Docusaurus server-side rendering could not render static page with path - docusaurus

I have a problem with displaying multiple API using Redocusaurus plugin
My nav dropdown looks like in the image
My Redocusaurus settings looks like in the image above
I keep my yml files in the folder apiConfigFiles
And locally everything working fine, but the problem appears when I make npm run build I have errors like in the image above...
Do you have any ideas how I can repair this??


Include Snippet programatically on app install

I have an app that I am using on Shopify store. When I install it i have used assets api to create a snippet file. Everything works fine.
What I am trying to achieve is that whenever user install my application the app snippet which is created should be included automatically on product-template.liquid file on a desirable place (e.g above add to cart button).
What i have done is I have used again assets api to get the page data and I am trying to place my code that will include that snippet but I am not sure how to specify position where to add that code.
Solution: I did it by getting page as a string via assets Api and then by getting position i updated it with my line of code

Images uploaded in Vue.js production mode not showing

I am a bit new to Vue.js. I am doing a social media application that allows users to upload and share images with others. I store my images in src/assets folder during development. However, when I build the project, all images are put in the dist folder. Therefore, what can I do to enable users to still upload images on production? Do I create the assets directory in the dist folder?
I have since tried different ways, including storing images on the backend. In dooing this, I reference the backend path relatively, using, for example, ../../../backend/public/assets..., and it works on development. However, when I build, the images that existed in the backend directory at the time of building are visible, however, whenever I try uploading more on production to the ../../../backend/public/assets... directory, they are uploaded successfully but are not visible (that is on production). I get an error that Cannot find module './image_name.image_extension'.
What am I doing wrong?
I have seen similar questions like this but there was no answer.
You must set your public path and change your way!!
first step to do is creating vue.config.js in your root directory, if you want to know more details, read this:
for example, I define prefix path for my files:
module.exports = {
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "/" : "/",
remember, It's better if you use "#" to define your paths.
for example, if you want to load a image which located in src/assets/files/img/myImage.png, you can use #/assets/files/img/myImage.png in template section for binding or script section of your .vue files!
It always help you to find correct path of your files.
and finally your way is not standard because "src/assets/..." will used for compiled scripts and styles and also your files which you want to use on your UI layout like static images. so you have to use "public/assets/..." directory to save your file, then you will see everything is going well for you.
if you have a more question or stuck solving this problem again, I'm here to fix your issues.

How to make it visible in for a vue-cli project

I have created a vue-cli project.
After I run build it, it works in the http-server. I'd like to push it to my, and I build it as what I found on the Internet. However, at I can only see a blank page and it show like this,nothing in the div whose id is app.
enter image description here
It looks like you're building Github Pages from master. To make this work you'll either need to build into a directory called docs (instead of dist) and change the settings on your repo to point to docs, or move the built files up to the project root.
It's in the documentation:
deployment to github pages

Error loading Partial View script (file: ~/Views/MacroPartials/Gallery.cshtml) in Umbraco project

Currently working on a project in Umbraco. Where I created a gallery using partial macro views. I tried to beautify the gallery by using lightbox plugin. I copied css file in css folder, images in images folder, js file in scripts folder from lightbox plugin. But while clicking gallery page it throw following error:
Error loading Partial View script (file: ~/Views/MacroPartials/Gallery.cshtml)
Probably just an error/bug in the Gallery.cshtml
You found the reason in the log file
goto: \App_Data\Logs\UmbracoTraceLog.txt
It looks like that view is missing a #using block
#using Umbraco.Web.PublishedContentModels
There should be a generated Image class in your App_Data\Models folder

Including more than one js file in cache.manifest?

I am working with sencha touch 2 in MVC format. I have created a cache.manifest file to bring my app offline.
My issue is that the cache.manifest file does not seem to recognize any of my js files except for app.js. When I am working online it seems to cache properly but when I go offline the cache only returns index.html, app.js, and the sencha files. Can the cache.manifest file only have one .js file?
You should really try to use the tools SDK then you don't have to worry at all.
The Microloader helps keep things up to date.
Its a bit light on its error checking output and you must conform to the MVC app layout created by the SDK tools but once its running "it just works".
If the "compile" hangs its probably a missing ref.