I use a logic App and I need to evaluate the status of a specific site.
e.g. I want to create a site with the name: https://[Tentant].sharepoint.com/sites/test01
then I use the following http request:
When this is correct I can create the site, otherwise if terminate the workflow.
My question is how I can check if the reponse is ok or true?
Best regards
After reproducing from end I could able to achieve your requirement by using outputs('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')['statusCode'] to check if the step is successful in a condition and redirect the steps further accordingly. Below is the flow in my logic apps.
Note: If the condition fails the logic app gets terminated.
I'm trying a log-in scenario for a page, but it's getting an error because of the csrf_token and other dynamic parameters that are being generated every time I run the test. How do I get these csrf_token and these parameters to use in my test?
Please see image below.
Request Header parameters
Jmeter Parameters
Error detail
You need to extract it from the previous response using a suitable Post-Processor, store it into a JMeter Variable and replace the recorded value with the variable.
The process is known as "correlation" and there is a lot of information on the topic over the web, for example How to Load Test CSRF-Protected Web Sites article would be a good starting point.
I'm using php-pkpass library to create pass. Now can add only 1 pass at a time and I want to add multiple passes at once.
Is it possible to do this?
I keep seeing "NO" answers but I keep seeing companies(such as train companies) doing that just fine.
So I'm really curious as to why you can't but they can.
Short and simple NO
You can use for your own pkpass application.
The Passbook App scanner will only allow you to add a pass if ALL of the following are true:
The QR code contains a URL
The URL scheme is https and the server certificate is valid and can be authenticated (I.e not self signed)
The URL returns a Content-Type header of application/vnd.apple.pkpass
The URL body contains a single .pkpass bundle
Adding multiple passes via the Passbook App scanner from a single QR code is currently not possible. The only way to add multiple passes is via your own app using the addPasses:withCompletionHandler: method of the PKPassLibrary class.
Being absolutely new to security testing, I am trying to run basic steps and then trying to run a spider and active scan. I have seen couple of videos from owasp & youtube and tried to make sense of the included ZAP documentation. However, I don't think ZAP is logged in while making the spider crawl or active scans.
Mine is a Java + Vaadin & Spring based application and the POST URL's don't change on making any kind of request. Just the request parameters change. POST URL's are always
I have used
Set Active Session under HTTP session, before running the spider/active scan
have setup the context(though very few URL's appear under Sites),
I have also tried to update structure parameter with words like "page", "UIDL" etc. which i could see in the URL's
I have also tried to exclude logout URL, but since all the POST URL's are the same, the spider and active scan don't really do anything, in that case.
On right clicking i got an option to select the request as Form based Authentication.
I have tried that as well, however, it populates the "Login Request POST data" with vaues like
and fills the username/password fields with exactly the same.
One last thing, do we really need to disable the XSRF to be able to use ZAP properly with Java/Vaadin applications?
I am simply trying to get it working and then continue learning from there. Would appreciate if anyone can please help me with the correct setup.
I have some problems with the EarlyExectionFilter from magnolia. When forwarding to the webpage which was given back from my executeEarly() method, the system can't forward to the given path since the user principals are not set to the subject. When i send a redirect, the Filter works fine. After two days of debugging I couldn't find the error, any ideas how to fix this problem?
Look in your filter chain. My guess would be that you have EarlyExecutionFilter before SecurityFilter so it is executed before authentication is done. It works with the redirect because filter chain is executed again after the redirect thus on second pass user is already authenticated and EEF will see it.
If this is indeed the case, solution is then to move EE filter after SecurityFilter.
I have a problem with the Express Checkout. I tried all the solution provided in the web but I cannot make it work!
I'm using VB 2012 for Web and ASP.NET. I built a cart in the web site and try to integrate PayPal Express Checkout (for now using the test account in Sandbox).
When I click on the PayPal button it shows me the error:
10001 Internal Error: Timeout processing request
Debugging the application I found that the problem is when he try to make the call:
Using myWriter As New StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream())
End Using
Catch e As Exception
End Try
Where strPost is the following:
What could be wrong?
I really need help..Any and all help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
This error could simply mean there's an issue with the PayPal sandbox servers, or it could mean you have a problem with your request. I was able to successfully hit the sandbox with SetExpressCheckout just now, though, so I'm guessing it must have something to do with your request.
One thing I see right away is that you won't be able to use localhost in your ReturnURL and CancelURL because at the time that gets used it will be running from PayPal's server. As such, "localhost" will be their server, not yours, and the redirect won't work. You'll need to use your own public IP address or setup a domain of some sort to point to your test server. That could be what their server isn't liking.
Another thing I notice is that you're just using the value 36 for your amounts. PayPal documentation specifies you need to use two decimal places on amount values, so you need to make sure and pass 36.00 instead.
The next thing I notice, which is probably what's causing your problem, is that one of your parameter names is invalid: [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0+_NAME]
You need to get that + out of there. I bet that'll fix your issue, but I'd still get those other things fixed up, too.