Update of value in array of jsonb returns error"invalid input syntax for type json" - sql

I have a column of type jsonb which contains json arrays of the form
"Id": 62497,
"Text": "BlaBla"
I'd like to update the Id to the value of a column word_id (type uuid) from a different table word.
I tried this
update inflection_copy
SET inflectionlinks = s.json_array
SELECT jsonb_agg(
WHEN elems->>'Id' = (
SELECT word_copy.id::text
from word_copy
where word_copy.id::text = elems->>'Id'
) THEN jsonb_set(
'{Id}'::text [],
SELECT jsonb(word_copy.word_id::text)
from word_copy
where word_copy.id::text = elems->>'Id'
ELSE elems
) as json_array
FROM inflection_copy,
jsonb_array_elements(inflectionlinks) elems
) s;
Until now I always get the following error:
invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL: Token "c66a4353" is invalid.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: c66a4353...
The c66a4535 is part of one of the uuids of the word table. I don't understand why this is marked as invalid input.
To give an example of one of the uuids:
select to_jsonb(word_id::text) from word_copy limit(5);
| to_jsonb |
| "078c979d-e479-4fce-b27c-d14087f467c2" |
| "ef288256-1599-4f0f-a932-aad85d666c9a" |
| "d1d95b60-623e-47cf-b770-de46b01042c5" |
| "f97464c6-b872-4be8-9d9d-83c0102fb26a" |
| "9bb19719-e014-4286-a2d1-4c0cf7f089fc" |
As requested the respective columns id and word_id from the word table:
| row |
| ('27733', '078c979d-e479-4fce-b27c-d14087f467c2') |
| ('72337', 'ef288256-1599-4f0f-a932-aad85d666c9a') |
| ('72340', 'd1d95b60-623e-47cf-b770-de46b01042c5') |
| ('27741', 'f97464c6-b872-4be8-9d9d-83c0102fb26a') |
| ('72338', '9bb19719-e014-4286-a2d1-4c0cf7f089fc') |
| Column | Type | Modifiers |
| id | bigint | |
| value | text | |
| homonymnumber | smallint | |
| pronounciation | text | |
| audio | text | |
| level | integer | |
| alpha | bigint | |
| frequency | bigint | |
| hanja | text | |
| typeeng | text | |
| typekr | text | |
| word_id | uuid | default gen_random_uuid() |

I would suggest you to modify your sub query as follow :
update inflection_copy AS ic
SET inflectionlinks = s.json_array
(SELECT jsonb_agg(CASE WHEN wc.word_id IS NULL THEN e.elems ELSE jsonb_set(e.elems, array['Id'], to_jsonb(wc.word_id::text)) END ORDER BY e.id ASC) AS json_array
FROM inflection_copy AS ic
CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_path_query(ic.inflectionlinks, '$[*]') WITH ORDINALITY AS e(elems, id)
LEFT JOIN word_copy AS wc
ON wc.id::text = e.elems->>'Id'
) AS s
The LEFT JOIN clause will return wc.word_id = NULL when there is no wc.id which corresponds to e.elems->>'id', so that e.elems is unchanged in the CASE.
The ORDER BY clause in the aggregate function jsonb_agg will ensure that the order is unchanged in the jsonb array.
jsonb_path_query is used instead of jsonb_array_elements so that to not raise an error when ic.inflectionlinks is not a jsonb array and it is used in lax mode (which is the default behavior).
see the test result in dbfiddle


Snowflake - using json_parse and select distinct to un-nested column and compare with another column

I have 2 columns, 1 is a nested column named custom_field and the other is sales_id I want to compare the sales_id_2 values in custom_field with sales_id column
I've tried this but it didn't work:
select distinct parse_json(custom_fields) as CUSTOM_FIELDS
from my_table where custom_fields:sales_id_2 = sales_id;
but I get the error:
SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 111 Invalid argument
types for function 'GET': (VARCHAR(16777216), VARCHAR(2)).
| custom_field | sales_id |
| | |
| { | 235324115 |
| "sales_id_2": 235324115, | 1234351 |
| "g": 12, | |
| "r": 255 | |
| } | |
| { | 678322341 |
| "sales_id_2": 1234351, | 5648561 |
| "g": 13, | |
| "r": 254 | |
| } | |
I'm hoping to see empty results, because I believe sales_id_2 is the same as sales_id
:: is for casting, plus you are trying a JSON operation on a varchar column. try this
select distinct parse_json(custom_fields) as CUSTOM_FIELDS from my_table where parse_json(custom_fields):sales_id_2 = sales_id;

