysis and they are routed to a page containing that information, on the same page.
The Error
When I click the Analysis SidebarLink the route in the url changes back to /analysis, but the page doesn't update/refresh.
I don't get an error in the console, but I do get the failure in the devtools.
I understand that Vue Router doesn't route back to a route you are already on, but I need it to. If you refresh the page when the url is just /analysis it routes back to it's inital state.
Is there anyway to refresh when it rereoutes to /analysis? Or a way to handle this error to work as intended?
What I've tried
I've tried changing the router-link to an <a> tag and programatically use router.push and then catch the error, but that doesn't do anything.
I've tried checking if the route.fullPath.contains("/analysis") and then just do router.back() but that doesn't seem to work either.
SidebarLink router function
function goToRoute() {
console.log(`route.fullPath → `, route.fullPath)
if (route.fullPath.match('/analysis*') as any) {
console.log('route includes /analysis')
} else {
console.log('route doesnt inclue /analysis')
path: props.route,
.catch(() => {})
Inital /analysis Page
This is what the page looks like normally
/analysis/1 Page
This is what the route to analysis/1 looks like (url changes)
/analysis/1 Page When Issue Analysis SidebarLink Clicked
This is what the route to analysis looks like when the sidebarlink is clicked (url changes, but the page stays the same)
I suspect you are fetching your data from a backend service or data files
If yes you can refetch the data everytime the route param changed by watching it.
watch: {
'$': function (id) {
this.$store.dispatch('fetchOneAnalys', id)

Vue PWA caching routes in advance

I'm hoping someone can tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree. I have built a basic web app using Vue CLI and included the PWA support. Everything seems to work fine, I get the install prompt etc.
What I want to do, is cache various pages (routes) that user hasn't visited before, but so that they can when offline.
The reason here is that I'm planning to build an app for an airline and part of that app will act as an in flight magazine, allowing users to read various articles, however the aircrafts do not have wifi so the users need to download the app in the boarding area and my goal is to then pre cache say the top 10 articles so they can read them during the flight.
Is this possible? and is PWA caching the right way to go about it? Has anyone does this sort of thing before?
Thanks in advance
To "convert" your website to an PWA, you just need few steps.
You need to know that the service worker is not running on the main thread and you cant access for example the DOM inside him.
First create an serviceworker.
For example, go to your root directory of your project and add a javascript file called serviceworker.js this will be your service worker.
Register the service worker.
To register the service worker, you will need to check if its even possible in this browser, and then register him:
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js').then(function(registration) {
// Registration was successful
console.log('ServiceWorker registration successful with scope');
}, function(err) {
// registration failed :(
console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);
In vue.js you can put this inside mounted() or created() hook.
If you would run this code it will say that the service worker is successfully registered even if we havent wrote any code inside serviceworker.js
The fetch handler
Inside of serviceworker.js its good to create a variable for example CACHE_NAME. This will be the name of your cache where the cached content will be saved at.
var CACHE_NAME = "mycache_v1";
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
event.respondWith( {
return cache.match(event.request).then(function (response) {
return response || fetch(event.request).then(function(response) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
Everytime you make a network request your request runs through the service worker fetch handler here first. You need to response with event.respondWith()
Next step is you first open your cache called mycache_v1 and take a look inside if there is a match with your request.
Remember: cache.match() wont get rejected if there is no match, it just returns undefined because of that there is a || operator at the return statement.
If there is a match available return the match out of the cache, if not then fetch() the event request.
In the fetch() you save the response inside the cache AND return the response to the user.
This is called cache-first approach because you first take a look inside the cache and in case there is no match you make a fallback to the network.
Actually you could go a step further by adding a catch() at your fetch like this:
return response || fetch(event.request).then(function(response) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
.catch(err => {
return fetch("/offline.html")
In case there is nothing inside the cache AND you also have no network error you could response with a offline page.
You ask yourself maybe: "Ok, no cache available and no internet, how is the user supposed to see the offline page, it requires internet connection too to see it right?"
In case of that you can pre-cache some pages.
First you create a array with routes that you want to cache:
var PRE_CACHE = ["/offline.html"];
In our case its just the offline.html page. You are able to add css and js files aswell.
Now you need the install handler:
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
.then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll(PRE_CACHE);
The install is just called 1x whenever a service worker gets registered.
This just means: Open your cache, add the routes inside the cache. Now if you register you SW your offline.html is pre-cached.
I suggest to read the "Web fundamentals" from the google guys:
There are other strategies like: network-first
To be honest i dont know exactly how the routing works with SPAs because SPA is just 1 index.html file that is shipped to the client and the routing is handled by javascript you will need to check it out witch is the best strategie for your app.

How to implement Auth0 server-side with Nuxtjs?

