Include Snippet programatically on app install - shopify

I have an app that I am using on Shopify store. When I install it i have used assets api to create a snippet file. Everything works fine.
What I am trying to achieve is that whenever user install my application the app snippet which is created should be included automatically on product-template.liquid file on a desirable place (e.g above add to cart button).
What i have done is I have used again assets api to get the page data and I am trying to place my code that will include that snippet but I am not sure how to specify position where to add that code.

Solution: I did it by getting page as a string via assets Api and then by getting position i updated it with my line of code


how to use vue.js offline?

Hi I received a web project with all already implemented CSS js HTML code, directories, project structure etc.
I have to make changes in view.js but I don’t always have internet access on the move so is there a way to continue this project locally without changing my project structure?
I already have an existing web project whose file contains
-an HTML page
-a CSS file
-a js file
Place in their folders respectively
I want to use view.js on this project
The problem I don’t always have internet access when I’m on the move.
So how do I use seen?
Knowing that:
CDN is a script placed in HTML requiring a connection to run view
-Vue CLI is a package that allows to generate a new project view "certainly out of competition"
But I should start over
Because the directory structure and already predefined what doesn’t suit me.
How does it work?
How to just add view and continue the project without zero spread?
I already installed node.js (npm) on my pc if its can help .
If you still don’t understand
Imagine being entrusted with a web project all made HTML CSS JS already configure etc...
And you must use VUE to make changes
knowing that on the move you don’t always have the connection
How do you do that?
Assuming (I can't tell 100% from your description) that it is an un-compiled implementation that uses the CDN, you can easily handle this by copying the vue library locally and update the html to use the local version instead of the CDN.
if you need to keep the html, you could use a browser plugin like requestly but there are many others. There you can select the url that goes to the cdn and replace it with the local one.
Another option for chromium-based browsers is to use local overrides. Picture upload is not working currently, so can't include a picture, but the option is available through the sources tab in the developer tools. You need to enable overrides, select a folder, then you can select the resource that you want to serve from local override.

SOLVED:How to add liquid snippet file of custom app on its installation?

I am trying to place liquid file with other files on my Shopify store WHEN I install my custom app.
I have an application which is working successfully after installation in my store
Problem: I have manually included snippet of my application
I want the snippet in to be a liquid file which gets place in store theme files whenever someone installs my application
I got solution by reference given in Onkar's first comment, I Used assets rest api to create file upon app's installation.

How can I programmatically generate a file at build-time in Create React App?

I'd like for my Create React App to generate a file called VERSION.txt that will end up in my deployed site's public directory as part of its build.
I know I can just create a static file in my repo's public/VERSION.txt, but I want its contents to come from an environment variable. The ENV variable is REACT_APP_COMMIT_REF, which is coming from my Netlify setup. I'd like my CRA to put this variable in public/VERSION.txt (so my React app can easily check it to see if a new version exists), but the docs on environment variables says they're only available in index.html (as well as in any source JS code via process.env).
As a workaround for now I've put it in a meta tag in my public/index.html
<meta name="app-version" content="%REACT_APP_COMMIT_REF%" />
but my app code now has to parse this string and I'd rather just have a public/VERSION.txt to achieve this.
Is it possible for CRA to programmatically generate files at build-time?

How to make it visible in for a vue-cli project

I have created a vue-cli project.
After I run build it, it works in the http-server. I'd like to push it to my, and I build it as what I found on the Internet. However, at I can only see a blank page and it show like this,nothing in the div whose id is app.
enter image description here
It looks like you're building Github Pages from master. To make this work you'll either need to build into a directory called docs (instead of dist) and change the settings on your repo to point to docs, or move the built files up to the project root.
It's in the documentation:
deployment to github pages

ArcGIS / Esri Custom Theme not showing in appbuilder

I've followed the instructions here:
Created the correct scaffold, placed in stemapp/themes but I just can't get it to show up. Also, when I edit the DemoTheme, my changes aren't displaying. I've cleared my cache, using incognito but it's just not working. I've also used the yo generator to scaffold the theme, but no dice.
What am I doing wrong?
Two possibilities:
If using Demo Theme, by default, it is disabled. To enable it, open the .repoignore file in client\stemapp\themes, remove DemoTheme from the file, and restart the node server.
During development, use "http://your host/webappbuilder/?id=stemapp" to access your theme directly.
If it doesn't appear here, you are not following the instructions correctly. Make sure all your theme names are well placed. There must be instances where you still have names from your copied theme(e.g DemoTheme), replace all of them with your theme's name. It should appear.
Restarting the ArcGISWebAppBuider service worked for me