SQL Check if the User has IN and Out

I need help getting the User which has an 'IN' and 'Out' in Column isIN. If the user has an IN and OUT do not select them in the list. I need to select the user who has only had an IN. Please I need help. Thanks in advance.
This is the table:
| Users | IsIN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907867 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907867 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907922 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907922 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907923 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907923 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907924 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ907925 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907925 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908054 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ908096 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ908109 | IN | - I need to get only this row
Need to get the result like
| Users | IsIN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907924 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908054 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908096 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908109 | IN |
I tried using this query and sample query below but it doesn't work.
select s.[Users], s.[isIn] [dbo].[tblIO] s
where not exists (
select 1
from [dbWBS].[dbo].[tblIO] s2
where s2.[Users] = s.[Users] and s2.isIn = 'IN'
You can use not exists:
select s.*
from sample s
where not exists (select 1
from sample s2
where s2.user = s.user and s2.inout = 'OUT'
If you want only users that meet the condition (and not the full rows):
select user
from sample s
group by user
having min(inout) = max(inout) and min(inout) = 'IN';
Bearing in mind that an 'OUT' IsIn must be always preceded by an 'IN' record, you could use a query like this:
select s.Users, 'IN' as IsIn
from sample s
group by s.Users
having count(distinct s.IsIn) = 1

PostgresQL ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = integer[]

I am doing an SQL JOIN...ON in which the column of the other table to join on is an array to a set of rows, and therefore encounter this error. Specifically, I'm doing the JOIN on the tables.
TABLE: location
| session_id | gpstime | lat | lon |
| 49 | 1458203595 | 39.7449 | -8.8052 |
| 59 | 1458203601 | 39.7438 | -8.8057 |
| 95 | 1458203602 | 39.7438 | -8.8056 |
| 49 | 1458203602 | 39.7438 | -8.8057 |
TABLE: trips
| session_ids | lat_start | lat_end | lon_start | lon_end | travel_mode |
| {49} | 39.7449 | 41.1782 | -8.8053 | -8.5946 | car |
| {59,60} | 41.1551 | 41.1542 | -8.6294 | -8.6247 | foot |
| {94,95} | 41.1545 | 40.7636 | -8.6273 | -8.1729 | bike |
Here's the query I used:
SELECT gpstime, lat, lon, travel_mode
FROM location
ON session_id = session_ids
WHERE (lat BETWEEN SYMMETRIC lat_start AND lat_end)
AND (lon BETWEEN SYMMETRIC lon_start AND lon_end);
ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = integer[]
LINE 4: ON session_id = session_ids
How do I fix the issue?
The = comparator can only compare two values of the same type. But here you are trying to compare an integer value with an array. So the value 1 cannot equal a value that look like [1,2].
You can use the = ANY(...) comparator which checks if the left value is part of the right array:
ON session_id = ANY(session_ids)
S-Man is correct, although you can also use the ANY function as described here.
For more information on the differences between using IN and ANY/ALL, read this question.

