IP List API Cloudflare minimum permission - cloudflare

Does anyone know what is minimum permission to access the IP List API in cloudflare?
Specificly the GET Permission LIST
GET accounts/:account_identifier/rules/lists
The documentation does not specify what permission can access that, is it something only the Global Admin token can access, or there's a specific permission that can be used?
I know the Account:FilterList, gives you access to a specific List with a id number, but to access all the lists that permission does not work.
I think this question would be specific for cloudflare, but because I am having issues accessing their community, i was just wondering if somebody else had an issue similar to mine and can point me to the right direction.
Thanks in advance
Tried All account permissions but none of them worked.


Access Denied for LinkedIn's adAnalyticsV2 Finder Analytics API

I am trying to connect to the LinkedIn adAnalyticsV2 Finder Analytics API.
Please may someone explain what I could possibly be doing wrong, or provide a link to the documentation that could point me in the right direction.
Thank you in advance!
Postman Parameters
I have followed the documentation, which I don't fully understand, and have created the requested App and having been granted the correct permission by the account admin.
I have entered the Bearer Token and have received the below error.
I have searched for documentation that explains possible errors but cannot seem to find anything.
This error could be caused by either missing scopes in your app's settings or you forgot to add the scopes in the OAuth configuration of Postman. Make sure your app has the permissions and your access token was created with the correct scopes. See this article for more information.
Hope this helps!

How do I login to a site I am viewing on my localhost?

I am editing a site while viewing on my localhost:3000. There are certain things I need to login to view, but my login credentials (which are accurate on the actual site) are not accepted on my local. The error I get is "Authentication Error." How do I login to my local?
Thank you in advance!
Just in case it can help someone else... I needed to add a ".env.local" file with various keys and IDs from Stripe and others. That allowed me to log in to my localhost with no problems.

Application not verified. Google OAuth2

Please help me!
I look everywhere but still not understanding. 
I have domain domain1.com and I want to get access to "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets+https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive" scopes for my project - quickstart-111111. 
I already add my domain and verify it through DNS TXT record with the help of "https://www.google.com/webmasters/verification/home  ". Also I add my domain there - https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/domainverification?project=quickstart-111111. Also I add "https://domain1.com:4455" to accessible JavaScript resources, and "https://domain1.com:4455/GoogleAcc/Register" to allowed redirect URI. 
Question is why Google say that "Application not verified". Where I can verify it?
I try to register GSuite account (https://gsuite.google.com/signup/basic/accountandrecaptcha) but it want to register my corporative email as "something#domain.com" but I already have it and do not want to migrate my email to Google!
My registration link looks like - https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?access_type=offline&prompt=consent&redirect_uri=https://domain1.com:4455/GoogleAcc/Register&client_id=11111-hash.apps.googleusercontent.com&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets+https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive&response_type=code&state=/profile&nonce=1589225765743
Of course I found simple answer after read a half of Google Search.

Amazon MWS scratchpad access denied

I am a registered PRO seller on Amazon UK (and all EU marketplaces on the same account)
I have my seller account ID, Developer Id, Developer Auth token and private key.
In MWS scratchpad, I can put a request and get a successful response for the status APIs as I don't believe they use any authetication, but any other request (e.g. listReports) just returns an access denied error message. I know the credentials are correct as if I edit them, get get authentication error messages. I have opened a case with support but after three days of waiting I have not even has acknowlegement of the issue let alone a solution.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, or where I go in my admin panel to give my own developer account the correct permissions.
NOTE: This is not 3rd party development, I only want to build out solutions for my own business.
amazon scratchpad url is different country to country. most probably you are trying on different scratchpad country's url.

Create User via API in Azure AD

GOAL: Create users in Azure Active Directory using our Global Admin account from an API.
PROBLEM: Every single way I try, I get "unauthorized".
I've been focusing mostly on this: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/invitations
I've tried as outlined here
the "Authorization Bearer {token}" is problematic -- I can't seem to properly retrieve tokens, using any of the built URLs recommended (ie, combining ClientID & TenantID in the URL.)
I've tried the relevant portions of this, including creating the app, setting permissions on the app, trying both Web API and Native. I'm able to get a code back, but using it always comes back with Unauthorized.
As an aside, I am using Nintex to run this web service, as it is part of my workflow. Typically, web services don't give me issues. So, this sucks.
I'm missing something, here. Any thoughts or direction?
UPDATE: Removed the word "method" - bad choice of phrasing.
If you want to use Microsoft Graph explorer to create user as the global admin, you could use POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users, and the required permission is:
For the details, you could read Create user.
Global admin runs as a user by default. To grant access to Active Directory, you need to elevate permissions in the portal.
I'm not convinced you have the permissions to create the user, and that's why I think you're getting the error.
Also, try and avoid using Global Admin. Create a Service Principal and provide more granular permissions.