I have a Nuxt app with authentication already running in universal mode.
I'm trying to convert the authentication service to Auth0. I'm following the Vue quickstart, but I discovered that auth0-js is a client side library since it uses a lot of 'window'-stuff that is not available on the server-side of Nuxt.
However, I got it kind of working by making it a client-side plugin and wrap all functions (that is calling the authservice in the lifecycle hooks) in a process.client check. It works "kind of" because when going to the protected page whilst not logged in, it flashes the page before being redirected to login page (since its rendered on the server-side as well, but the check only happens once it's delivered on the client side I presume).
My question now is: What can I do in order to add the check to server-side as well? (or at least make sure that the protected pages isn't flashed before being redirected).
What I've tried so far:
Saving the payload and the logged-in state in the store and check in some custom middleware, but that didn't do the trick.
Also, it seems to me that #nuxt/auth is outdated or something and the nuxt auth0 example as well. It uses auth0-lock while I'm using the new auth0 universal.
Anyone have suggestions on how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
not sure if this will be any help and have only answered a few questions (other account long time ago).
Update.. I read my answer then the question title (I think my answer does cover some of your context), but in regards to the title you could also look at using auth as a plugin. You can then handle stuff there before the page is hit.
I am not sure how your code is implemented, but this may help (hopefully).
If you are not using Vuex, I strong recommend it. Nuxt Vuex Store Guide
// index/store.js
// At least have the store initialized, but its most likely going to be used..
// page.vue
<div v-else-if="!$auth.loggedIn">
{{ test }}
data() {
if (!this.$auth.loggedIn) {
const test = 'Only this will load, no flash'
return { test }
$auth.loggedIn is built in, I read it ..somewhere.. in the docs
This will solve the no flash issue, you can also take advantage of a loader screen and asyncData to check the state before rendering the view to avoid a flash and populate data if it hangs.
You could also try using Vuex Actions, I am currently playing with these 2 in the process of where I am now. Learning about nuxtServerInit()
// store/index.js
import axios from 'axios'
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit ({commit}, {request}) {
// This is good if you have the user in your request or other server side stuff
if (request.user) commit('SET_USER', request.user)
async GET_USER({ commit }, username) {
const user = await axios.get(`/user/${username}`)
if (user) commit('SET_USER', user)
export const mutations = {
SET_USER(state, user) {
// simple set for now
state.auth.user = user || null
The second one is combined using the fetch() method on the page itself.
// page.vue
async fetch({ $auth, store }) {
await store.dispatch('GET_USER', $auth.$state.user)
Now you can call $auth.user in your code as needed.
$auth.user is another built in I read ..somewhere..
You can also call $auth.user with the $auth.loggedIn to check if user exists on top of being logged in $auth.user && $auth.loggedIn.
It may be this.$auth.<value> depending on where you are trying to reference it.
I learned the asyncData() gets call first and logs in my server, then data() logs values in the server console as well (false, null), but in my Brave console they're undefined, i'd like an answer to that lol
I have been struggling with trying to get Auth0 to work how I wanted with JWTs, but as I kept crawling I found useful bits along the way (even in old demos such as the one you mentioned, just nothing with the lock stuff...). Also in terms of express and my API in general... Anyways, hope this helped (someone).

How to prevent user to leave page using middleware in Nuxt?

I got a Nuxt application, and in some special route, I want to prevent user from leaving the page by showing plain confirm javascript dialog.
I did some beforeRouteLeave <- this kinda thingy introduced in the Vue official documentation, but none of them seemed work in Nuxt.
And Nuxt recommends users to use middleware for doing this 'beforeRoute' things. Here's my code.
export default function (context) {
if (process.client &&
context.from.path.includes("board/write") && !== "board-articleId") {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to leave the page?")) {
As you can see, I'm checking if my current route is certain page (context.from.path...), ask user if user wants to leave the page. And if they canceled, which makes confirm as false, do
and it works fine as it makes the user stay on the page.
But the problem is, the loading bar of the browser still loads even if the page doesn't change. And it looks like the route is still changing anyway despite the actual page doesn't change.
How can I prevent this to happen?
To make sure the address bar query (?bla=bla) not touched I recommend doing this:
export default function ({ from }) {
I could have used
instead of
For the sake of information,
the incoming argument 'context' has some properties like below:
from, route, next, redirect...

vue-router - how to abort route change in beforeRouteEnter

I'm seeing some behaviour I don't understand in the beforeRouteEnter navigation guard with vue.js/vue-router. I understand from the docs that this guard "does NOT have access to this component instance", but that if you need to get access to the component instance you can do so by means of a callback. I've done this because I want to abort the route change if one of the props hasn't been defined (normally because of a user clicking a forward button). So this is what I have:
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
console.log("ProductDetail: routing from = "+from.path+" to "+to.path);
next(vm => {
if (!vm.product) {
console.log("Product empty: routing back one page");
The idea is that I test for the existence of the prop and if it's not valid, go back (or otherwise abort the route change). From the console log, I can see that what is happening, though, is that the component instance is in fact getting created, presumably as a result of the callback being called, and throwing a bunch of errors, before the vm.$router.go(-1) kicks in and takes the user back to the previous screen.
So what, if anything, can I do to actually prevent the route change from completing if one of the requisite conditions isn't present, if it's too late by the time I can test for it?
You can try this code
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
// Your code
next(vm => {
if (!vm.product) {
console.log("Product empty: routing back one page");
You can read more about this guard in
Have you tried: next(false)?
next(false): abort the current navigation. If the browser URL was changed (either manually by the user or via back button), it will be reset to that of the from route.