Joining two tables and show data from one if there is any

I have these two tables that i need to join
fields_data fields
+------------+-----------+------+ +------+-------------+----------+
| relationid | fieldname | data | | name | displayname | position |
+------------+-----------+------+ +------+-------------+----------+
| 2 | ftp | test | | user | Username | top |
| 2 | other | 1234 | | pass | Password | top |
+------------+-----------+------+ | ftp | FTP | top |
| log | Log | top |
| txt | Text | mid |
I want to get all the rows from the "fields" table if they have the position "top" AND if a row has a match on name = fieldname from fields_data it should also show the data. This is my join
FROM `fields` AS f
LEFT OUTER JOIN `fields_data` AS fd
ON fd.`fieldname` = f.`name`
WHERE f.`position`='top' AND (fd.`relationid`='3' OR fd.`relationid` IS NULL)
My problem is that the above query only gives me this result:
| data | relationid | fieldname | name | displayname |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | user | Username |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | pass | Password |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | log | Log |
The field called "ftp" is missing due to it having a relation to "2".. However i still want to display it as result but like the others with NULL in it. And if the SQL query had "fd.relationid='2'" instead of 3 it would give same result, but with the row containing ftp in name, holding data in the three fields.
I hope you get what i mean.. My english is not the best.. Heres the result i want:
with above query containing fd.`relationid`='3'
| data | relationid | fieldname | name | displayname |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | user | Username |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | pass | Password |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | ftp | FTP |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | log | Log |
with above query containing fd.`relationid`='2'
| data | relationid | fieldname | name | displayname |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | user | Username |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | pass | Password |
| test | 2 | ftp | ftp | FTP |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | log | Log |
You want to move the condition to the on clause:
SELECT fd.`data`, fd.`relationid`, fd.`fieldname`, f.`name`, f.`displayname`
`fields_data` fd
ON fd.`fieldname` = f.`name` AND fd.`relationid` = '3'
WHERE f.`position`='top' ;
It is interesting that the semantics of your query and this query are different -- and you found the exact situation: when there is a match on another value, the where clause form filters out the row. This will still keep everything.
As a note, the following also does what you want:
SELECT fd.`data`, fd.`relationid`, fd.`fieldname`, f.`name`, f.`displayname`
(SELECT fd.*
FROM `fields_data` fd
WHERE fd.`relationid` = '3'
) fd
ON fd.`fieldname` = f.`name`
WHERE f.`position` = 'top' ;
I wouldn't recommend writing the query this way, particularly in MySQL (because the subquery is materialized). However, understanding why your version is different from these versions (and why these are the same) is a big step forward in mastering outer joins.

Create a summary result with one query

I have a table with the following format.
mysql> describe unit_characteristics;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| uut_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| uut_sn | varchar(45) | NO | | NULL | |
| characteristic_name | varchar(80) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| characteristic_value | text | NO | | NULL | |
| creation_time | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| last_modified_time | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
each uut_sn has multiple characteristic_name/value pairs. I want to use MySQL to generate a table
| uut_sn | char_name_1 | char_name_2 | char_name_3 | char_name_4 | ... |
| 00000 | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
| 00001 | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
| 00002 | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
| ..... | char_val_1 | char_val_2 | char_val_3 | char_val_4 | ... |
Is this possible with just one query?
This is a standard pivot query:
SELECT uc.uut_sn,
WHEN uc.characteristic_name = 'char_name_1' THEN uc.characteristic_value
END) AS char_name_1,
WHEN uc.characteristic_name = 'char_name_2' THEN uc.characteristic_value
END) AS char_name_2,
WHEN uc.characteristic_name = 'char_name_3' THEN uc.characteristic_value
END) AS char_name_3,
FROM unit_characteristics uc
GROUP BY uc.uut_sn
To make it dynamic, you need to use MySQL's dynamic SQL syntax called Prepared Statements. It requires two queries - the first gets a list of the characteristic_name values, so you can concatenate the appropriate string into the CASE expressions like you see in my example as the ultimate query.
You're using the EAV antipattern. There's no way to automatically generate the pivot table you describe, without hardcoding the characteristics you want to include. As #OMG Ponies mentions, you need to use dynamic SQL to general the query in a custom fashion for the set of characteristics you want to include in the result.
Instead, I recommend you fetch the characteristics one per row, as they are stored in the database, and if you want an application object to represent a single UUT with all its characteristics, you write code to loop over the rows as you fetch them in your application, collecting them into objects.
For example in PHP:
$sql = "SELECT uut_sn, characteristic_name, characteristic_value
FROM unit_characteristics";
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$objects = array();
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
if (!isset($objects[ $row["uut_sn"] ])) {
$object[ $row["uut_sn"] ] = new Uut();
$objects[ $row["uut_sn"] ]->$row["characteristic_name"]
= $row["characterstic_value"];
This has a few advantages over the solution of hardcoding characteristic names in your query:
This solution takes only one SQL query instead of two.
No complex code is needed to build your dynamic SQL query.
If you forget one of the characteristics, this solution automatically finds it anyway.
GROUP BY in MySQL is often slow, and this avoids the GROUP BY.